Answer 5 Questions


1. Watch the film We Live in Public.

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You may find the film emotionally challenging at several points. There are brief nudity and sexual situations.

2. In about 50 words, what strikes you most about this film?

3. In about 200 words, considering what you saw in We Live in Public, as well as concerns raised by Bauman, Silverman, and Turkle, why is privacy important?

Why is privacy necessary for one’s sense of self?
Quote and properly reference film and readings.

4. In about 200 words, what are the impacts of loss of privacy?

What are the personal impacts of loss of privacy? How does loss of privacy impact the individual?
What is the personal impact of always being on display?
How does loss of privacy impact one’s culture?
Quote and properly reference film and readings.

5. What is an interesting question on this topic to guide discussion in this week’s forum?

-Make question #5 simple

-Don’t use a paraphraser, make it sound like you really wrote it

-Try to use direct quotes

-Answer the questions thoroughly

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