Answer 4 Questions


1. In about 50 words, describe one juicy example of narcissism from Twenge’s Superspreaders!.

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Quote and properly reference Twenge.

2. Post a current or recent YouTube video that provides an example of a narcissistic bid for fame.

You can post the link: Choose your own video
In about 50-100 words, explain how this video supports Twenge’s argument. Use detail from the video itself to make your case.

3. Describe at least three ways our culture prioritizes entertainment and the pursuit of fame.

What effect has this had on our experience of self?
How would Postman explain this? Use (quote and properly reference) Amusing Ourselves to Deathand/or the relevant video lecture.
How does Silverman’s chapters To Watch and Be Watched and The Viral Dream explain this? (I don’t have the reading for this) Silverman, J. (2015). To Watch and Be Watched; The Viral Dream; Churnalism and the Problem of Social News. 129-154, 65-99, & 101-128 in Terms of Service: Social Media and the Price of Constant Connection. New York, NY: Harper Perennial.
This part should total about 300 words.

4. What is an interesting question on this topic to guide discussion in this week’s forum?

These are not the videos to use for#2

video lecture

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