Hi attached are the directions for the assignment. I will be writing a long paper on it afterward and will most likely be asking you for assistance so feel free to choose a topic that you can speak a lot on like the holocaust. The question MUST be open-ended. Thank you!
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Sociology 110 Homework Assignment #1 (W23)
General Instructions: Complete the readings listed on the syllabus under Week Two. Write
notes in the margins of the readings or in a separate document. You can use the questions below
as a guide to help you determine what to focus on in the readings.
Type or write out answers to the questions below. Your answer to each question should be
about a paragraph in length. Please answer in full sentences, unless otherwise noted. Include
page numbers in your responses so that you can refer to the reading during the in-class
discussion. You can include direct quotes, but if you do, try to also explain the quote in your own
words. Bring a copy of your answers with you (along with the readings) to your discussion
section during Week 2.
Questions for Zerubavel’s (1985) The Seven Day Circle:
1. According to Zerubavel (1985), what are the origins of the Jewish week? In what sense
was the seven-day week a “Jewish invention” (p.11)?
2. What is the astrological week? In what sense is it based on the “planets”? Where did it
come from and how did it spread throughout the world? (Note: the word “planets” here
has a different meaning from the use of the term in 21st Century societies).
3. How did the Jewish week and the astrological week get combined into the seven-day
week we have today? (In your answer, note what group of people combined the two).
After that, what group (or groups) spread the concept of the seven-day week throughout
the world?
4. What is a calendrical contrast? How did early Christians and Moslems modify the sevenday week? Why did they change the week in these ways (i.e., what was the motivation
behind it)?
5. Zerubavel (1985) argued that his study showed that the seven-day week “is not a part of
nature, but, rather, a cultural artifact that rests on social convention alone” (p. 4). From
what you read, how does his study show this? In other words, how does he show that the
existence of the week, and the fact that it has seven days, are not a “part of nature” (p.4)?
Questions for Nardi’s (2017) Critical Thinking:
6. What are facts? What are opinions? How can opinions get in the way of, or prevent, our
understanding of facts?
7. Which of the following statements are facts, and which are opinions? How can you tell
the difference? (For this question, you can use Google or another search engine to ‘factcheck’).
a. Music today is not as good as it was in the past.
b. People in a crowded movie theater should be quiet and not eat loudly.
c. In California it is illegal to record a phone conversation without the consent of the
other person.
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