annotated bibliography



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This assignment addresses course learning objective 1 – Identify the various segments of the hospitality industry, along with institutional learning objectives related to information literacy.

For this assignment, you will be preparing an annotated bibliography that lists four different academic sources from the Trefry online library. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to help you start researching for your final project early on, to help you get comfortable in the Trefry Library, and to help you learn how to evaluate sources for your academic projects.

To begin, please visit this resource from our online Trefry Library:

This source explains the purpose of an annotated bibliography and the way to go about writing an annotation.

Feel free to download and use the APA Annotated Bibliography Template from this page as the basis for your submission. It’s an easy to make sure you are formatting it correctly.

You will be using the Trefry Library to search and identify four different valid academic resources. You should find resources that will provide a definition of four different hospitality industry segments: Foodservice/Restaurant, Lodging/Hotel, Travel/Tourism, and Event Planning. Be sure to utilize the tips and strategies for evaluating your sources that were covered in your lessons. As a review, you can revisit this video on Evaluating Information (posted in the lesson content) or if necessary, revisit the video tour of the library or the APUS Writing Center

For each of the industry segments identified, find a valid, academic, scholarly resource that provides a solid definition of the industry segment. This may be a book, a peer-reviewed trade journal article, or a scholarly article. Remember to apply the principles of RADAR for evaluating your sources along with the tips found in the “Identifying Your Resources” page you reviewed from the library.

Once you have identified one source for each of the four segments, it is time to put together your annotated bibliography.

Begin by listing the source in the correct APA, 7th Edition format. You may need to review the APA Style Guide in the library.
Follow the formatted source with a definition of the industry segment based on the information synthesized from the resource itself. Remember to write the definition in your own words, do not simply copy and paste a line from the book or article.
Finally, include an evaluative annotation for each resource. This should give a reason why this particular source is a valid and accurate quality source. The focus of the annotation should be on the description and evaluation of the source. You will need to explain why your source is valuable to a student of hospitality and to the final project – and use criteria to evaluate the sources, including objectivity, currency, accuracy, reliability, and relevance – and also be able to identify any issues of concern with that particular source.

To summarize – you will have four entries for your annotated bibliography – one for each of the four industry segments identified above. Each entry will have a citation, a definition of the industry segment based on the information in the source, and a 100 – 200 word annotation evaluating the source.

Submit your annotated bibliography as an attachment. Please reach out with any questions prior to submitting your assignment. You may post a public question in the Q&A discussion thread or send an email privately to your instructor.

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Annotated Bibliography Hospitality Industry Segments
Student Name
Professor’s Name
September XX, 20XX
Annotated Bibliography Hospitality Industry Segments
Hernandez, S. (2022). The restaurant industry: Fact and fiction. APUS Publications.
In this section, you will be writing the annotation for the source you have cited above.
For this assignment, the annotation should have two parts. The first is a definition of the
industry segment, written in your own words, but derived from the source. So for this
fictional book, I might write something along the lines of: The restaurant industry is
focused on providing guests with a meal away from home. Very simple. Then, you
should provide an evaluative annotation for this chosen source. An evaluative annotation
would have a brief description of the source but focus on the evaluation of the selected
resource. In your annotation, use RADAR or the CRAAP test to assess the source.
Explain why the source might (or might not) be useful for a student of hospitality. Things
to include would be the publication date (currency), author credentials, whether it is in a
peer reviewed journal, reference list, etc. It is perfectly fine to evaluate the source and
decide it is not a valuable resource.
Smith, J. & Jones, S. (2011). Lodging industry innovations in a changing world. Journal of
Hospitality Management, 13, 19-21
Begin this annotation with a definition of the lodging industry, followed by the evaluative
annotation assessing the value of the chosen source. Simply repeat this format for the
next two industry segments – Travel/tourism and Event Management. There is no need to
add headers or note which industry segment, since you are providing a definition.
Remember, the definition of the industry will not be a copy and paste – it is derived from
your source – the source does not have to have a specific definition of the industry in it.
This is taking research and synthesizing it – learning from it and just describing what you
learned (in this case, an understanding of the industry segment).
Wander, L. (2024). Tourism in space: Opportunities and guest experiences. Futurism
And so you continue to create your annotated bibliography, which will have one entry for
each of the four industry segments assigned. There is no separate reference page and
there should not be any in-text citations within the annotations.
Maak, T. (2007). Responsible leadership, stakeholder engagement, and the emergence of social
capital. Journal of Business Ethics, 7, 329-343.
This is an example of a summary annotation. This article focuses on the role of social
capital in responsible leadership. It looks at both the social networks that a leader builds
within an organization, and the links that a leader creates with external stakeholders.
Maak’s main aim with this article seems to be to persuade people of the importance of
continued research into the abilities that a leader requires and how they can be acquired.
Maak, T. (2007). Responsible leadership, stakeholder engagement, and the emergence of social
capital. Journal of Business Ethics, 7, 329-343.
This is an example of an evaluative annotation. This article focuses on the role of social
capital in responsible leadership. It looks at both the social networks that a leader builds
within an organization, and the links that a leader creates with external stakeholders.
Maak’s main aim with this article seems to be to persuade people of the importance of
continued research into the abilities that a leader requires and how they can be acquired.
The focus on the world of multinational business means that for readers outside this
world many of the conclusions seem rather obvious (be part of the solution not part of the
problem). In spite of this, the article provides useful background information on the topic
of responsible leadership and definitions of social capital which are relevant to an
analysis of a public servant.

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