Annotated Bibliography


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“Information Literacy, Level A” Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric
Competency Name: Information Literacy, Level A
Competency Statement: Apply academic research practices to complete an academic research
Final Assessment Title: Annotated Bibliography
Competency Objectives:
1. Determine the nature and extent of the information needed to answer research questions.
2. Locate, evaluate, and cite sources and utilize appropriate research tools.
3. Determine credibility of sources.
Program Learning Outcome(s): N/A
Institutional Learning Outcome(s): N/A
Purpose of this Assessment
The Final Assessment for this competency is an annotated bibliography. In this assignment, you will
identify a need for information and locate, evaluate, and cite appropriate sources in APA format.
Items Required for Submission
The item required for this Final Assessment is an annotated bibliography that includes six sources and
follows APA guidelines.
Step ONE: Determine the Research Question
In Objective 1 of this competency, “Determine the Nature and Extent of the Information
Needed to Answer Research Questions,” you were asked to plan a research question that could
be answered with a “yes” or “no” and would require evidence to prove the validity of your
At the top of the first page, write out your research question.
Step TWO: Locate Sources
You have now learned the difference between popular and scholarly sources. Using the
University Library’s online databases, research and identify six scholarly sources on the topic
of your research question. Work with the University librarians if you need assistance for this
step of the process.
“Information Literacy, Level A” Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric
Step THREE: Cite Sources Using APA Guidelines
In this competency, you have been guided through the proper way to format an APA
assignment, as well as how to accurately apply APA citation guidelines to cite your sources.
Now, using the six scholarly sources you have gathered, list them in alphabetical order by the
author’s last name and cite them applying the correct APA rules for citation.
Three of the six sources you include must be journal articles (they can be review and/or
research articles obtained through a library database or through an Open Access platform).
Other sources can be from reputable websites, books, and other legitimate sources appropriate
for academic research.
DO NOT include encyclopedia or dictionary sources of any kind for this assignment. These are
general reference tools and are not used at the college level as sources for a formal, academic
research essay.
**If you decide to include a webpage as one of your sources, be sure that you have thoroughly
evaluated it to ensure that it is a legitimate source of information. For example, a report
published by a government or non-profit agency would be considered an appropriate and
credible source (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, The Congressional Budget Office,
the Mayo Clinic).
For additional assistance, please see the UMass Global’s APA page or contact a tutor through
UMass Global’s OWMC Writing Center.
Step FOUR: Read Sources and Provide Annotations
Once you have completed the preliminary steps, you will read each article/source you have
gathered. Beneath the citation for each one of these sources, you must provide a four-five
sentence annotation.
An annotation is a very short summary, an evaluation and explanation of the source and its
relevance to your research question/topic. For each of the six annotations, address the

A summary of the source (one sentence—this is not the focus of the annotation)
Your overall assessment or evaluation of the source (for this, use the CRAPP test criteria)
An explanation of how this source specifically addresses your research question (include any
ideas it gives you for further research)
“Information Literacy, Level A” Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric
Step FIVE: Submit Your Work

Your completed Final Assessment documents should be submitted through the Final Assessment
of your competency.

Please note, for files smaller than 10MB (e.g., most Word documents), use the corresponding “+UPLOAD STUDENT
FILE” button to upload your Final Assessment documents. For larger files of any type (e.g., voice over PowerPoint
files, video presentations), please use the optional TEXT EDITOR to provide a URL where your tutorial faculty can
download your file.

How you create a download URL is up to you, but various free online providers, including Google Drive and
Dropbox, offer this service. Please make sure that the URL you provide can be accessed by anyone with the link.
For further instructions on how to create public links for uploaded files, consult the support pages for your chosen
Scoring Rubric for Final Assessment
Quantity of Sources
Document is four to
five sources under the
required number of
sources (two or less).
There may be no
journal articles.
Document is two to
three sources under
the required number
of sources (four).
One must be a
journal article.
Document is one
source under the
required number of
sources (five). Two
must be journal
Credibility of Sources
Few of the sources
cited can be
considered reliable
and/or trustworthy
based on criteria from
the CRAAP test.
Most annotations are
There are frequent
grammar errors that
impair meaning.
Some of the sources
can be considered
reliable and/or
trustworthy based on
criteria from the
CRAAP test.
Some annotations
are well written and
developed, but some
are underdeveloped.
There may be
grammatical errors
that impair meaning.
There are consistent
APA formatting
errors in the
document’s citations.
Most of the sources
cited can be
considered reliable
and/or trustworthy
based on criteria
from the CRAAP test.
Most annotations are
thoughtful, welldeveloped, and well
written. Minor
grammatical errors
that do not impair
There are a few APA
formatting errors in
the document’s
Fluency of
Accuracy of APA
Citation and
There are many
and/or frequent APA
formatting errors in
the document’s
Document cites
the number of
sources (six)
outlined in the
assignment. Three
must be journal
All sources cited
can be considered
reliable and/or
trustworthy based
on criteria from
the CRAAP test.
All annotations
are thoughtful,
and well written.
Minor or no
APA citations are
correctly in the

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