Annotated Bibliography


For this assignment, you are expected to locate and read six articles related to pedagogical models. The goals for this assignment are two-fold: 1. To increase your familiarity with various pedagogical models and their efficacy; 2. To practice analysis of educational research
An annotation is a brief summary and evaluation of a text. An annotated bibliography is a collection of these annotations. For your annotated bibliography, you’ll
be expected to provide:
1. An introduction to your annotated bibliography in which you’ll orient the reader to your annotated bib. This should be about a paragraph or two. 2. For each of the six texts you read, you’ll provide an nAPA bibliographic reference ( Each reference will be
followed by 2 paragraphs: a. a summary of the article, and b. a critical analysisFor the critical analysis, briefly describe what you have learned from reading the article. (Some questions for you to consider are: How is the text useful to you?
Were there any surprises for you? Does it align with the other texts you read pertaining to your topic or does it deviate from the others? If it deviates, how does it
do so? Is a particular point of view adopted? Why do you think that is so? If there is research, is it sound?) 1. A conclusion in which you provide a one-paragraph summary to the articles and what you learned, overall.
This should be in 12-point professional (Times New Roman, Cambria, or Calibri) font and single-spaced with attention paid to academic written English (as few
grammatical errors as possible).

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