Analyze how an occupational health event led to a greater understanding of disease.


Occupational Health History Influences Discussion

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Analyze how an occupational health event led to a greater understanding of disease.
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Review a historic situation where our understanding of disease and health practices grew out of occupational health concerns. Choose your own topic, or select one from one of this module’s learning activities, and include original research or a review of the original research that led to the discovery of negative health outcomes due to the environment’s influences. Analyze how your chosen occupational health event led to a greater understanding of disease. Explain how your occupational health event led to better health practices and policies in the United States.

Here are some topics which might be of interest:

Milk Maids (cow pox and Edward Jenner)
Waterbury Clock Company (the Radon/Radium Girls)
Marine Hospital Service (Public Health Service)
Edwin Chadwick (sanitation)
Louis Pasteur (greatly improved pre- and post-work conditions)
Upton Sinclair (Meat Inspection Act [1906] – came out of The Jungle)
World History Project – Public Health Timeline –

Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze how an occupational health event led to a greater understanding of disease.
2. Explain how an occupational health event led to better United States health practices and policies.

For this discussion:

Initial post: 350-400 words and References required: 2 peer-reviewed sources in the initial post – 1 must be a source not used in the learning activities of this course