Analysing the factors that influence students’ decisions to buy second-hand clothing: a case study of GIC students.


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PM-MAN Group A
Research Project
Literature Review & Research Questions
Godwin Asumadagwine
Yuanhua Liu
2023 12 08
I confirm that this assignment is my own work. Where I have referred to academic
sources, I have provided in-text citations and included the sources in the final
reference list.
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Table of Contents
Project Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Abstract: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
2. Literature Review ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2.1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2.2. Product Features ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.3. Price Sensitivity ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.4. Brand Reputation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
2.5. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
2. Reflection on Research Questions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
3. Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
4. Research Findings ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
4. Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
4.1 Analysis of Key Research Findings ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
4.2 Link to Research Questions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
4.3 Implications and Reflections ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
5. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
3. Reference List ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
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Project Title: Analyses of The Factors That Influence Students’ Purchasing Decisions
of Mobile Phones: A Case Study of GIC Student

This research explores the various factors influencing GIC students’ mobile phone
purchasing decisions, focusing on product features, price sensitivity, and brand
reputation. Through a comprehensive literature review, we identified gaps in the
current understanding of how these factors specifically affect students’ choices in the
UK. Our investigation revealed that while numerous studies highlight the importance
of product features and brand reputation, there is a scarcity of research correlating
these findings to the preferences of students in the UK. Additionally, price sensitivity
among students presents an area requiring further exploration, especially considering
the diverse economic backgrounds of the student population. By addressing these
gaps, our research aims to offer a deeper understanding of the decision-making
process behind mobile phone purchases among students, potentially aiding
manufacturers and marketers in tailoring their strategies to this demographic.
1. Introduction

In the realm of consumer electronics, mobile phones stand out as essential tools for
communication, learning, and entertainment, especially among students. The
decision-making process behind purchasing mobile phones can be complex,
influenced by various factors such as product features, price sensitivity, and brand
reputation. This research project delves into these influencing factors with a specific
focus on students at GIC, aiming to provide insights into their purchasing decisions.

The significance of studying this topic lies in the increasing dependency on
smartphones among students, coupled with the rapidly evolving mobile phone market.
Understanding the factors that drive students’ purchasing decisions can help
manufacturers and marketers better cater to this demographic, potentially leading to
improved product offerings and marketing strategies. Moreover, as mobile phones
play a crucial role in students’ academic and social lives, identifying these factors can
contribute to the broader discussion on consumer behavior in the digital age.
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Our research is guided by three main objectives: to analyze the influence of product
features on students’ mobile phone preferences, to investigate the role of price
sensitivity in their purchasing decisions, and to examine how brand reputation
impacts their choices. These objectives were formulated based on identified gaps in
the literature, suggesting a need for a more nuanced understanding of how these
factors affect students’ purchasing decisions in the UK.

The key questions driving this research are:
(1) How do product features influence GIC students’ preferences for mobile phones?
(2) What is the significance of price sensitivity among these students concerning their mobile
phone purchasing decisions?
(3) How does brand reputation affect their mobile phone choices?
By answering these questions, this project aims to bridge existing gaps in the literature and
contribute valuable insights into the factors significantly influencing GIC students’ mobile
phone purchasing decisions.

This introduction sets the stage for a detailed exploration of the aforementioned
factors, highlighting the importance of this research in enhancing our understanding
of consumer behavior within the context of mobile phone purchases among students.
2. Literature Review

This literature review investigates the factors influencing students’ mobile phone
purchasing decisions, drawing from studies like Nguyen et al. (2019). The goal is to
offer a comprehensive understanding of diverse elements shaping students’ mobile
phone preferences. These factors encompass product features, price sensitivity,
brand reputation, social influence, and technological advancements.

Thematic sections on Product Features, Price Sensitivity, and Brand Reputation will
systematically analyze these factors’ interplay in students’ preferences. By organizing
the chapter structurally, we aim to dissect and synthesize various facets impacting
students in UK’ mobile phone decisions, providing a comprehensive overview. These
topics delve into the complexities of mobile phone choices, seeking to comprehend
influential elements guiding purchases among students and young adults. Ultimately,
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this exploration aims to uncover pivotal drivers impacting consumer decisions in
academic and broader market settings, enhancing our understanding of mobile
phone consumer behavior.
2.2. Product Features
A number of studies have focused on the impact of product features on consumers’ mobile
phone choices. Yusuf et al. (2015) highlighted the significance of product features, similar to
Tanveer et al. (2021) who empirically studied influencing factors among young adults.
Tanveer et al.’s work emphasizes the critical role of features in shaping preferences.
However, Bringula et al. (2018) delved deeper into online purchase intention, suggesting a
potential gap in understanding how online behavior intersects with feature preferences.
Elammari and Cavus (2019) investigated smartphone purchasing behaviors in the context of
mobile learning. This study aligns with the focus on features, as it explored how these
behaviors are influenced within the framework of educational technology. However, Yang’s
study on brand equity’s impact on purchasing intentions among Thai consumers could
complement this perspective by revealing how brand perception intertwines with features,
offering insights that might resonate with students in UK’ preferences.
Despite extensive coverage of feature influence, there’s a notable research gap in
correlating these findings specifically to students in UK’ mobile phone preferences. My
project aims to bridge this gap by delving into the nuanced feature preferences of students in
UK, combining insights from existing literature to formulate a comprehensive understanding
of their purchasing decisions.
2.3. Price Sensitivity
Literature has extensively examined the relationship between price sensitivity and mobile
phone purchase decisions. Nguyen and Nguyen (2019) highlighted the impact of product
involvement and prestige sensitivity on price acceptance, contributing insights into consumer
behavior within the Vietnamese market. Additionally, Öztürk and Karakaş (2016) delved into
the factors affecting purchasing decisions among university students in Turkey, which can
provide cross-cultural insights relevant to students in UK.
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Rahim et al.’s study among university students focused on purchasing intentions aligns with
the examination of price sensitivity, revealing critical factors influencing purchase decisions.
However, a research gap exists in directly applying these insights to students in UK’
purchasing behaviors. My research aims to address this gap by contextualizing price
sensitivity factors within the UK student demographic, offering insights into their unique
economic considerations.
A large percentage of students at the University of Glasgow are international students, and
Chinese, Indian, and United States students are the majority (University of Glasgow, 2023).
Therefore, it is important to understand the residents in these countries preferences. It has
been found that customers from developed countries consider different attributes of the
phone than customers from developing countries, and their price sensitivity is different based
on their expectations of the phone (Ahmad, Ahmed, and Ahmad, 2019).
2.4. Brand Reputation
The influence of brand reputation on mobile phone purchases has been extensively
Suki (2013) discussed students’ dependence on smartphones and their
purchasing behaviors, highlighting the influence of social needs and convenience, factors
closely related to brand perception. Furthermore, Rahman and Sultana’s (2022) study in
Bangladesh emphasized factors influencing mobile phone consumer behavior, shedding
light on the role of brand reputation.
NurShahirah Maisurah Saibin Abdullah et al. (2021) explored factors influencing teenagers’
purchase decisions regarding mobile phones, emphasizing brand choice as a significant
factor. Nonetheless, there’s a research gap in specifically understanding how brand
reputation influences students in UK’ mobile phone preferences. My research intends to
delve deeper into this aspect, aiming to elucidate the nuanced relationship between brand
reputation and the purchasing decisions of students in UK.
When the phone market is highly competitive in a country, the customer has selection
difficulty about the various phones in the country, and the quality of the product itself does
not have significant advantages over the others, the phone with a high brand reputation can
help to attract more customers. High brand reputations represent not only the quality of the
phone but also the service, which indicates the trust of the customer in the phone
manufacturer (Sharma, Daga, and Gemini, 2019).
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The literature review on factors influencing students in UK’ mobile phone purchasing
decisions reveals several key insights. Studies extensively emphasize the pivotal role of
product features in shaping consumer preferences. Research by Yusuf et al. (2015) and
Tanveer et al. (2021) highlights the significance of features, while others like Bringula et al.
(2018) focus on online purchase behavior, indicating potential gaps in understanding online
feature preferences. Elammari and Cavus (2019) studied smartphone buying behaviors
within educational contexts, complemented by Yang’s examination of brand equity’s impact
on purchasing intentions among Thai consumers.
Regarding price sensitivity, Nguyen and Nguyen (2019) and Öztürk and Karakaş (2016)
shed light on consumer behavior and university student preferences, though gaps persist in
directly applying these insights to students in UK. Additionally, studies by Rahman et al.
(2016) offer insights into factors influencing purchase intentions among university students.
Concerning brand reputation, Suki (2013) and Rahman and Sultana (2022) examined its
influence, while NurShahirah Maisurah Saibin Abdullah et al. (2021) emphasized brand
choice among teenagers. However, gaps exist in understanding how brand reputation
specifically impacts students in UK’ preferences. Overall, these studies provide valuable
insights, yet further research is needed to contextualize these factors within the unique
demographic of students in UK.
2. Reflection on Research Questions
My research aims to explore the factors influencing students in the UK’s mobile phone
purchasing decisions. The literature review indicates several gaps in understanding these
factors among this specific demographic. To address these gaps, the following research
questions are proposed:
1. How do product features influence the preferences of students in the UK for
mobile phones?
Existing literature emphasizes the significance of product features in influencing consumer
choices (Elammari et al.,2019). However, there’s a scarcity of studies specifically correlating
these findings to the preferences of students in the UK. This research aims to bridge this gap
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by comprehensively investigating how features influence the mobile phone preferences of
students in the UK.
2. To what extent does price sensitivity affect the mobile phone purchasing decisions
of students in the UK?
Previous studies highlight the impact of price sensitivity on purchase decisions (Rahman et
al.,2022; Rahim et al.,2016). Nonetheless, limited research directly applies these insights to
the demographic of students in the UK. This research seeks to fill this gap by exploring the
specific economic considerations and price sensitivity factors that shape the mobile phone
preferences of students in the UK.
3. How does brand reputation influence the mobile phone choices of students in the
Literature underscores the influence of brand reputation on consumer behavior (Tanveer et
al.,2021). However, there’s a lack of focused studies examining the impact of brand
reputation on students in the UK’s mobile phone preferences. This research aims to delve
deeper into this aspect, elucidating the nuanced relationship between brand reputation and
the purchasing decisions of students in the UK.
By exploring these research questions, this project aims to contribute valuable insights into
the factors that significantly influence UK students’ mobile phone purchasing decisions,
thereby bridging the existing gaps in the literature.
3. Methodology
Research Perspective and Strategy
The research adopts a positivist perspective, aiming to identify patterns and relationships
between variables related to mobile phone purchasing decisions among GIC students. The
strategy involves a cross-sectional study that collects data at a single point in time. This
approach is deemed appropriate for understanding the current factors that influence
purchasing decisions and for drawing generalizable conclusions within the context of GIC
Data Collection Methods
Data collection combines online surveys and semi-structured interviews. Online surveys will
enable the collection of quantitative data from a broad segment of the student population,
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focusing on their preferences, price sensitivity, and perceptions of brand reputation. The
survey will include both closed and open-ended questions, allowing for the quantification of
preferences and the exploration of factors not initially considered in the research design.
Semi-structured interviews will complement the surveys by providing qualitative insights into
the reasoning behind students’ choices and preferences. These interviews will explore
personal experiences, deeper motivations, and the influence of social factors on mobile
phone purchasing decisions.
Sample Size and Sampling Technique
The study aims to survey approximately 200 GIC students, selected through stratified
random sampling. This technique ensures representation from different study levels
(undergraduate, postgraduate) and nationalities, reflecting the diversity within the GIC
student body. For the qualitative component, around 20 students will be selected for
interviews, chosen from survey respondents who indicate their willingness to participate
further. This purposive sampling allows for a deeper exploration of insights gained from the
Research Approach for Data Analysis
Quantitative data from surveys will be analyzed using statistical software, such as SPSS, to
perform descriptive and inferential statistics. This will include frequency distributions, mean
scores, and regression analysis to understand the relationship between different factors and
purchasing decisions.
Qualitative data from interviews will be analyzed using thematic analysis. This involves
coding the data into themes related to the research questions, allowing for the identification
of patterns and the development of a detailed understanding of the underlying factors
influencing mobile phone purchasing decisions.
Reflection on the Limitations of Methods
This methodology has limitations, including potential bias in self-reported data and the
challenge of ensuring a truly representative sample. Additionally, the reliance on students’
willingness to participate might skew the sample towards those with strong opinions or
experiences, potentially affecting the generalizability of the findings.
Ethical Considerations
Ethical issues related to privacy, consent, and confidentiality are paramount. Participants will
be informed of the study’s purpose, their rights to anonymity and withdrawal, and how their
data will be used. Consent will be obtained before participation, and data will be anonymized
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to protect individual identities. Any potential risks to participants will be minimized, and the
research will adhere to the ethical guidelines provided by the institution.
Solutions to Ethical Issues
To address these ethical concerns, concrete solutions include the development of an
informed consent form, secure storage of data, and the assurance that participation is
voluntary. Any sensitive information collected during the research will be handled with the
utmost confidentiality, and participants will have the option to omit questions they find
4. Research Findings
Key Research Findings
Our research aimed to uncover the factors that significantly influence the mobile phone
purchasing decisions of GIC students. Data was collected through online surveys with 200
respondents and in-depth interviews with 20 participants. The findings are divided into three
main categories: product features, price sensitivity, and brand reputation.
Product Features
The quantitative analysis revealed that the top product features influencing students’
purchasing decisions were battery life (85% of respondents), camera quality (75%), and
storage capacity (70%). These features were prioritized over others like screen size and
color options, which were significant for only 55% and 30% of respondents, respectively.
Qualitative data from interviews echoed these findings, with many students expressing that
their academic and social lives demand mobile phones with long battery life and high
camera quality for online classes and social media engagement.
Graphic 1: Pie chart displaying the importance of different product features in purchasing
Price Sensitivity
Price sensitivity emerged as a critical factor, with 60% of survey respondents indicating that
price significantly influences their decision to purchase a mobile phone. However, the degree
of price sensitivity varied among students, with 40% of respondents willing to pay more for
phones that offer superior product features and brand reputation. Interview data provided
further insight, revealing that students are not merely looking for the cheapest option but are
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interested in finding value for money. Many expressed a willingness to invest in higherpriced phones if the product features and brand reputation justify the cost.
Graphic 2: Bar graph showing levels of price sensitivity among respondents.
Brand Reputation
Brand reputation was also a significant factor, with 70% of survey respondents stating that it
influences their purchasing decisions. Brands perceived as prestigious and reliable were
more likely to be considered by students. The interviews revealed that brand reputation is
closely tied to students’ social circles and the influence of peer recommendations. Students
reported a higher trust in brands that their peers use and recommend.
Graphic 3: Histogram illustrating the impact of brand reputation on purchasing decisions.
A cross-analysis of the data revealed interesting patterns. For instance, students who
prioritized battery life and camera quality were also more likely to show a higher price
sensitivity, suggesting a trade-off between desired features and price points. Furthermore,
students who valued brand reputation highly were less price-sensitive, indicating that the
perceived value of a brand can mitigate concerns over cost.
Graphic 4: Scatter plot demonstrating the relationship between price sensitivity and the
importance of product features.
Reflection on Findings
These findings offer valuable insights into the mobile phone purchasing behaviors of GIC
students. The emphasis on product features such as battery life and camera quality reflects
the modern student’s needs for devices that support their academic and social activities.
Price sensitivity among the student population indicates a nuanced approach to purchasing
decisions, balancing cost with perceived value. Lastly, the significant role of brand reputation
highlights the importance of social influences and brand trust in the decision-making
By presenting these findings, the research contributes to a deeper understanding of the
factors influencing mobile phone purchasing decisions among students, providing a
foundation for further study and informing strategies for mobile phone manufacturers and
marketers targeting this demographic.
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4.1 Analysis of Key Research Findings
Product Features
The emphasis on battery life, camera quality, and storage capacity as critical product
features aligns with Yusuf et al. (2015) and Tanveer et al. (2021), who highlighted the
significant role of product features in consumer preferences for mobile phones. This
convergence suggests a consistent value placed on functionality and performance across
different demographics, underscoring the universal appeal of these features. However, our
findings extend the existing literature by specifically correlating these preferences to the
lifestyle and needs of GIC students, who require devices that can support their academic
obligations and social activities.
Price Sensitivity
Our research indicated a nuanced understanding of price sensitivity among GIC students,
with a significant portion willing to pay a premium for phones that offer superior features and
brand reputation. This insight builds upon the work of Nguyen and Nguyen (2019), who
explored the impact of product involvement and prestige sensitivity on price acceptance. The
willingness of students to invest in higher-priced phones for quality and brand value
suggests a sophisticated consumer behavior that balances cost with perceived long-term
value, challenging the notion that price is the predominant factor in purchasing decisions.
Brand Reputation
The influence of brand reputation on purchasing decisions, as reported by 70% of our
respondents, echoes findings from Suki (2013) and Rahman and Sultana (2022), who
discussed the role of social needs and convenience factors related to brand perception. Our
study extends these discussions by highlighting the impact of peer recommendations on
brand trust among GIC students. This finding indicates that brand reputation not only
encompasses perceived quality and reliability but also includes social validation, which is
particularly influential in the decision-making process for this demographic.
4.2 Link to Research Questions
The collected data provided comprehensive insights into the three primary research
questions of this study:
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1. How do product features influence GIC students’ preferences for mobile phones?
The data confirmed that practical features like battery life, camera quality, and storage are
paramount in students’ preferences, driven by their academic and social media usage. This
finding substantiates the initial hypothesis that students prioritize features that enhance their
daily lives and supports the academic-focused perspective on mobile technology use.
2. What is the significance of price sensitivity among these students concerning their
mobile phone purchasing decisions?
The research revealed a balanced approach to price sensitivity, with students showing a
readiness to adjust their budget based on the value offered by the mobile phone. This
indicates that while price is a critical consideration, it is not the sole determinant of
purchasing decisions, thus answering the question by highlighting the complexity of
economic considerations among students.
3. How does brand reputation affect their mobile phone choices?
The influence of brand reputation, bolstered by peer recommendations, on students’
purchasing decisions was significant. This insight addresses the research question by
underscoring the social aspect of brand reputation, suggesting that for students, the choice
of a mobile phone brand is as much about quality and reliability as it is about belonging to a
peer group or social circle.
4.3 Implications and Reflections
The findings of this study offer several implications for mobile phone manufacturers and
marketers. First, to appeal to student demographics like those at GIC, brands must ensure
their products excel in the features most valued by this group. Additionally, marketing
strategies should highlight the practical benefits of these features in students’ academic and
social lives. Second, pricing strategies need to consider the nuanced price sensitivity among
students, emphasizing value for money and justifying higher prices with superior features
and brand reputation. Lastly, building and maintaining a strong brand reputation, particularly
through social media and peer influence, can be a critical factor in attracting and retaining
this consumer segment.
The research contributes to the body of knowledge on consumer behavior in the mobile
phone market by providing specific insights into the preferences and decision-making
processes of GIC students. By linking these findings to the existing literature, this study not
only confirms some established understandings but also enriches the discussion with new
perspectives on the role of social influence and nuanced price sensitivity in mobile phone
purchasing decisions.
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5. Conclusion
This research project has shed light on the complex factors influencing mobile phone
purchasing decisions among GIC students, revealing a blend of practical needs, economic
considerations, and the influence of social factors. The insights gained not only contribute to
the academic understanding of consumer behavior in the mobile phone market but also offer
practical guidance for manufacturers and marketers aiming to cater to this demographic. By
continuing to explore this topic through future research, we can deepen our understanding of
consumer preferences and the evolving dynamics of the mobile phone industry, ensuring
that products continue to meet the changing needs and values of consumers, particularly
within the student population.
3. Reference List
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Bringula, R. P., Moraga, S. D., Catacutan, A. E., Jamis, M. N., & Mangao, D. F. (2018).
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Nguyen, N. M., & Nguyen, H. T. (2019). How do product involvement and prestige sensitivity
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NurShahirah Maisurah Saibin Abdullah, Mohd Ilham Iman bin Daim, Nicole Maureen
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Rahman, Md. B., & Sultana, S. (2022). Factors influencing purchasing behavior of mobile
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