American Studies Question


While we are covering many different topics throughout the course about US politics, there will be many we will skip or only briefly cover due to the constraints of the semester. However, you will likely develop your own interests throughout the semester and some topics will stand out to you more than others. I want to give you a chance to find out more about those topics and to tell me what you’ve learned.

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American Studies Question
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As such, the purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to research a topic of their interest related to the course, to delve deeper into a topic and supplement their knowledge of US politics. You will write a 5-6 page paper that explains a key topic related to the class utilizing at least 6 sources, including course material and outside sources.

Here you will submit a complete, well-revised final draft of your paper with all of the necessary components. Your paper should include each of the following sections provided below, be a total of 5-6 pages, and include a reference list with at least 6 properly cited sources.

Paper Structure

Introduction (½-1 page): Introduce the topic, briefly explain why it is important/relevant to the course, and give a roadmap of what your paper will cover.
Topic Explanation (2-3 pages): explain the major parts of your topic, being sure to reference your sources as necessary.
Topic Importance (½ page): explain why this topic important, relevant or timely.
Topic Relation to Course (½ page): explain how this topic is related to the course/US politics.
Conclusion & Questions Raised (1 page): summarize your paper and provide some questions that your research raised or new paths that your topic opens for more research.
Total: 5-6 pages
Submission Guidelines

You can submit a Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx) or PDF file (.pdf) by uploading it to Canvas, or copy/pasting your essay in the submission box below.

Do not copy/paste links to Google Docs or another website!

Grading & Feedback

Your paper will be graded according to the following criteria:

Well-written explanation of topic – 25 points

The essay presents a clear explanation of the topic.
The essay clearly explains the connection to the course and importance to US politics.

All paper components included and well-explained – 5 points

The essay is structured according to the requirements of the assignment.

Supporting evidence drawn from sources – 10 points

The essay uses reasons and evidence to clearly support their explanation, drawn from the relevant sources.

Meets standards for organization, grammar and format – 10 points

The essay is clear and well-structured; the grammar and sentence structure is appropriate and avoids spelling errors.
The essay is formatted according to MLA: 12pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margins, double-spaced, titled, etc.
The essay’s reference list has at least 6 sources properly cited, with at least 1 being a course text/article and 1 being an academic journal or book.