American Psychological Association’s definition for Diathesis-Stress model


First Reaction Paper: Traumatic brain injuries, which Phineas Gage had a variation of, have been directly linked to marked personality changes. Read the case of Phineas Gage links and answer the questions that follow:
“‘No Longer Gage:’ An Iron Bar Through the Head – Early Observations of Personality Change After Injury to the Prefrontal Cortex”
This article examines an incident experienced by Phineas Gage, a 25-year-old railroad foreman.

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American Psychological Association’s definition for Diathesis-Stress model
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O’Driscoll, K., & Leach, J. P. (1998, December 19). ‘No longer Gage:’ An iron bar through the head – Early observations of personality change after injury to the prefrontal cortex. The BMJ, 317(7174), 1673–1674.…

“Why Brain Scientists are Still Obsessed With the Curious Case of Phineas Gage”
This article explores our obsession with the personality transformation that occurred after easy-going, mild mannered Phineas Gage sustained injury to his brain.

Hamilton, J. (2017, May 21). Why brain scientists are still obsessed with the curious case of Phineas Gage. NPR.…
First, provide a concise overview of the Phineas Gage case.
What does the case of Phineas Gage tell us about the biological influence on personality, particularly personality changes?
Apply the assigned readings from this week and explain what this case has taught you.
2- Reaction Paper: I’d like you to review the American Psychological Association’s definition for Diathesis-Stress model and Figures 1 and 2 below. You can also watch the Diathesis-Stress Model and Anxiety video (0:59) (video transcript), which explains the development of various pathologies such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia. The Diathesis-Stress model essentially posits that genetic traits, or diathesis, interact with environmental influences, such as stress, to produce psychopathological disorders.

DNA Learning Center. (2009, November 13). Diathesis-Stress model and anxiety [Video]. YouTube.

I think this Diathesis-Stress model is a good way to help negotiate the nature vs. nurture debate because it provides empirical evidence that demonstrates the importance of the interaction between traits and stress in explaining psychopathology.

In your own words, how would you resolve the nature vs. nurture debate by using the Diathesis-Stress model?
Using the Diathesis-Stress model, how can you explain the impact of massive tragedies, such as the Vietnam War or 9/11? After being exposed to the same, objectively traumatic experience, why did some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder while others did not?

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3/14/24, 12:36 PM
ASO 190-002 – Spring 2024: Module 4 | Reaction Paper: The Case of Phineas Gage
Figure 2
Response Guidelines
Your response is due on Sunday by 11:59 p.m. EST.
Each of your Reaction Papers should be at least 500-words in length and follow APA 7th
edition format for citing references. You should submit these as one document.
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Your grade will be based on the Reaction paper Rubric and is worth 20 points.

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