altruism journal



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altruism journal
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After going through the Altruism and Bystander Intervention PowerPoint Presentation, please create a Journal (at least 1,000 words) that addresses ALL of the following questions (see Rubric, so you know how your Journal will be evaluated/graded):

1. What is your reaction to the Altruism and Bystander Intervention PowerPoint presentation?
2. How did you do on the awareness test? What does it mean/implications?
3. What is your reaction to the videos?
4. How does this PowerPoint presentation tie into our weekly objectives for Altruism?
5. Please choose one theory illustrated/discussed in the presentation and this week’s lecture. Explain it in your own words and provide one example.

Please elaborate on any points made—the minimum word requirement is 1,000 words. Word count does not include re-stating the questions.