Alcohol Use and Perception of Risk of Risky sexual behaviors


Am requesting for an APA formatting guidelines literature review of at least 40 pages with credible in-text citation, an abstract and appropriate headings.To be included in the methods section of the literature review, Process by which articles were included (e.g, search terms, databases, dates of published work and so on)

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Alcohol Use and Perception of Risk of Risky sexual behaviors
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The Intersection between Alcohol Use and Perception of Risk of Risky Sexual Behaviors
I. Introduction
A. Background and Rationale

Definition of Risky Sexual Behaviors/ Alcohol-related Risky Sexual BehaviorARSB); multiple sexual partners, condomless sex, contraceptive non-use.
Definition of perception of risk associated with risky sexual behaviors (Alcoholrelated STI scare and Pregnancy scare)
Significance of Understanding the Intersection between alcohol consumption and the
perception of risk related with risky sex (Perception of Risk of Alcohol-related Risky
Sexual Behavior- ARSB)
B. Purpose of the Literature Review
This main objective of this study is to synthesize existing research on how alcohol use
influences individuals’ perceptions of risk in the context of engaging in risky sexual
C. Scope and Limitations
This review will cover peer-reviewed articles published between 2010 and 2023, with special
focus on studies done among college students and young adults. Also, only studies that
examined perception of risk in alcohol-related risky sexual behaviors will be reported.
Any possible constraints on the availability of recent studies or biases in the selected research
sources, or limitations in the generalizability of findings to college populations will also be
accounted for.
II. Theoretical Frameworks to Perception of Risk of Risky Sex
A. Social Cognitive Theory: How the influence of individual experiences, the actions of
others, and environmental factors on individual health behaviors (Influence on Risk
Perception, Impact on Alcohol Use)
B. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance; is a social psychological theory that explores the
discomfort or tension that arises when an individual holds two or more conflicting
beliefs, attitudes, or values. Cognitive dissonance theory posits that individuals are
motivated to reduce this discomfort by changing their beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors.
(Questions like; Have you ever experienced any consequences of RSB (pregnancy or
STI scare)?, any family or close friend or anyone around you who have had any of
these consequences?, scary information or any information that can create a cognitive
C. Health Belief Model/ Perception of Risk Model: Perception of Sexual Risk (risk
denial increases with perceived control), Role in Decision-Making Regarding Alcohol
III. Perception of Risk scales and limitations in measuring risk perception related to
Risky Sexual Behaviors
IV. Alcohol Use and Sexual Decision-Making
A. Effects of Alcohol on Cognitive Functioning

Impaired Judgment and Decision-Making
Altered Risk Perception
B. Alcohol Expectancies

Influence on Risky Sexual Behaviors
Perception of Consequences
V. Factors influencing Perception of Risk of (Alcohol-related Risky Sexual
Factors Moderating the Relationship
A. Gender Differences
Variances in Alcohol-Related Risk Perception
Differing Patterns of Risky Sexual Behaviors
B. Cultural and Societal Influences
Impact on Norms Surrounding Alcohol Use and Sexuality
Cross-Cultural Comparisons
Mediating Factors
A. Individual Differences
Personality Traits and Risk Perception
Coping Mechanisms
Contextual Factors
Social Environment
Relationship Dynamics
VI. Health Implications and Public Health Interventions
A. Health Consequences of Alcohol-Related Risky Sexual Behaviors
B. Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Educational Programs
Policy Implications
VII. Research Gaps and Future Directions
A. Identified Gaps in Current Literature
B. Recommendations for Future Research
VIII. Conclusion
A. Summary of Key Findings
B. Implications for Practice and Policy

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