AFRAS380: M3 Documentary Analysis: “FBI’s War on Black America”


Watch the documentary FBI’s War on Black America and answer the following questions:What is/are the central message(s) of this documentary? Be specific. Use THREE examples from the documentary to support your choice and connect it to what you’ve learned in the course reading.What are your thoughts on the tactics of the FBI? Where they in some way(s) justified? How does the course reading reinforce or contradict information presented in the documentary.What question(s) do you think the filmmaker left unanswered by the documentary. How would you answer these questions based informed by what you learned from the course reading? PLEASE NUMBER EACH OF YOUR ANSWERS.Write a three (3) page (no less than 1200 words) double-spaced reaction paper on the documentary: The FBI’s War Against Black America. For full credit, you must make MULTIPLE and specific references to the film and YOU MUST connect the film to at least 3 different course readings. One of the readings must be The FBI’s Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party. You must interrogate and connect course readings with the documentary. REMEMBER, YOU MUST ALSO CITE THE DOCUMENTARY.Be sure to provide proper citations (including page numbers) and include a work cited page (work cited page does not count towards 1200 word minimum requirement).

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AFRAS380: M3 Documentary Analysis: “FBI’s War on Black America”
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