Activity 2.2: What Would You Do? Part 2


In this activity, you will continue to apply the four fundamental building blocks or fundamental dimensions of culture and how they can explain or be a source of a wide variety of behavior. You will again read several situation scenarios and see how people may respond based upon the dominant fundamental building blocks of a particular culture. In this activity, you are asked to determine which building block or dimension of culture that a particular respondent is displaying.

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Activity 2.2: What Would You Do? Part 2
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Initial Post Instructions

For this forum, do the scenario-based activities 2.13 and 2.17 from the textbook in chapter 2. Post your answers in the forum board. Review the following resources for this activity:

Storti, Craig. Figuring Foreigner’s Out, 20th Anniversary Edition: Understanding the World’s Cultures, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2018.
Chapter 2: Building Blocks of Culture
Gill, C. (2017). Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and differences across cultures | OUPblog. Oxford University Press.
Worthy, L. D., Lavigne, T., & Romero, F. (2020). Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions.; MMOER.

At the end of your submission, include a brief Design Statement explaining the process and tools you used to develop your work. Your statement should be about a paragraph or so, in your own words (rather than formally written), and unique to this assignment. Why are we asking for this? Find out more about Design Statements.

Tips for Success

Refer to the readings and the cultural value dimensions or fundamental building blocks detailed throughout. Base your responses on what you believe are the value dimensions that need to be considered to provide the best response to the situation scenarios outlined in the textbook.

Writing Requirements
The purpose of this exercise is to respond with well-thought-out replies that are sensitive to the culture. You are asked how you would respond to the situation scenarios that are given for the two exercises detailed in chapter 2 of the Storti textbook. You may also explain your positions by citing how they adhere to the cultural value dimensions outlined in the weblink readings for this week.
A typical substantive forum post for this exercise will be to respond to all the situation scenarios given for exercises 2.13 and 2.17.
You can copy/paste the questions to the forum post for this activity and write your responses to the various question prompts for each exercise.