Activity 2


In Chapter 5, Jaime Schultz discusses sexualities and sport. She discusses the six manifestations of homophobia in sport: silence, denial, apology, the promotion of a heterosexy image, attacks on lesbians, and a preference for male coaches. Although the book was written in 1998, Schultz states that these six manifestations “still ring true today.”Task: Pick two of the six manifestations. Look for newspaper articles that address the impact of these manifestations. (Newspapers like the Los Angeles Times, New York Times)Then, write a one-page reflection that describes the impact of these manifestations over the last ten years. Make sure to clearly define what the manifestation is and describe how the manifestation is currently impacting women’s sport.At the end of the reflection, please provide citations for the newspaper articles you selected in APA format.Format: Double-spaced; one-inch margins; 12 pt., Times New Roman font; .doc, .docx, or .pdf file format.

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