Academic search sheet


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Academic search sheet
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Fill this out and have it ready for class on Tuesday!

The “Finding Stuff” Cheat Sheet for Academic Research

Before you go to the library…


(Draft) Thesis:
Possible keywords:

Once you are there (or in front of your keyboard)…

Head to the Library’s advanced search page (Links to an external site.) (reachable by going here: (Links to an external site.) and selecting advanced search.)
Keep track of what you search and when (the advanced search page has a search history button – but keep your own notes too!) Hint – use this space for keeping track of what you search.
Check out Google Scholar – but don’t stop at a general keyword search, use both the advanced functions and “cited by” function. Hint – use this space for keeping track of what you search
Write down brief (one sentence) summaries of what you find to help you sift through results later