Academic Principles of Management Report


The executive management of an engineering company has assigned your group the task of evaluating how the four main management functions (Planning, Organising, Leading, Controlling) are operationalised within the company, and to consider how they may be improved.

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Academic Principles of Management Report
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As a group, you have been tasked with examining management policies and procedures (e.g., OH&S, cross-cultural awareness, sexual harassment, drug & alcohol, business ethics, anti-discrimination) since these are likely to impact management functions, and to research current best-practice in relation to the functions. The result is to report to executive management on how management functions could be improved.

This is a group assessment in two parts. The first is a group report (20%), followed by an oral presentation (10%).

Part 1: The Group Report

In your group you will need to:

Identify at least two best-practice principles for each of the 4 management functions of Planning, Organising, Leading, and Controlling.
Select an engineering company (or one with engineering focus) and conduct research on the company in relation to its performance against identified principles in step 1.
Perform a SWOT analysis on the company.
Provide recommendations for improvement.

Write a 15-20 page (4,000 word) report addressed to the executive management of the engineering company which includes the following:

Title page [ This page should show the project title, and include a small table to show the names of the students, student ID, % of student’s contribution in the project, and signature of each student]
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Company background and description with sufficient detail to support analysis.
Section 3: Best practice relating to management functions identifying at least two best-practice principles for each of the 4 management functions of Planning, Organising, Leading, and Controlling.
Section 4: Analysis of company performance against best practice.
Section 5: Analysis of the company’s policies and procedures against best practice.
Section 6: Analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats relating policies and procedures to best practice.
Section 7: Recommendations
Section 8: A reflection on the challenges and lessons learnt working on this report.
Section 9: Engineers Australia Stage 1 Professional Competencies you have met in completing this task, the extent and justification for your claims.