Abnormal Psychology Activity


OverviewIn this journal activity, you will discuss the biopsychosocial causes
of abnormal behavior, as well as challenges that clinicians face when
addressing behaviors shared among psychological disorders.ScenarioAs Jamal researched the factors that
cause atypical patterns of human thought, emotion, and behavior, he had a
revelation: Abnormal behavior is more complicated than many of us
realize. For example, Jamal discovered that abnormalities in behavior
can be caused by biological factors (e.g., genetics, neurophysiology,
biochemistry). Also, abnormal behavior can be caused by psychological
factors (e.g., severe emotional distress, grief, trauma). Finally, Jamal
discovered that abnormalities in behavior can be caused by
sociocultural factors (e.g., social norms, familial values). Of the many
valuable takeaways of his research, Jamal found that abnormal behavior
is a complex phenomenon that can have biological, psychological, and
sociocultural causes. In many cases, it is not the result of one causal
factor, but of several co-occurring, interdependent factors.Given the dynamic interplay between biological, psychological, and
sociocultural factors, the behaviors of various disorders often overlap,
making the accurate diagnosis of psychological disorders a challenge
for clinical professionals.Disorder/Behavior List
Anxiety: A psychological response to a stimulus that is perceived as threatening

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Example: Avoiding interaction at a party due to discomfort in social situations

Depression: A persistent feeling of sadness and despair that can result in a loss of interest in various life activities

Example: Excessive crying

Dissociation: A psychological detachment and separation from self and environment

Examples: Daydreaming, highway hypnosis

Mania: A period of intense energy expenditure that may involve delusions and engagement in high-risk behavior

Examples: Excessive spending, reckless driving

Obsessive thoughts/compulsive behaviors: Persistent and undesirable thoughts or urges and ritualistic behaviors often driven by preoccupation with a negative outcome

Example: Frequent hand washing that is motivated by a fear of being contaminated by germs

Panic: An intense period of fear combined with physiological symptoms (e.g., rapid speech, sweating, nausea)

Example: Stomach gets upset and hands shake while speaking in front of a group (public speaking)

Phobia: A fear of a specific, often nonthreatening stimulus

Examples: Seeks an escape route when in a crowded area (Agoraphobia: fear of crowded spaces)

Psychosis: A psychological state in which one
experiences hallucinations, delusions, and/or a persistent and
unchangeable belief in something that is obviously false

Example: Acting suspiciously due to suspecting that food is being poisoned

PromptThe following resources support your work on this activity:
Module Three Activity Template Word Document: You may use this template to complete the Module Three Activity assignment. For this journal activity, use your template to address the following
rubric criteria with a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences per bullet. Support
your answers with a credible source when necessary.Part OneFirst, select one option from the list in the Overview and address the following:
Describe the possible biological causes of your selection.
Describe the possible psychological causes of your selection.
Describe the possible social and cultural causes of your selection.
Describe the relationship between the biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors of your selection.
Part TwoNext, from the list in the Overview, select two disorders that are known to share symptomatology or behaviors.
Explain the ways in which the behaviors associated with the disorders overlap and discuss the potential diagnostic challenges presented by the overlap.
What to SubmitSubmit your completed Module Three Activity Template. Sources should be cited according to APA style.