a small part of market plan about digital marketing company


I.Marketing Strategy a.Product Focus and Goal Setting b.Product Life Cycle Analysis c.Reprogramming of STP and UPS Development graduate level

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Marketing Plan: Autoshot
Dayana Ortiz Medina (2217736)
Sofia Perilla (2221450)
Carolina Tamayo Rodríguez (2239538)
Wanning Zhang (2132038)
University Canada West
MRKT 621-36 Marketing Management
Professor Navid Mollaee
March 10, 2024
Executive Summary (Sofía Perilla Vargas and Dayana Ortiz Medina)
Table of Contents
Environmental Analysis (Carolina Rodríguez Tamayo) ……………………………………. 4
Marketing Environment …………………………………………………………………………… 4
Current Marketing Objectives and Performance ………………………………………….. 6
Competitors Analysis (Carolina Tamayo Rodríguez and Sofía Perilla Vargas) …….. 7
Customer Analysis (Sofía Perilla Vargas) ……………………………………………………… 7
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (written by Carolina but needs to be
improved) 7
Buyer Persona ………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
IV. SWOT Analysis (Sofía Perilla Vargas and Dayana Ortiz Medina) ……………………… 7
Marketing Strategy (Wanning Zhang) …………………………………………………………… 7
Product Focus and Goal Setting ………………………………………………………………. 7
Product Life Cycle Analysis ……………………………………………………………………… 7
Reprogramming of STP and UPS Development …………………………………………. 7
VI. Marketing Mix (Dayana Ortiz) ……………………………………………………………………… 8
Product Strategy ……………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Pricing Strategy …………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Distribution Strategy……………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Promotion Strategy ………………………………………………………………………………… 8
VII. Budgeting (Sofía Perilla Vargas and Dayana Ortiz Medina) ……………………………… 8
VIII. Controlling and monitoring (Sofía Perilla Vargas)……………………………………………. 8
IX. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
References ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Environmental Analysis (Carolina Rodríguez Tamayo)
In the dynamic and innovative world of digital marketing, Autoshot Marketing has been
recognized as an effective and experienced member, offering innovative and customized
solutions that respond to the different needs of companies in the modern digital age (Autoshot
Marketing, 2024). As we navigate through the marketing plan, it is important to know the
company’s current environment. This environmental analysis will show the various PEST forces
to evaluate the market, how they influence the digital marketing business, and the impact on
Autoshot Marketing’s strategy and performance (Grewal et al., 2022). In other words, it will
provide the context for Autoshot to successfully head towards its goals, recognizing its ability to
adapt, innovate, and thrive.
a. Marketing Environment
Analyzing PEST factors (political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological) gives
marketers a more complete picture of the potential of a market in Vancouver, B.C. Canada, for
the digital marketing service offered by Autoshot Marketing (Grewal et al., 2022).
Political Forces
Political changes can affect regulations related to digital marketing. Data protection law
and industry-specific legislation depend on the country or regional market in which Autoshot
operates and each of its potential customers (Grewal et al., 2022). In British Columbia, internet
law is mainly governed by federal legislation, such as the Protection of Personal Information and
Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), the Copyright Act, the new Intimate Images Protection Act,
and the Penal Code (FULCRUM LAW, 2024). Autoshot must stay informed about political
developments affecting their services to ensure compliance, avoid legal repercussions, and
maintain customer trust. In this sense, consider mentioning that it has Corporate Social
Computing Guidelines, and that the client sees them implemented in their actions, are social
tools that help ensure compliance with the standard, have smarter employees in terms of how
they can take full advantage of them for the benefit of the organization (Digital Marketing
Institute, 2024).
Economic Forces
The economic environment, market size, population growth, and real income in
Vancouver B.C. are economic factors defining the best opportunities Autoshot Marketing will
have (Grewal et al., 2022). According to the B.C. Business Counts by Regional District and
Industry statistics, the number of new residents in Vancouver B.C. amounts to 32,301 industries
with employees at the end of 2022, who contemplate for Autoshot, the challenge of being
adaptable and offering scalable solutions that add value regardless of the economic conditions
of potential customers. Under a look inside Autoshot marketing, they present a successful
growth projection of 250% and 262% between clients and projects in charge, variation
presented between the years 2021 – 2023, reflecting the growth of net revenues by 366%. All
the above demonstrates the scope of its economic environment and the company’s growth
potential. However, inflation, unemployment, and rising interest rates impacted consumers in
2023, which may lead to a trend for some companies to act cautiously in their advertising
spending. (British Columbia, 2024) (Statistics Canada, 2024)
Sociocultural Forces
Changes in consumer behavior, expectations with the advancement of digital, cultural
trends, and social values can all influence the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies
(Digital Marketing Institute, 2024). AutoShot must be adept at understanding these changes,
such as the growing demand for authenticity, privacy, and social responsibility in digital
marketing (Digital Marketing Institute, 2024). The company’s responsibility is currently focused
on creating conditions that allow the consumer to interdate with the online business, search
engine optimization – SEO and encourage meaningful participation that promote the brand
(Autoshot Marketing, 2024). Tailoring content and campaigns to align with these evolving
preferences is essential to engaging modern audiences and fostering brand loyalty (Digital
Marketing Institute, 2024).
Technological Forces
The growth of the internet has affected the way people communicate and do business.
Mobile technology has increased reach, and social media has increased online
communications (Digital Marketing Institute, 2024). The field of digital marketing, relying on
technology, is essentially driven by rapid technological advancements. According to research
conducted by The Economist Group and the Digital Marketing Institute, the main skills within
Digital and the most difficult to recruit are Customer Experience, Data and Analytics, Digital
Strategy, Website Design and UX, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email
Marketing, E-Commerce, PPC/Paid Search, SEO and Display Advertising (Digital Marketing
Institute, 2024). AutoShot must stay current in the adoption and use of technology. This
involves continuous learning, investing in new technologies, and leveraging data analytics to
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of campaigns. (Digital Marketing Institute, 2024)
b. Current Marketing Objectives and Performance
Autoshot Marketing’s primary goal is currently focused on increasing market share in the
digital marketing industry in Vancouver B.C. by expanding its customer base across different
company sizes and sectors. Likewise, improving brand recognition and reputation as a leader in
innovative and personalized digital marketing solutions is within its current ambitions (Autoshot
Marketing, 2024).
AutoShot Marketing has declared itself to be a trusted digital marketing partner, with a
track record of delivering a return on investment (ROI) (Digital Marketing Institute, 2024). From
2021 until today, the company has been increasing its customers, which it attributes to its
service offering and its commitment to quality. Customer testimonials demonstrate AutoShot’s
ability to exceed expectations, indicating a commitment to current customer satisfaction and
loyalty. To sustain and build on this performance, AutoShot must continue to navigate the
dynamic marketing environment with agility, strategic foresight, and an unwavering commitment
to delivering value to its customers.
Competitors Analysis (Carolina Tamayo Rodríguez and Sofía Perilla
Customer Analysis (Sofía Perilla Vargas)
a. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (written by Carolina but needs to be
AutoShot Marketing targets businesses (B2B) of all sizes looking to improve their online
presence and engagement (Autoshot Marketing, 2024). With a more detailed degree, Autoshot
Marketing general objectives show the segments that are aligned with its interest, among these
are: Automobile Dealers, Automobile OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturer), Local Auto
Dealers, New Startups in local areas, Restaurant Chains, franchisees (Autoshot Marketing,
2024). Within these segments, AutoShot specifically identifies and targets decision-makers in
marketing departments, as well as business owners and new entrepreneurs who value end-toend digital marketing solutions to achieve their business goals. (Autoshot Marketing, 2024)
As a result of our trend analysis, SWOT, and Competitors, we see great potential in the
specialization of marketing services towards companies that are engaged in the sale of
automobiles and the manufacture of their parts, start-ups in local areas, restaurant chains and
franchises. Since their needs require a different offer of services and types of relationships,
inside and outside the cities of British Columbia – Canada, where Autoshot has experience
aligned with its growth projection.
b. Buyer Persona
SWOT Analysis (Sofía Perilla Vargas and Dayana Ortiz Medina)
Marketing Strategy (Wanning Zhang)
a. Product Focus and Goal Setting
b. Product Life Cycle Analysis
c. Reprogramming of STP and UPS Development
Marketing Mix (Dayana Ortiz)
a. Product Strategy
b. Pricing Strategy
c. Distribution Strategy
d. Promotion Strategy
Budgeting (Sofía Perilla Vargas and Dayana Ortiz Medina)
Controlling and monitoring (Sofía Perilla Vargas)
Autoshot Marketing. (04 de 03 de 2024). Home. Obtained from About Us:
British Columbia. (04 de March de 2024). Number of Businesses & Employment by Industry.
Obtained from Number of Businesses:
Digital Marketing Institute. (04 de March de 2024). Essentials Courses. Obtained from My
Courses Digital Marketing Essentials:
FULCRUM LAW. (2024, March 04). Law Dictionary. Retrieved from Internet Law:
Grewal, D., Levy, M., & Lichti, S. (2022). Marketing. Toronto, Ontario, Canadá: Mc Graw Hill.
IBISWorld. (2024). Advertising Agencies in Canada. From IBISWorld:
Statistics Canada. (04 de March de 2024). The Daily. Obtained from Advertising and related
services, 2022: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240301/dq240301beng.htm
Marketing Plan: Autoshot
Table of Contents
Environmental Analysis………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Marketing Environment …………………………………………………………………………… 3
Current Marketing Objectives and Performance ………………………………………….. 5
Competitors Analysi …………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Customer Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Buyer Persona ………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
IV. SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Marketing Strategy…………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Product Focus and Goal Setting ………………………………………………………………. 6
Product Life Cycle Analysis ……………………………………………………………………… 6
Reprogramming of STP and UPS Development …………………………………………. 6
VI. Marketing Mix …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Product Strategy ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Pricing Strategy …………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Distribution Strategy……………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Promotion Strategy ………………………………………………………………………………… 6
VII. Budgeting ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
VIII. Controlling and monitoring …………………………………………………………………………. 6
IX. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
References ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Environmental Analysis (Carolina Rodríguez Tamayo)
In the dynamic and innovative world of digital marketing, Autoshot Marketing has been
recognized as an effective and experienced member, offering innovative and customized
solutions that respond to the different needs of companies in the modern digital age (Autoshot
Marketing, 2024). As we navigate through the marketing plan, it is important to know the
company’s current environment. This environmental analysis will show the various PEST forces
to evaluate the market, how they influence the digital marketing business, and the impact on
Autoshot Marketing’s strategy and performance (Grewal et al., 2022). In other words, it will
provide the context for Autoshot to successfully head towards its goals, recognizing its ability to
adapt, innovate, and thrive.
a. Marketing Environment
Analyzing PEST factors (political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological) gives
marketers a more complete picture of the potential of a market in Vancouver, B.C. Canada, for
the digital marketing service offered by Autoshot Marketing (Grewal et al., 2022).
Political Forces
Political changes can affect regulations related to digital marketing. Data protection law
and industry-specific legislation depend on the country or regional market in which Autoshot
operates and each of its potential customers (Grewal et al., 2022). In British Columbia, internet
law is mainly governed by federal legislation, such as the Protection of Personal Information and
Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), the Copyright Act, the new Intimate Images Protection Act,
and the Penal Code (FULCRUM LAW, 2024). Autoshot must stay informed about political
developments affecting their services to ensure compliance, avoid legal repercussions, and
maintain customer trust. In this sense, consider mentioning that it has Corporate Social
Computing Guidelines, and that the client sees them implemented in their actions, are social
tools that help ensure compliance with the standard, have smarter employees in terms of how
they can take full advantage of them for the benefit of the organization (Digital Marketing
Institute, 2024).
Economic Forces
The economic environment, market size, population growth, and real income in
Vancouver B.C. are economic factors defining the best opportunities Autoshot Marketing will
have (Grewal et al., 2022). According to the B.C. Business Counts by Regional District and
Industry statistics, the number of new residents in Vancouver B.C. amounts to 32,301 industries
with employees at the end of 2022, who contemplate for Autoshot, the challenge of being
adaptable and offering scalable solutions that add value regardless of the economic conditions
of potential customers. Under a look inside Autoshot marketing, they present a successful
growth projection of 250% and 262% between clients and projects in charge, variation
presented between the years 2021 – 2023, reflecting the growth of net revenues by 366%. All
the above demonstrates the scope of its economic environment and the company’s growth
potential. However, inflation, unemployment, and rising interest rates impacted consumers in
2023, which may lead to a trend for some companies to act cautiously in their advertising
spending. (British Columbia, 2024) (Statistics Canada, 2024)
Sociocultural Forces
Changes in consumer behavior, expectations with the advancement of digital, cultural
trends, and social values can all influence the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies
(Digital Marketing Institute, 2024). AutoShot must be adept at understanding these changes,
such as the growing demand for authenticity, privacy, and social responsibility in digital
marketing (Digital Marketing Institute, 2024). The company’s responsibility is currently focused
on creating conditions that allow the consumer to interdate with the online business, search
engine optimization – SEO and encourage meaningful participation that promote the brand
(Autoshot Marketing, 2024). Tailoring content and campaigns to align with these evolving
preferences is essential to engaging modern audiences and fostering brand loyalty (Digital
Marketing Institute, 2024).
Technological Forces
The growth of the internet has affected the way people communicate and do business.
Mobile technology has increased reach, and social media has increased online
communications (Digital Marketing Institute, 2024). The field of digital marketing, relying on
technology, is essentially driven by rapid technological advancements. According to research
conducted by The Economist Group and the Digital Marketing Institute, the main skills within
Digital and the most difficult to recruit are Customer Experience, Data and Analytics, Digital
Strategy, Website Design and UX, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email
Marketing, E-Commerce, PPC/Paid Search, SEO and Display Advertising (Digital Marketing
Institute, 2024). AutoShot must stay current in the adoption and use of technology. This
involves continuous learning, investing in new technologies, and leveraging data analytics to
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of campaigns. (Digital Marketing Institute, 2024)
b. Current Marketing Objectives and Performance
Autoshot Marketing’s primary goal is currently focused on increasing market share in the
digital marketing industry in Vancouver B.C. by expanding its customer base across different
company sizes and sectors. Likewise, improving brand recognition and reputation as a leader in
innovative and personalized digital marketing solutions is within its current ambitions (Autoshot
Marketing, 2024).
AutoShot Marketing has declared itself to be a trusted digital marketing partner, with a
track record of delivering a return on investment (ROI) (Digital Marketing Institute, 2024). From
2021 until today, the company has been increasing its customers, which it attributes to its
service offering and its commitment to quality. Customer testimonials demonstrate AutoShot’s
ability to exceed expectations, indicating a commitment to current customer satisfaction and
loyalty. To sustain and build on this performance, AutoShot must continue to navigate the
dynamic marketing environment with agility, strategic foresight, and an unwavering commitment
to delivering value to its customers.
Competitors Analysis (Carolina Tamayo Rodríguez and Sofía Perilla
Customer Analysis (Sofía Perilla Vargas)
a. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (written by Carolina but needs to be
AutoShot Marketing targets businesses (B2B) of all sizes looking to improve their online
presence and engagement (Autoshot Marketing, 2024). With a more detailed degree, Autoshot
Marketing general objectives show the segments that are aligned with its interest, among these
are: Automobile Dealers, Automobile OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturer), Local Auto
Dealers, New Startups in local areas, Restaurant Chains, franchisees (Autoshot Marketing,
2024). Within these segments, AutoShot specifically identifies and targets decision-makers in
marketing departments, as well as business owners and new entrepreneurs who value end-toend digital marketing solutions to achieve their business goals. (Autoshot Marketing, 2024)
As a result of our trend analysis, SWOT, and Competitors, we see great potential in the
specialization of marketing services towards companies that are engaged in the sale of
automobiles and the manufacture of their parts, start-ups in local areas, restaurant chains and
franchises. Since their needs require a different offer of services and types of relationships,
inside and outside the cities of British Columbia – Canada, where Autoshot has experience
aligned with its growth projection.
b. Buyer Persona
SWOT Analysis (Sofía Perilla Vargas and Dayana Ortiz Medina)
Marketing Strategy
a. Product Focus and Goal Setting
b. Product Life Cycle Analysis
c. Reprogramming of STP and UPS Development
Marketing Mix (Dayana Ortiz)
a. Product Strategy
b. Pricing Strategy
c. Distribution Strategy
d. Promotion Strategy
Budgeting (Sofía Perilla Vargas and Dayana Ortiz Medina)
Controlling and monitoring (Sofía Perilla Vargas)
Autoshot Marketing. (04 de 03 de 2024). Home. Obtained from About Us:
British Columbia. (04 de March de 2024). Number of Businesses & Employment by Industry.
Obtained from Number of Businesses:
Digital Marketing Institute. (04 de March de 2024). Essentials Courses. Obtained from My
Courses Digital Marketing Essentials:
FULCRUM LAW. (2024, March 04). Law Dictionary. Retrieved from Internet Law:
Grewal, D., Levy, M., & Lichti, S. (2022). Marketing. Toronto, Ontario, Canadá: Mc Graw Hill.
IBISWorld. (2024). Advertising Agencies in Canada. From IBISWorld:
Statistics Canada. (04 de March de 2024). The Daily. Obtained from Advertising and related
services, 2022: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240301/dq240301beng.htm

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