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Results Section Guidelines

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The results section is where you report the findings of your study. The results section should state the findings of the research arranged in a logical sequence and should be based off the appropriate statistical test. Prepare a ~1 page double-spaced(12-point font type Times New Roman)report of your results. Use the guidelines and rubric below when constructing your paper.

1. Under theDataset and Dataset Descriptionlinks, find the dataset to your research topic and read the description so you have an idea of how the study was conducted.

2. Open the dataset, familiarize yourself with it, and then run the appropriate SPSS test to answer your research question.***Your choices are from only the statistical tests that we have covered so far including the test that is covered this week, Pearson’s Correlation. Use your statistical decision chart you have been completing for the semester to help decide which test to use.***

3. Begin your results section by stating the statistical analysis that you ran and why you chose that particular test.

4. Report means and/or frequency distributions.

5. Report the main results from the statistical analysis including test statistic and p value.

6. Include a graphical representation of the main finding of your study (make a bar chart, a histogram, box plot, scatter plot etc.) Include a figure legend and use an asterisk(*) beside any significant finding.You may make your graphical representation using SPSS, Word, Excel, or any other computer program you are familiar with. An example of a graphical representation can be found at the bottom of this document.

Results Section Grading Rubric (75 points)



• Written in a professional manner with few grammatical errors


• Ran the appropriate test given the research question and provides justification for why that test was used


• Report means and/or frequency distributions.


• Report main results from statistical analysis including test statistic and p value.


• Includes an appropriate graphical representation of the main finding with a figure legend (This should be on a separate page from the rest of your results section)



• ~1 page (not including graphical representation)


• double-spaced (12 point font type Times New Roman)


Topic: Exercise as a Stress Relief

Dataset Description:

To determine the effect of exercise amount on stress, 20 participants were recruited for the study and were asked questions (Stress State Questionnaire, Helton 2004) regarding their weekly physical activity and their current stress levels. Individuals who reported achieving more than the recommended amount of physical activity a week (150 minutes of moderate or vigorous activity) were considered highly active. Those who reported achieving less than 150 minutes of physical activity a week were considered in the low physical activity category. A higher stress score indicates a higher stress level for an individual.

SPSS Dataset:

stress dataset