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DPBS1150 Global Business Environments
2024 Term 1
Assessment 2: Lenses Business Report (Individual)
Week 9: Friday 15th March 4:00PM AEDT Extended to Monday 18th March 4:00PM AEDT
Written Report
2,000 words (+/– 10%)
Via Moodle course site, through Turnitin
Description of assessment task
DPBS1150 introduces the idea of lenses – interpretive tools or heuristic devices which assist us to look at different
aspects of environmental learning and thus reach qualitatively different understandings. We apply lenses in this
course to make sense of complex global business environments. Changes in the business environment can represent
both threats and opportunities.
For this assessment, you are to assume the role of a consultant for “Intellivise Consulting”, a consulting firm
specialising in providing expert analysis to clients facing complex challenges. Your expertise has been sought to
analyse the issues presented in a case study.
As a consultant for Intellivise Consulting, your task is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the case study using the
three lenses of socio-cultural, political-legal, economic lenses. This assessment is your consulting report to a client
“4CC Extraction Ltd”, which is a Chmawawan multinational mining and metals public company headquartered in
Phriwa, Chmawawa. The organisation is seeking strategic insights to navigate the implications of the global financial
crisis in Chmawawa. The objective is to communicate to the senior management team the issues found in
Chmawawa’s Business Environment which the organisation will face in the near future. As such, you are to complete
the report to the client from this perspective, however, keep in mind this is still an academic paper.
You are to identify and analyse the issues present in the case study, and discuss the impact of the global financial
crisis on 4CC Extraction Ltd.
Your analysis will be conducted through the three specific lenses, which you have been taught in this course. The goal
is to integrate course concepts and theories to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and responses
presented in the case study.
* Please note that “Intellivise Consulting”, “4CC Extraction Ltd”, the country “Chmawawa”, the case study scenario – the events, data, and characters
presented therein are entirely fictional and have been created for Assessment 2 purposes only.
Page 1
Approach to the assessment task
1. Read the case study carefully, paying close attention to the information and data provided.
2. Using the three lenses (socio-cultural, political-legal, economic), identify the issues in the Chmawawan
business environment pertaining to each lens presented in the case study.
3. Analyse each issue through the lenses using the key concepts, ideas and tools of analysis from the course
material to support your analysis, and relate them to the client organisation.
4. Ensure you provide specific references to the data and information presented in the case study while
discussing each issue. (See ‘How to reference case study’ on page 4 below.)
5. Identify opportunities and threats for the client organisation.
6. Draw connections and insights between the different lenses and how they interact in shaping the business
environment in Chmawawa.
7. You must include relevant theory from the course and indicate connections between the lenses. In your
analysis, demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts and ideas by incorporating them into your
8. No external research is required; your analysis should solely rely on the information and data provided in the
case study, and course materials – 2024 Term 1 lectures and tutorials and relevant readings. You may use
any articles, and any links to articles or websites provided to you in the course. All use of concepts or theories
in the lecture notes and materials provided in the course must be properly referenced. (See ‘How to reference
lecture notes’ on page 3 below.)
Your report must include the following sections:

Executive Summary (excluded from word count)
A summary of the entire report in a single page. This should be written after the rest of the report
has been completed. This should not be shorter than a page in length.
The aim of this section is to allow a busy manager to get an overview of the entire report without
needing to read the full document.
What is the purpose of this document?
What will be covered?

Body (Lens sections) – in your chosen order

Socio-cultural lens

Political and legal lens

Economic lens
Use clear headings and sub-headings (included in word count)
Use relevant theory from the course, and demonstrate the connections between the lenses
Briefly wrap up your report.
Highlight how you have addressed the complexity of the business environment.
Page 2
For which client organisation is it developed for?
What is impact of the global financial crisis on the organisation in the near future?

All sources must be referenced.

You must use Harvard Referencing – the ‘In-text’ System. The Harvard Referencing System requires two
elements: in-text citations throughout your assignment and a list of references at the end.

Your work will not be marked if these are omitted. The standard academic rules apply regarding
use of other people’s words, ideas and facts.
For details and assistance on Harvard Referencing System, see

The ‘In-text’ System (How to use the Harvard Referencing System) (included in word count)

List of References (How to compose a List of References) (excluded from word count)
An ideal assignment is your opinion, supported by evidence from respected/reliable sources, expressed in
your own words, and fully referenced as to the source of ideas, facts and quotations. ‘In your own words’ is
critical in displaying your understanding of the material.
How to reference lecture notes
1. In-text citations
When citing references within the text of your work include three pieces of information about a source:

Author/s or the name of the lecturer

Year and term of lecture

Lecture number and the slide number (when the information/idea can be located on a particular slide
or when directly quoted).
For example, (Thong, 2024 T1, 2A 23)
2. References
As mentioned earlier, at the end of your text, you must include a list of references in alphabetic order, that is, a
list of all the sources of information you have used to support your work.
Include the following pieces of information about a source in your list of references:

Author/s. The surname is followed by first initials.

Year and term of lecture

Lecture number and Title (in italics).

Description of format.

Course name and Course code.


Date lecture was delivered.
For example, Thong, H. 2024 T1, Lecture 2A: Social-cultural Lens: Culture and Cultural Change, Lecture Notes,
Global Business Environments DPBS1150, UNSW College, delivered 24 January 2024.
Page 3
How to reference case study
1. In-text citations
When citing references within the text of your work include two pieces of information about a source:
• Case Study
• Paragraph number (when the information can be located on a particular paragraph or when
directly quoted).
For example, (Case Study, 3) or (Case Study, 4 Article 1)
2. References
List the case study in the following way:
UNSW College. 2024 T1, Assessment 2 Case Study, Global Business Environments DPBS1150, UNSW College,
released 8 March 2024.
Title page must indicate your Name (as appeared on myUNSW), z ID and Tutorial Group. For example:

Name and z ID:
John Citizen (z5123456)
Tutorial group:
M11A / 10419
Footers must have page numbers.
1.5 line spacing, Arial or Times New Roman font, 12-point font size, Australian spelling.
Use a Professional Report structure (see Writing a Report).
Submission instructions

Upload your report to Turnitin on Moodle course site.
Acceptable format: .docx only. If a different file type is submitted, the marker may require the original Word
document to be sent via email.
Further instructions

Review and proofread your work (e.g. spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes) before submission and to
ensure you have kept within the specified word limit. Words written past the word limit will not be read.
Supporting resources and links
Access Assessment 2 supporting resources on Moodle prior to completing your assessment.
Page 4
Marking Rubric for Assessment 2: Lenses Business Report (Individual)
Identification of
issues and
understanding of
Ability to identify
relevant issues in the
case study.
understanding of the
lenses and their key
components relevant
to the business
context, including
change over time and
connections to other
Analysis, Integration
and Synthesis
High Distinction
Identifies some key issues
in the case study through
the lenses, but with limited
depth or accuracy.
Identifies main issues in the
case study through the
lenses with a reasonable
level of understanding.
Demonstrates inadequate
knowledge and
understanding of the
connections between these
lenses and their
components; no or minimal
reference to connections to
other lenses. Offers
minimal or no insight into
changes over time within
each lens and fails to
integrate them effectively.
Shows a basic but
adequate understanding of
the connections between
these lenses and their
components. Attempts to
address changes over time
within each lens but may
lack comprehensive
Reference to the
connections to other lenses
is apparent but could be
more developed,
demonstrating a sound
understanding of their
application. Considers
changes over time within
each lens and attempts to
integrate them to provide
valuable insights.
Demonstrates a thorough
grasp of the case study,
identifying the issues in the
case study through the
lenses with a strong level of
Demonstrates an
exceptional ability to
identify and comprehend
the issues in the case study
using the lenses. Thorough
knowledge with exceptional
breadth and depth of
understanding of the
Limited or no constructive
analysis of issues and data.
Adequate analysis of the
issues and data within the
organisational context,
primarily descriptive with
some analysis.
Good analysis of the issues
and data to the
organisational context with
a mixture of description and
Identifies some relevant
course concepts pertaining
to the identified issues,
demonstrating a basic
understanding, though
lacking depth in application.
Identifies relevant course
concepts that relate to the
issues identified. Shows
some understanding of the
course concepts and
attempts to apply them to
help explain the issues.
Identifying current and
emerging trends;
No or generic issues,
trends are identified.
The Report
successfully brings
together the lenses to
provide an overview of
the business
environment in
Chmawawa for the
client organisation.
Inadequate integration and
synthesis of the report. No
connection made between
the lenses or basis for an
Below 50
Does not mention any
course concepts. Or used
minimally – may be
mentioned in one or two
lenses briefly.
Professional writing
and academic
standards of
presentation, presents
text professionally and
references sources
Fails to identify or unclear
identification of the issues
in the case study using the
Analyse the issues
using the concepts and
tools from the course
and relate them to the
client organisation;
Report Presentation
The written presentation of
the report is inadequate
and reflects little
understanding of academic
standards of presentation;
materials difficult to read,
contains multiple errors,
incorrect referencing, poor
Does not follow formatting
Presents clear connections
between these lenses and
their components,
demonstrating a strong
understanding of their
application. Considers
changes over time within
each lens and effectively
integrates them to offer
nuanced insights into the
case study.
Provides insightful
connections between these
lenses and their
components, showcasing a
deep understanding of their
interplay. Analyses
changes over time within
each lens and effectively
integrates the lenses to
reveal comprehensive
insights into the case
study’s complexity.
Very good analysis of the
issues and data to the
organisational context and
is mainly analytical.
Outstanding analysis of the
issues and data to the
organisational context and
is analytical in nature.
understanding of the
course concepts for each
lens, applying this
understanding to explain
the issues identified.
Demonstrated and
insightful understanding of
the course concepts for
each lens, applying this
understanding to explain
the issues identified.
The relevant issues,
current and emerging
trends are identified, with
partial links to theoretical
concepts and supporting
The issues, current and
emerging trends identified
are relevant to analysis and
well supported with
appropriate links to
theoretical concepts
showing evidence through
relevant support.
The issues, current and
emerging trends identified
are specific, insightful, and
strongly linked to evidence
and highly appropriate links
to theoretical concepts
showing evidence through
relevant support.
Moderate integration and
synthesis of different
perspectives, though
lacking depth or clarity.
Good integration and
synthesis of the different
Coherent integration and
synthesis of the different
Coherent integration and
insightful synthesis of the
different lenses.
The report is presented
clearly but does not always
reflect academic standards
and conventions.
Adequate presentation with
an understanding of
academic standards and
Well-presented report
reflecting a thorough
understanding of academic
standards and conventions.
Excellent presentation
reflecting a high level of
understanding of academic
standards and conventions.
Structure is generally clear
and logical.
Structure is generally clear,
References are supplied intext and reference list but
with errors of style.
Application is incorrect with
some points remaining
unreferenced/ unsupported.
Format is used to aid the
audience including style
and content are mostly
Structure is clear, logical
and assists comprehension
and insight with seamless
integration of sections.
Structure is clear, logical
and assists comprehension
and insight with seamless
integration of sections and
Basic identification of
relevant issues and some
awareness of current and
emerging trends, with
limited connections to
theoretical concepts and
supporting evidence.
Formatting according to
instructions but with errors.
The Harvard style is used
throughout in-text and
reference list with only
minor errors.
Both in-text and reference
list are consistent Harvard
Formatting according to
Both in-text and the
reference list are consistent
Harvard style.
Formatting according to
Formatting according to
Communicates clearly
and concisely
The communication is
unclear. Information is
disorganised and lacks
The communication lacks
clarity and conciseness.
Sentences are clear and
Very poor grammar,
spelling and punctuation.
Some grammatical errors.
Structure is unclear,
illogical, or inconsistent.
Poor paragraph structure.
Fails to adhere to word limit
Structure is clear but not
Poor paragraph structure.
Adheres to word limit
The communication is
moderately clear and fairly
concise. Information is
presentation with moderate
logical coherence.
The communication is clear
and concise. Information is
presented logically and
coherently. Sentences are
well constructed.
Sentences are mostly wellconstructed.
Free of grammatical errors.
Minor grammatical errors.
Structure is clear, logical
and consistent.
Structure is clear and
mostly consistent.
Some paragraph structure
Adheres to word limit
Adheres to word limit
Page 5
The communication is
exceptionally clear and
concise. Information is
presented logically and
coherently. Sentences are
well constructed.
Free of grammatical errors.
Structure is clear, logical
and consistent.
Clear and well-developed
Adheres to word limit

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