Employment relationship management


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Review emerging developments to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement. (AC 1.1)
(Word count: Approximately 300 words , Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your
long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section , Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for
this AC. You must be clear in your response and answer the question fully
A more direct review is required to enable a pass for this question.
For your resubmission consider research into the following areas to give a fully rounded answer and aid a deeper ‘review’
Dimensions of engagement, for example intellectual, affective, and social engagement.
drivers of engagement, for example leadership, engaging managers, voice and integrity, role of social media in voice and engagement.
use of engagement surveys.
risk attached with over-engagement and burnout.
relationship between voice, engagement and wellbeing.
shift from indirect to direct voice.
voice for gig economy workers and contractors.
importance of ‘speak-up’ methods.
legal frameworks for voice.
role of voice and engagement in job quality.
impact of voice and engagement on psychological contract)
2- Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how it builds relationships.?
( Word count: Approximately 300 words , Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your
long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section understanding or skills for this AC. You must be clear in your response
and answer the question fully
Please address this before it can be graded
The below may help with your research for you resubmission
Employee involvement and employee participation:
definitions of involvement and participation; differences in decision making; differences in depth, form, scope, and methods; links to unitarist and
pluralism; theories of job design and links to motivation.
Employee participation differs from employee involvement in that participation relates to the actual business tasks that workers execute. In contrast,
involvement refers to the level of influence that staff members have in decision-making over which corporate activities they undertake.
3- Explain the concept of better working lives and how this can be designed.
( Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box
provided at the end of this section. Word count: Approximately 250 words , Assessor feedback
Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for this AC. You must be clear in your response and answer the question fully
Further depth of explanation and elaboration through research and wider reading is needed here to enable a pass.
For your resubmission, consider the following
The CIPD is a good research area to assist with the concept as this is core of what a people professional is accountable for
Better working lives:
concept of good work,
definitions of good work; fair and decent work; job quality: terms of employment,
pay and benefits,
health, safety and psychosocial wellbeing,
job design and nature of work,
social support and cohesion; flexibility; responsiveness to personal issues; metrics used to assess job quality and good work; how to design good
work: so that it promotes good physical and mental health.
4- Distinguish between organisational conflict and misbehaviour, and between informal and formal conflict?
(Word count: Approximately 250 words, Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for this AC. You must be clear in your
response and answer the question fullyPlease consider the following for research for your resubmission, your answer needs to be clearer for the
examples. Organisational conflict and misbehaviour: forms of employee-organised conflict such as strikes, work-to-rule, go-slow, overtime bans,
protests and deliberate negative or disruptive behaviour; forms of unorganised conflict, also known as misbehaviour, such as sabotage, fraud,
absenteeism, walking out. Informal and formal conflict: informal conflict: spontaneous arguments, disagreements, cultural issues of differing
opinions, models of conflict style. Formal conflict: leadership styles, encouraging debate and differing perspectives. Recognition that conflict can
be both positive as well as negative.
5- Assess emerging trends in the types of conflict and industrial sanctions.?
( Word count: Approximately 200 words, Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for this AC. You must be clear in
your response and answer the question fully
For your resubmission research the following, this a good opportunity to quote some UK legislation. Shift from long strikes to shorter strategically
planned strikes; trends in number of strikes, working days lost, number of workers involved; research some data
increasing use of injunctions by organisations; individualisation of workplace conflict.
Nature of sanctions possible and currently being applied, for example internal/external policies and principles, legislation and how applied).
6- Distinguish between third-party conciliation, mediation and arbitration.
(Word count: Approximately 250 words Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for this AC. You must be clear
in your response and answer the question fully A clear answer is required. The following areas may help for your resubmission Consider
wider research on the following Definitions of third party; conciliation, mediation, and arbitration; uses in individual and collective disputes;
role of conciliation in settlement of employment tribunal claims, role of mediation in restoring and maintaining employment relationship, role
of conciliator and mediator in helping parties resolve their dispute; role of arbitrator in making a binding decision in a dispute; managing
potential conflict situations to achieve consensus legally and ethically. Consider bullet points for each so your narrative is clear for the reader
7- Explain the principles of legislation relating to unfair dismissal in respect of capability and misconduct issues.
(Word count: Approximately 225 words Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for this AC. You must be
clear in your response and answer the question fully
I would advise you to research both capability and misconduct on the CIPD for a complete understanding of what they mean. The answer requires
further depth of explanation please see below to help you with your resubmission.There are no citations to evidence where you have got any of
your information relating to the legal aspects. (which have to be from a UK perspective)
Unfair dismissal law:
the principles of unfair dismissal law;
relevant legislation;
relevant codes of practice.
Capability and misconduct issues:
definitions of capability and misconduct;
fair and unfair reasons for dismissal,
importance of acting fairly and reasonably;
formal hearings and warnings;
differences between ordinary and gross misconduct;
record keeping;
right to be accompanied to disciplinary hearings.
8- Advise on the importance of handling grievances effectively.
(Approximately 200 words ,Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for this AC. You must be clear in your response
and answer the question fully Further depth of advice required Consider the following for your resubmission To avoid legal claims; reputation of
organisation and individual;impact on individual and team; addresses issues that may causeemployee frustration, poor morale, absence,
withdrawal of goodwill, resistance to change, resignation, psychological impact.
A case study may help you here to add some context, this would also give you another reference to draw your information from.
9- Explain the main provisions of collective employment law?
(Approximately 200 words , Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for this AC. You must be clear in your response
and answer the question fully. There are no in text citations/reference sources to UK legalisation. Please consider this for your resubmission
Statutory recognition procedures, official and unofficial action; disclosure of information for collective bargaining; picketing; legal enforceability
of collective agreements.
10- Compare the types of employee bodies, union and non-union forms of employee representation?
(Word count: Approximately 250 words ,
Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for this AC. You must be clear in your response and answer the question fully I
would expect to see some reference to UK legalisation here, to enable you to be more direct please consider the following for you make your
comparisons about Joint negotiation committees, employee forums, staff councils, works councils, and include the differences in the power of
employee bodies).
11- Evaluate the purpose of collective bargaining and how it works?
Word count: Approximately 200 words ,Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills for this AC. You must be clear in
your response and answer the question fully You do have the concept correct but you answer needs further depth of evaluation. Further
evaluation needed with some of the following taken into consideration Joint determination of rules;
industrial governance;
constructive compromise, and purposeful persuasion;
substantive and procedural agreements;
use of industrial action to achieve bargaining aims. Please provide appropriate reference sources to support your narrative.

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