SEC 520 STEM Explainer Video


In order to support 21st century students, technology and innovation must be a part of instruction to engage students. As technology continues to grow at an astronomical pace, teachers must stay current on incorporating technology into instruction.

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SEC 520 STEM Explainer Video
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Create a 3-5 minute explainer video to inform fellow teachers about three appropriate media and technology resources that support content, skill development, and engage and support the learning of all students, and how they can relate to STEM.

Include the following for each resource in your video:

Summary of the resource, including links and relevant information needed to access it
How the resource will support content and skill development, particularly in STEM
How the resource will engage students and support learning
Identify on the SAMR technology wheel which Bloom’s cognitive domains are addressed in the resource and how it will foster innovation and problem solving.

In addition, submit a one-page outline summarizing the information in your video.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly references.

No need for you to actually video, I just need a script with the information and I will record the explainer video. Thanks!

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STEM Explainer Video – Rubric
Total 65 points
1. Unsatisfactory
2. Less Than
3. Satisfactory
4. Good
5. Excellent
Summary of Resource,
Links, and Relevant
0 points
4.48 points
4.81 points
5.66 points
6.5 points
Not addressed.
Video poorly summarizes the
resources and provides
insufficient access
Video ineffectively
summarizes the resources
and provides vague access
Video adequately
Video expertly summarizes
summarizes the resources
resources and provides
and provides accurate access extensive access information.
0 points
6.73 points
7.22 points
8.48 points
9.75 points
Not addressed.
Video includes inadequate
explanation of how resource
supports content and skill
development for students.
Video includes minimal
explanation of how resource
supports content and skill
development for students.
Video includes appropriate
explanation of how resource
supports content and skill
development for students.
Video includes innovative
explanation of how resource
supports content and skill
development for students.
0 points
6.73 points
7.22 points
8.48 points
9.75 points
Not addressed.
Description of resources
ineffectively explains how
resource will engage
students and support
Description of resources
inconsistently explains how
resource will engage
students and support
Description of resources
effectively explains how
resource will engage
students and support
Description of resources
thoughtfully explains how
resource will engage
students and support
0 points
6.73 points
7.22 points
8.48 points
9.75 points
Not addressed.
Description poorly explains
how resource fosters
innovation and problemsolving and ineffectively
explains the SAMR model
with Bloom’s cognitive
Description marginally
explains how resource
fosters innovation and
problem-solving and
unclearly explains the SAMR
model with Bloom’s cognitive
Description logically explains
how resource fosters
innovation and problemsolving and competently
explains the SAMR model
with Bloom’s cognitive
Description insightfully
explains how resource
fosters innovation and
problem-solving and
creatively explains the SAMR
model with Bloom’s cognitive
Video Outline
0 points
6.73 points
7.22 points
8.48 points
9.75 points
Video Outline
Not addressed.
Video outline inaccurately
summarizes information in
the video.
Video outline inconsistently
summarizes information in
the video.
Video outline accurately
summarizes information in
the video.
Video outline thoroughly
summarizes information in
the video.
Documentation of Sources
0 points
4.48 points
4.81 points
5.66 points
6.5 points
Documentation of Sources
Not addressed.
(citations, footnotes,
references, bibliography, etc.,
as appropriate to assignment
and style)
Documentation of sources is
inconsistent or incorrect, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, with numerous
formatting errors.
Sources are documented, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, although some
formatting errors may be
Sources are documented, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, and format is
mostly correct.
Sources are documented
completely and correctly, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, and format is free
of error.
0 points
4.48 points
4.81 points
5.66 points
6.5 points
Not addressed.
Author’s appearance or
manner could more
adequately exhibit
professionalism within the
video; or the video is taken
within a distracting
environment or background.
Author’s appearance or
manner marginally exhibits
professionalism within the
video; or the video is taken
within a distracting
environment or background.
Author’s appearance and
manner exhibit adequate
professionalism within the
video. The video is taken
within an environment
relatively free of distraction.
Author’s appearance and
manner exhibit appropriate
professionalism within the
video. The video is taken
within an environment free
of any distraction.
Organization of the Video
0 points
4.48 points
4.81 points
5.66 points
6.5 points
Organization of the Video
Not addressed.
The video includes an
introduction or purpose
statement that is not
adequately presented; or the
transitions between prompts
are abrupt or disjointed.
The video includes an
introduction or purpose
statement that could be
more adequately presented;
or the transitions between
prompts could be smoother.
The video includes an
adequate introduction and
purpose statement along
with smooth transitions
between prompts.
The video includes an
appropriate introduction and
purpose statement along
with seamless transitions
between prompts.
Summary of Resource, Links,
and Relevant Information
Summary of Supporting
Content and Skill
Summary of Supporting
Content and Skill
Summary of Engagement
and Supporting Learning
Summary of Engagement and
Supporting Learning
Summary of Fostering
Innovation and ProblemSolving
Summary of Fostering
Innovation and ProblemSolving
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