Discussion #5


Please no AI it will go through Turnitin. Discussion 5 is still on the continuation of the research. I will be attaching Discussion 4 and PICOT along side with it. Please go through the PICOT respond from the instructor I will be sending it along with this post.

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PICOT Worksheet
Chinalurum Ogbonna
Midwestern State University
NURS 6843
March 2, 2024
NURS 6843: PICOT Worksheet
Learner Name__Chinalurum Ogbonna___________________________________
One sentence PICOT statement:
Does bariatric surgery, when compared to conventional medical treatment, enhance weight
loss, glycemic control, and remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus over a 12-monthNeed change
timeline to 16 weeks duration in adults aged 18 and above with obesity and T2DM treated at
an urban hospital?
The population consists of adults over 18 years diagnosed with obesity and
type 2 diabetes mellitus treated at an urban hospital. Inclusion criteria include
adults with a confirmed diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity
based on BMI criteria. Exclusion criteria include individuals with
uncontrolled comorbidities contraindicating surgery, those with type 1
diabetes, and individuals unwilling or unable to undergo surgical intervention.
How about these exclusion criteria:
• Obesity related to a metabolic or endocrine disorder
• Untreated history of substance abuse or major psychiatric
• Surgery contraindications, meaning the surgery may be
high-risk or life-threatening
• Women who are currently or attempting to become
The evidence-based intervention proposed is bariatric surgery, including
procedures like Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and laparoscopic
adjustable gastric banding (LAGB). The main goal of using this intervention
is to improve metabolism among the target group while achieving weight loss
and improved overall functioning. Bariatric surgery has been shown to
effectively promote weight loss, enhance glycemic control, and induce
remission of type 2 diabetes in select patient populations.
The primary intervention will be compared with conventional/nonsurgical
treatment. Conventional medical/nonsurgical treatment encompasses lifestyle
modifications, dietary changes, exercise regimens, and pharmacological
interventions aimed at managing obesity and controlling blood glucose levels
in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
The specific, measurable outcome of interest includes improvements in
weight loss, glycemic control, and remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Once the intervention is implemented, it is expected that the intervention
group will experience weight loss, increased remission rate, and
improvements in HbA1c levels among others.
The timeframe for the intervention and observation of outcomes is 12 months.
Need to be change to 16 weeks. This duration allows for adequate weight loss
monitoring, glycemic control changes, and remission rates of type 2 diabetes
following bariatric surgery or conventional medical treatment.
List two original research articles (meet criteria on the
levels of evidence chart) that support the intervention:
1. Courcoulas, A. P., Gallagher, J. W., Neiberg, R. H.,
Eagleton, E. B., DeLany, J. P., Lang, W., Punchai, S., Gourash,
W., & Jakicic, J. M. (2020). Bariatric Surgery vs Lifestyle
Intervention for Diabetes Treatment: 5-Year Outcomes From a
Original Research articles: Randomized Trial. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
Full-text article permalink Metabolism, 105(3), 866–876.
is REQUIRED for all
2. Zhu, X., Zhou, G., Gu, X., Jiang, X., Huang, H., You, S., &
Zhang, G. (2023). Comparing bariatric surgery and medical
therapy for obese adolescents with type 2 diabetes. Asian
Journal of Surgery, 46(10), 4337–4343.
Include Clinical Practice
Guideline or major agency
recommendations, if
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the
International Diabetes Federation (IDF) provide clinical
practice guidelines recommending the consideration of bariatric
surgery as a treatment option for individuals with obesity and
type 2 diabetes who meet certain criteria.
International Diabetes Federation – (2017). IDF Clinical
practice recommendations for managing type 2 diabetes in
primary care. IDF.
Courcoulas, A. P., Gallagher, J. W., Neiberg, R. H., Eagleton, E. B., DeLany, J. P., Lang, W.,
Punchai, S., Gourash, W., & Jakicic, J. M. (2020). Bariatric Surgery vs Lifestyle
Intervention for Diabetes Treatment: 5-Year Outcomes From a Randomized Trial. The
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 105(3), 866–876.
Zhu, X., Zhou, G., Gu, X., Jiang, X., Huang, H., You, S., & Zhang, G. (2023). Comparing
bariatric surgery and medical therapy for obese adolescents with type 2 diabetes. Asian
Journal of Surgery, 46(10), 4337–4343. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asjsur.2022.10.079
Discussion 5: Developing Literature Support for
Evidence-Based Practice – Available
In this discussion, you will be asked to share the literature support that you have identified to
support your evidence-based practice project. You have demonstrated literature support for the
practice problem and elaborated on the significance of the problem, as well as developed a
compelling PICOT statement to drive inquiry. The next step is to continue to search for the best
current evidence. It is imperative that the intervention has demonstrated an impact on the
outcomes from your PICOT within the literature search.
**Please share your PICOT at the top of your discussion post response**
Complete any revisions to the PICOT or literature base from previous assignments and
discussions based on the feedback of your professor.
Please share the permalink for two primary research studies that you plan to use to support your
PICOT. Utilize the articles from the PICOT worksheet assignment. If you were asked to review
your PICOT or literature from the PICOT DRAFT and FINAL assignments, please complete
the required revisions before completing this assignment. They must be quantitative. Do not
include qualitative literature to support your project. All literature must be contemporary
(published within the last 5 years) and found from credible and reliable sources.
Consider these reflective questions/statements as you formulate your post:
1. What are the key search terms utilized for your search?
2. What is the primary type of evidence that you found in your search?
3. Were there any limitations that you identified in the literature shared this week?
4. Use the Johns Hopkins Table Level and Quality Guide to share the evidence level and quality
for the two primary research studies included in your discussion this week.
Engage in meaningful dialogue with substantive posts, as well as incorporate at least three (3)
different scholarly sources each week – include an in-text citation for each source using APA
7th edition formatting. Review the Discussion Guidelines and Rubric document for more

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