Design Question


7-10 pages visual reports 1000words need to make maps .Follow brief! Visual!

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Design brief: Major Design
During this unit of study you will be responding to the following design brief.
Through an iterative, human-centred design process, project groups of three
will develop a concept that responds to the following question:
How might interactive wayfinding help reduce the stress and confusion for
new students studying Design at the University of Sydney?
Starting university can be a stressful and confusing experience. Students need
to move from lecture theatres to tutorial rooms in an efficient manner to make
the most of face-to-face teaching time. However, there is little on-campus
wayfinding for building names, and once inside the correct building floor plans
and room numbers can be hard to find and interpret. Nonexistent or unclear
wayfinding, external and internal, digital and physical, can negatively impact a
student’s overall experience of their tertiary study.
Consequently, the aim of the Major Project is to contribute to a student’s
positive experience of University by reducing stress and confusion through
interactive wayfinding from the lecture theatre in ABS to the Wilkinson and
Arundel/K27 Building. The user group for your design are students who access
these buildings. Project groups will follow an iterative process to research,
design and test a design concept that contributes to interactive way finding
from the ABS Lecture Theatre (H70.01.1130) to the Wilkinson tutorial rooms
(G04.04.405; G04.04.455; G04.04.481; G04.05.526; G04.05.541) and the
Arundel/K27 Building. Your final design concept needs to have a clear theory
of change for how it will contribute to improving existing way finding. A stand
alone app or website cannot be your final design concept.
Fundamental to success in the assessments associated with the project is your
individual and group ability to demonstrate that you engaged ethically and
collegially in a human-centred, user-informed design process that was
iterative, reflective and productive.
Doc1] Knowledge Map
A Knowledge Map is a visual representation of your research and is made
using sketching and sketch-noting. Expect there to be several iterations before
you reach the final map for submission in A1.
If you need more assistance with your knowledge map, sketching or sketchnoting, please talk to your tutor. The following design method of mind
mapping will be helpful for developing your Knowledge Map. It is found in our
textbook for this unit Think. Design. Make. Break. Repeat. along with a wide
range of methods for design research.
Doc2 Stakeholder Map
A Stakeholder Map visualises the stakeholders who will need to be
considered/consulted/collaborated with, when undertaking a specific
design project.
Doc3 Power Matrix
A Power Matrix visualises the power dynamics of stakeholders in a design
Research Plan structure
Use the following structure to develop your individual research plan for
Assessment 1.
The Research Plan must relate to the Major Design Project brief, even if you
have chosen to focus the first half of the assignment on general wayfinding or
wayfinding in a non-university context.
1. Project area
Write a 150 word description of your proposed project area, including:

the broad problem space you are considering for your major design
any broad ideas you are considering as a solution space to
justification for the choice of broad problem and solution spaces
2. Target users/stakeholders (also known as sample)
Write a 100 word description of the proposed target group/s, including:

who they are
justification for the choice of the particular group/s
3. Recruitment process
Write a 150 word description of how the research participants from the target
group/s will be recruited for interviews, including:

the recruitment method/s
justification for the choice of recruitment method/s
4. Ethical considerations
Write a 150 word description of any ethical issues associated with
interviewing the research participants, including:

a risk analysis (template is provided in the Major Project resource
a plan to mitigate any potential for discomfort or harm
5. Draft interview questions
Provide five draft interview questions for a semi-structured interview.
This task requires you to research and explore the broad project context using
visual note taking and mapping as part of the documentation approach. You
will identify a potential project area and develop an initial research plan.
Broad areas you could research include, but are not limited to, existing
international and national campus wayfinding, mobile wayfinding, hybrid
wayfinding and AR wayfinding.
You will be practising visual note taking skills such as sketching and mapping
during tutorials before this task is due. Additionally, you will not be marked on
the artistic quality of your visual note taking as this task is not assessing your
ability to draw. Rather, it is assessing your ability to combine text and graphic
elements to communicate research insights into wayfinging.
Visual report details
The final submission will take the form of a 7-10 page A4 visual report (1000
The report will contain:
1. An introduction to the project context, based on desk research
2. A knowledge map, including sketches and text, for one area you have
researched which documents at least 10 core insights
3. A stakeholder map for one area you have researched
4. A power map for one area you have researched
5. An outline for a potential design project area including justification based on
your research and mapping
6. Any questions that remain unanswered after your initial research and
require further investigation
7. A draft research plan for user interviews in one area you have researched
(1-2 pages)
The recommended structure for the research plan is located in the Major
project resources/Research Plan structure module.
8. Correct academic referencing of all research and images sources using
Use of publication design templates
Use of design templates from Canva etc. is approved in this subject for
constructing the report, as not all students taking this unit have visual or
publication design skills.
Use of AI
Use of AI is approved in this subject for assisting with written expression. The
name of the AI and its use must be acknowledged in a separate
‘Acknowledgments’ page within the report. This page will not be counted in
the number of pages when marked.
Citation and referencing
Ensure you apply correct citation to all your resources such as published
statistics, literature, images, etc. All citations (including image and diagrams
citations) should then be listed in the reference list. The default referencing
style is APA. See citation resources provided in class or follow this
link: Your
reference list, must be organised alphabetically and in APA style, placed at the
end of the research report and before the Appendices.
Submission instructions
All reports are submitted via Turnitin. Please do not flatten your report or save
it as an image as a Turnitin report will not be generated.
If a Turnitin report is not generated, you will be asked to resubmit the
assignment and marks will not be released until a report has been generated.
Ensure your work is saved as a pdf, doc or docx, and is identified with
your name and unikey in the footer of the document.
The file should be named according to the following
protocol: IDEA9106_A1_name_unikey.pdf/doc/docx
Assessment criteria
Assignment 1 will be assessed according to the following criteria (marks out

C1: Crea(ve and purposeful use of visual note taking (2.5)
C2: Though=ul explora(on of the problem/opportunity areas (2.5)

C3: Evidence of thorough research informing submission, including the ci(ng
and referencing of key sources (2.5)
C4: Clear ar(cula(on of your proposed project area and draI research plan
Please refer to the following rubric for further information on how this
assignment will be assessed.
All tasks in this unit are mandatory and failure to complete this task will result
in an Absent Fail (AF) for this unit of study.
Academic integrity
on on academic integrity, and the resources available to all students can be
found on the academic integrity pages on the current students
We use Turnitin, which includes AI detection, to detect potential instances of
plagiarism or other forms of academic integrity breach. If such matches
indicate evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic integrity breaches,
your teacher is required to report your work for further investigation.
You may only use artificial intelligence and writing assistance tools in
assessment tasks if you are permitted to by your unit coordinator, and if you
do use them, you must also acknowledge this in your work, either in a footnote
or an acknowledgement section.
Further information for on research integrity and ethics for postgraduate
research students and students undertaking research-focussed coursework
such as Honours and capstone research projects can be also be found on the
current students website:
Compliance statement
In submitting this work, I acknowledge I have understood the following:

I have read and understood the University of Sydney’s Academic Integrity
Policy 2022.
The work is substan(ally my own and where any parts of this work are not my
own I have indicated this by acknowledging the source of those parts of the
work and enclosed any quoted text in quota(on marks.

I have acknowledged any assistance provided in preparing the work including
the use of copy-edi(ng, proof-reading, and automated wri(ng and drawing
tools (including ar(ficial intelligence (AI), reference generators, transla(on
soIware, grammar checkers, but not spell checkers).
The work has not previously been submiUed in part or in full for assessment in
another unit unless I have been given permission by my unit of study
coordinator to do so.
The work will be submiUed to similarity detec(on soIware (Turni(n) and a
copy of the work will be retained in Turni(n’s paper repository for future
similarity checking. Note: work submiUed by postgraduate research students
for research purposes is not added to Turni(n’s paper repository.
Engaging in plagiarism or academic dishonesty in coursework will, if detected,
lead to the University commencing proceedings under the Academic Integrity
Policy 2022. and the Academic Integrity Procedures 2022.
Engaging in plagiarism or academic dishonesty in research-focussed work will
lead to the University commencing proceedings under the Research Code of
Conduct and the Academic Integrity Procedures 2022.
Engaging another person to complete part or all of the submiUed work will, if
detected, lead to the University commencing proceedings against me for
poten(al student misconduct under the University of Sydney (Student
Discipline) Rule 2016.
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
Criterion 1
view longer description
25 to >21.3 pts
Highly creative use of visual note taking that
changes the way the problem is viewed –
Novel connections made between different
nodes using both text and visual techniques
– an arrangement to the mapping that
communicates new meaning about the
21.3 to >18.8 pts
Novel and productive use of visual note
taking that communicates insights –
Connections made between different nodes
using creative text and visual techniques –
An arrangement to the mapping that adds to
the communication of meaning.
18.8 to >16.3 pts
Productive use of visual note taking that
adds to the understanding of the
information – Use of several visual tools and
text to highlight a number of relationships
and connections – an overall logic to the
arrangment and the mapping.
16.3 to >12.5 pts
The use of visual notetaking is basic in its
application – limited communication of
relationships, connections and meaning basic logic to the arrangement with litle
meaning conveyed through visuals
12.5 to >0 pts
The use of visual notetaking is absent or
trivial in its application – no communication
/ 25 pts
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
of relationships, or connections – no logic to
the arrangement
Criterion 2
view longer description
25 to >21.3 pts
Exploration is thoughtful in bringing a wide
range of information and thinking together
to create clarity or depth of understanding –
tensions/opportunities are novel and
insightful. Thoughtful approach to the
structuring of the overall exploration.
21.3 to >18.8 pts
Exploration brings together different
information and articulates
tensions/opportunities in interesting ways.
Thoughtful in identifying and selecting the
areas to explore.
18.8 to >16.3 pts
/ 25 pts
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
Exploration has depth and identifies some
tensions/opportunities – clear effort to
explore tensions/opportunities and develop
insights about the context
16.3 to >12.5 pts
Exploration touches on some
tensions/opportunities but displays limited
depth in thinking – little effort made to
develop insights.
12.5 to >0 pts
Exploration is limited and superficial –
tensions/opportunities have little relevance
to the topic. Difficult to understand what is
being communicated.
Criterion 3
view longer description
25 to >21.3 pts
Secondary research impresses with the
range and depth of information relevant to
the topic – Referencing is clear and precise,
and includes a wide range of popular,
government/practice and academic sources.
21.3 to >18.8 pts
Secondary research brings in interesting and
multiple perspectives. Referencing is clear
and includes a range of popular,
government/practice and academic sources.
18.8 to >16.3 pts
Secondary research is sound and relevant to
the focus areas. Referencing contains errors
and is limited to only a few sources.
16.3 to >12.5 pts
/ 25 pts
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
Secondary research is basic relying on
simple search strategies. Referencing
contains errors and is specific to one or two
12.5 to >0 pts
Minimal evidence of secondary research
with the information focus on general
knowledge. Incorrect referencing and little
evidence of referencing specific sources.
Criterion 4
view longer description
25 to >21.3 pts
Provides a project area with clear, brief and
compelling description of what the project
would involve. Research plan is well
considered and novel in its approach to
collecting data
21.3 to >18.8 pts
Provides a project area and clear, brief
description of what the project would
involve. Research plan is well considered
and thought out providing a clear plan for
conducting interviews
18.8 to >16.3 pts
Provides a proposed project area and a basic
description of what the project would
involve. Research plan provides the
important information with regards to the
requested aspects of the plan
16.3 to >12.5 pts
/ 25 pts
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
IDEA9106 – A1 – Context exploration and mapping
Provides a proposed project area but it is
unclear even at a basic level what the
project would involve. Research plan
provides limited information with regards to
the requested aspects of the plan.
12.5 to >0 pts
Absence or difficult to understand proposed
project area. Research plan that does not
provide the relevant information with
regards to the required aspects of the plan.

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