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Master of Healthcare Administration
HCM 600 Research Project
The Impact of using health information technology in facilitating nursing practices and
increasing patient satisfaction
A proposal for the research project
Background & Problem Statement:
Healthcare information technology (HIT) has been defined as “the application of
information processing involving both computer hardware and software that deals with the
storage, retrieval, sharing, and use of health care information, data, and knowledge for
communication and decision making (Alotaibi & Federico, 2017).Health information
technology includes various technologies that span from simple charting to more advanced
decision support and integration with medical technology. Undoubtedly, health information
technology is an important tool for improving healthcare quality and safety. While there has
been significant progress in the adoption of HIT in Healthcare, the existing literature still lacks
a comprehensive understanding of the specific Impact on nursing practices, barriers and
challenges that hinder the full integration of HIT in nursing care. Also, there is lack in research
that explore the development of strategies to address these barriers and maximize the benefits
of HIT in nursing practices. One of the key problems is the resistance to change among nurses
who may be hesitant to embrace new technology. Moreover, the security and confidentiality of
patient data are major concerns when it comes to the adoption of HIT. Healthcare organizations
must invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive patient information from data
breaches and unauthorized access (Chaudhry et al., 2006). Addressing these challenges and
working towards a comprehensive integration of HIT in nursing practices is crucial to ensure
its full potential in enhancing patient care and overall healthcare quality.
Significance of the Study:
With the implementation of health information technology, nurses are able to access and share
patient information more efficiently, leading to improved coordination of care. It has significantly
improved communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals, leading to more
efficient and effective nursing practices (McBride, 2005). Through this research, a more in-depth
understanding of the significance of HIT in nursing practices can be gained, ultimately contributing
to the advancement of nursing care delivery. The significance of this study lies in its potential to
enhance nursing practices through the optimization of using health information technology. The
findings of this study will have significant implications for the nursing profession and healthcare
industry. It will provide a deeper understanding of HIT impact on nursing care and patient outcomes
especially is aspects related to reducing human errors, improving clinical outcomes, facilitating care
coordination, improving practice efficiencies, and tracking data over time.
Aims of the study: to explore the effect of health information technology on
nursing practices.
The study aims to explore how health information technology can facilitate
nursing practices, reducing error and ultimately improving patient
outcomes and increase overall quality of healthcare
through :
1- explore of the impact of health information technology on nursing care
delivery, patient outcomes, and overall healthcare quality.
2- identify barriers or challenges in the implementation and adoption of
health information technology in nursing practice.
3- offer insights that can inform future strategies for optimizing the use of
health information technology in nursing and improving patient care
• Research design.
This study will employ a convergent parallel mixed method approach using
both quantitative and qualitative techniques including a cross-sectional survey
which includes both open- and close- ended questions.
It will be conducted among randomly selected nursing staff working at King
Abdullah Medical city between March and May 2024. A predesigned online
questionnaire will be used to gather the data.
Research Setting
The study will be conducted at King Abdullah Medical city, in Makkah, one of
the largest medical cities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a bed capacity of 550
beds. It provides comprehensive medical specialty health care for the citizens,
residents and pilgrims.
Sampling Strategy
The study will utilize an online survey to collect data from a convenience sample
composed of different groups of nurses randomly from different departments
(inpatient and outpatient) working at King Abdullah Medical city.
Link of the survey will be sent to staff through the official KAMC WhatsApp
group to receive their feedback about health information technology they have
in the hospital. The survey will be shared along with a clear and concise
explanation of its purpose and importance. Emphasizing the voluntary nature of
participation and the anonymity of responses, which will be vital in encouraging
a high response rate and honest feedback. Throughout the survey period, regular
reminders and updates will be shared in the WhatsApp group to maintain
engagement and prompt participation. It will also provide an opportunity for
participants to ask any questions or seek clarification regarding the survey.
Data collection method:
An online survey will be used for this study. The survey will have three
sections. Section one will include data related to the participant’s demographics.
While the second section will include questions related to the current utilization
of health information technology in nursing practices and the perceived impact
on patient care and outcomes. The third section will include questions that
assess any existing barriers and challenges faced in the implementation and
adoption of HIT.
The survey will include both closed-ended and open-ended questions to
capture quantitative and qualitative data, providing a comprehensive
understanding of the experiences and perspectives of nurses regarding health
information technology in nursing practices. Additionally, we will ensure that
the survey instrument aligns with the objectives of the study and effectively
captures the necessary information to address the research questions.
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Registered staff nurses currently practicing in healthcare settings utilizing health
information technology.
2. Nurses who are directly involved in patient care and decision-making processes
within their respective healthcare facilities.
3. Nurses with diverse levels of experience and expertise in utilizing health information
technology in their nursing practices (better to identify the level of experience you are
targeting, do you want it more than 6 months, more than a year? )
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Nursing professionals not directly involved in patient care or decision-making
processes, such as administrative staff or non-clinical roles.
2. Nurses who do not have exposure to or experience with health information technology
within their department.
• Data analysis
Once the data collection is complete, the next step will involve
analyzing the gathered information to derive meaningful insights. The
collected survey responses will be coded and processed for quantitative
analysis to identify trends, patterns, and statistical correlations related to the
utilization of health information technology in nursing practices. Furthermore,
qualitative data from the open-ended questions will undergo thematic analysis
to uncover recurring themes, opinions, and experiences related to the use of
health information technology in nursing. The combination of quantitative
and qualitative data analysis will enable a comprehensive assessment of the
experiences and perspectives of healthcare professionals, ultimately
contributing to a holistic understanding of the impact of health information
technology on nursing practices.

Research Plan and Timeline
The research plan will be executed over a period of 3 months. A comprehensive
research plan will be implemented including data collection, data analysis, literature
review, finding and challenges then in the last is conclusion with strategies for
• Ethical Considerations:
The ethical research considerations in this study will be including the following:
• The research approval will obtain from the responsible authority before research
• Ensuring that the survey does not cause any undue distress or discomfort to the
• Clear communication regarding the voluntary nature of participation
• The research maintains an anonymity and confidentiality of the subject.
• The aim of the study will be clarified to the participants.

Alotaibi, Y. K., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology
on patient safety. Saudi Medical Journal, 38(12), 1173–1180.

Saba, V K. (n.d). Nursing informatics: yesterday, today and tomorrow..
McBride, A B. (2005, July 1). Nursing and the informatics revolution. Nursing
Outlook, 53(4), 183-191.

Chaudhry, B., Wang, J K., Wu, S., Maglione, M., Mojica, W., Röth, E., Morton, S C.,
& Shekelle, P G. (2006, May 16). Systematic Review: Impact of Health Information
Technology on Quality, Efficiency, and Costs of Medical Care. Annals of Internal
Medicine, 144(10), 742-742.

Liao, M., Chiu, J T., & Tsai, C. (2020, February 20). The Effect of Implementation of
a Nursing Information System.

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