Global Health Question


PART 1 : Topic : Access to Clean Water in Somalia

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Global Health Question
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Description: Somalia faces significant challenges in accessing clean water, leading to issues such as waterborne diseases and inadequate sanitation, which contribute to high morbidity and mortality rates, especially among children under five years old.


This Topical Analysis assignment will allow you to hone into a specific public health issue that interests you. You selected a topic in an earlier assignment. Next, please provide a write-up that responds to the guiding questions in each section below. Please include relevant data in your response and remember to cite your sources.

This is due Sunday, March 3 at 11:59pm PT.

Please respond to each section outlined below.  For section 1, we ask you to include at least 1 figure or table, but feel free to include additional figures/tables as you see fit! 

Section 1. Provide an overview of the public health issue you chose. For instance, you can describe its prevalence (e.g., burden of disease) and impacts. If you chose a risk factor (e.g., air pollution or obesity) you might want to include the attributable burden of disease. (This information might either be provided in GBD Compare or in a separate publication). Often, it is helpful to assess how the (attributable) burden of disease has changed over time and what role demographic factors plays in this. Who is impacted the most by the public health issue you chose (e.g., children, the elderly, rural areas, men/women)? Try to be comprehensive in describing the subject matter.  (150-300 words, 1-3 figures/tables) (5 points) 

Section 2: What are key factors contributing to your public health issue? These drivers can be social, economic, political, or environmental determinants or a combination of all of them. After outlining these drivers, describe what is currently done to address the public health issue in your country. Who are the main stakeholders and agencies that are active in your chosen area and what are they contributing to improvements? What has been achieved so far? What (monetary) resources have been or are spent in this area? (100-250 words, 1-2 figures/tables) (4 points) 

Section 3: Solutions: Now focus on possible solutions and ways forward!

Section 3.1. While you analyzed what is currently done in your chosen country in Section 2, in Section 3.1 we want you to explore general approaches undertaken to mitigate your chosen public health issues. These policies, initiatives or interventions might have been suggested or implemented in other countries or in a different context in your country and might have been successful or unsuccessful. Please describe these interventions briefly and evaluate their effectiveness. Assess their strengths and limitations and outline why they might be adequate or inadequate. (250-500 words, 0-2 figures/tables) (4 points) 

Section 3.2. In Section 3.2, we ask you to suggest strategies for mitigating your chosen health challenge in your country. These strategies can be based on your previous research and analysis. You might suggest approaches that were previously shown to be effective, but you may also suggest new and innovated approaches to mitigate your health challenge. In any case, briefly describe the suggested solution and outline why you think this approach is adequate. Please also consider the ethical and cultural context of your country and describe why you think the suggested intervention is feasible. (250-700 words, 0-2 figures/tables)  (7 points)


Topical Analysis

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 1: Overview of Public Health Issue in Country- Provides an adequate overview of Public Health Issue in Country.

– Includes 1-3 appropriate figures that highlight the issue.

– Stays within word limits and provides appropriate references.

5 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 2: Key Factors/Drivers contributing to the Public Health Issue- Explains the key factors and drivers behind to the Public Health Issue.

– Elaborate on what mitigation strategies have been tried so far and outlines relevant stakeholders.

– Includes 1-2 well-chosen figures/tables that relate to issue.

– Stays within word limits and provides appropriate references.

4 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 3.1: General Approaches to mitigate this Public Health Issue- Outlines general approaches implemented to mitigate the public health issue and discusses their strengths and limitations.

– Stays within word limits and provides appropriate references.

4 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 3.2: Strategies for mitigating this Public Health Issue in your country- Outlines feasible strategies for mitigating this Public Health Issue in your country.

– Discusses strengths and limitations of mitigation strategies and highlights possible obstacles.

– Considers cultural and ethical context.

– Stays within word limits and provides appropriate references.

7 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

7 pts