As we have just finished sedimentary rocks, I felt it would be good to take time to examine where one of our most utilized and yet most misunderstood resources, crude oil, comes from. Not many realize it, (or care) that crude oil is a part of all of our lives, entrained in everything we do and purchase. It has helped us to transition culturally, economically, and technologically. And, unknowingly until recently, may actually contribute to the demise of Earth’s other systems which sustain us.
This assignment offers a fascinating insight into the origin and history of one of the most important resources on Earth. Not many people understand where it comes from, just how much we depend on it, and most importantly, how it is connected to the cycles which we are all a part of. I worked for the better part of 20 years in the petroleum industry before transitioning to teaching and I realize, like many others with close connections to the industry, that we are dealing with a resource which is huge in one respect, but finite (limited) in another. Our petroleum source rocks and reservoirs are intricately linked to the rock cycle, but because of their origin (no, not dinosaurs) and our almost total dependence on this resource, we as humans become participants as well. I hope you find it interesting.
Importantly, at the end of the video you will use CO2 data from Mauna Loa to perform a rate calculations on historic emissions which are on a graph. Although it sounds complicated, it’s really easy. A rate calculation is just a slope calculation that you probably did in high school. This is also known as a rise/run calculation where we measure concentration (ppm) taken from the vertical (Y) axis and time (in years) from the horizontal (X) axis.
For example, the first part of the problem asks you to calculate the yearly rate of CO2 addition for the years from 1800 to 1957 where the CO2 content was seen to increase from 280 ppm to 318 ppm. Al you do is take the increase in CO2 over the time period (318 – 280 = 38 ppm…all the numbers are given in the text…no graph reading) and divide it by the years covered by the period (1957-1800 = 157 years). This calculation; 38/157 equals an increase of 0.24 parts per million CO2 per year over this time period. You should do the other calculations and compare them. You will be the first to do this in about four years, I haven’t run the new numbers yet.
*Now, the important part. Since this video was produced, it has become very popular for use in science classrooms. As such, it has largely only been available via purchasing the video. I have my own copy for classroom use but that doesn’t do us much good in an out – of -classroom setting. As a result, I have to scratch around to find remaining freebies online. To get to the video, follow these directions:
1) Type the following into Google search or your address / browser bar to an external site.
Minimize Video
You should see Crude: the Incredible Journey of Oil YouTube video posted by Ricardo Moreno.
Although I am sending this assignment out as both .doc and .pdf files it will probably be easiest to print out the pdf and complete it using a pencil or pen since you will need to sketch and do a couple of calculations as part of the activity. The assignment follows the video time line (timestamp) so that you can always go back and re-reference the questions to the video when you take a break
The link to the video is located on the header / title for the worksheet. When you upload the video, you will likely be confronted with a couple of short advertisements which you will have to endure before watching the video. Print the worksheet out and follow along as you watch.
Unformatted Attachment Preview
Crude: The Incredible Journey of Oil – Movie Lab
For credit, you must answer all questions fully. Complete sentences are much preferred. This may mean
that you have to research a little on your own for terms that you may not be familiar with….this is the
learning experience! Note that times are listed for segments of the video so that you can keep up with
the information. However, this does not mean that you can just zip through this video without watching
1. Before you watch this documentary, answer the question: What is crude oil?
2. The film describes crude oil as “fossilized sunlight.” Using the equation for photosynthesis, (you
may have to look this up) illustrate how plants such as algae convert sunlight to energy. Now
substitute a petroleum product for glucose (cross it out) and run this equation backwards (reverse
the arrow). How does this relate to energy released through combustion and the Law of
Conservation of Energy which states that energy (and matter as well!) can be neither created nor
3. (3:10) Since the advent of civilization societies have been “crudely” characterized based on
technology of manufacturing at the time. Progression through stone, bronze, iron, steel, silicon,
and even information have been put forth. Would you agree? Why would the term “oil age” be
more appropriate? Explain…
4. (5:15 / 6:35 / 7:30) Looking at the carbon cycle depicted on the next page and discussed in class,
how is every living and once-living thing connected? How can you or I (or the cat) as living
organisms be connected to a carbon dioxide (CO2) molecule associated with our present-day
atmosphere, emissions from ancient volcanic activity? Is it feasible that carbon from you or I could
possibly or sequestered / incorporated into carbonate rock (limestone is CaCO3) or even crude oil
at some point in the future? Can you visualize an end to the cycle?
5. (7:58) The Jurassic period in geologic time represents a time in
which significant oil source rocks were deposited. To the right,
you will see a geologic time scale showing the geologic time
periods. Think of it as a calendar of sorts. About how long ago
did the Jurassic time period occur?
6. (9:15) How is CO2 described as a global thermostat?
7. (10:30) With respect to climatic conditions, how was this time
period described in the film?
8. (11:20) Outline the path (you can draw a diagram using arrows) the carbon molecule described in
the Jurassic took on its journey from its beginning as a CO2 molecule emitted from a volcanic
vent (8:30) to the point where its carbon was incorporated into the cell of a phytoplankton:
9. (15:00) Describe the conditions leading to the creation of the “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico.
10. What is anoxia? Going back to the carbon cycling chart in (4.) and your equation in (2.), how does
it promote preservation of organic material? How does this connect your single-celled
phytoplankton to oil source rocks?
Why is the current-day Middle East such a prolific region for oil production?
11. (26:00) Many people believe that oil can be found anywhere. What four things contribute to the
uniqueness of oil as a resource and are essential for formation of an oil field?
12. (31:50/35:48) Although mankind has been aware of oil for thousands of years, it only became
commercially viable after the occurrence of three energy-related events. List each one and its impact.
13. (32:19) Where and by who was oil first discovered in North America (US)?
14. (40:00) It is said that we as humans are born into sterile environments and then live our lives
bathed in oil. How so?
15. The average American uses about 3 gallons of oil per day. Name at least 5 different ways that
you use oil.
(Bonus) Name something that you use that doesn’t involve crude oil or its derivative:
16. Now that you are aware of how we as a society are dependent upon oil, What do you envision
that the consequences of running out of oil would be?
17. (48:50) Do a little research. What caused the Arab Oil embargo in the 1970’s? Describe what the
effect was at the time and what has happened to world oil demand since that time.
18. (50:26) In 1956 M. King Hubbert first suggested that there was a limit to how much oil existed
/could be produced. When did he predict that the peak oil production from US wells would
Has the date for peak US production been revised
and how certain are we of this now?
19. (51:00 ) In the documentary, world oil consumption in 2004 was pegged at 84 million
barrels per day and increasing. As recently as 2017 world oil consumption was around 97
million barrels a day and increasing at a yearly rate of another million barrels per day.
According to many industry experts, the date of peak world oil production (conventional) is
imminent or may have already passed by now (2020).Others say that technological advances
(55:30) will allow us to meet our ever-increasing demand through recovery of additional
reserves from unconventional
reservoirs (this is happening)
and forestall this event.
Regardless of the exact timing
of this point, sooner or later we
will face the inevitable” glass
half full” scenario.
As shown on the chart to the
right, world oil discoveries
peaked in the mid-1960s and
have been declining ever since.
I was a geologist at Mobil Oil
Corp. in 1985 which was the last year that more oil was discovered worldwide than we used. In
fact, worldwide discoveries for 2015 were the lowest since 1947, causing many to voice
concerns over impending crude shortfalls. In recent years, we have been extracting about four
barrels of oil for every new barrel we discover, despite the fact that we have by now mapped
practically everywhere on the Earth’s surface where there could possibly be any previously
untapped large reservoirs of oil that could be extracted easily enough to provide a net energy
gain. So, what will you be doing 30 to 40 years from now? Now that you know that just about
everything we do and consume is entwined with crude oil, you realize that all of us are part of
the problem.
Do a little research and check out the three largest users of petroleum (countries) along with the
percentage that they each use. List them along with their populations (make sure to credit your
sources here):
20. What percent of the world’s population exists in each the top three users, assuming the
current world population is somewhere around 7.96 billion (July 2022):
21. Now keep on track and figure out what percent of world production each of these countries
22. You’d be close if you noticed that the US; with 4% of the world’s population, uses almost 21%
of the world’s oil. Does this surprise you? Why or why not? Explain.
23. Now you realize that we are surely part of the problem and part of the solution. So what is the
solution? Let me know what you think. Remember we’ve got some time, but don’t wait too
24. (57:30) I believe that the majority of humans in the developed world have no real perception
of the tremendous quantity of oil that totally fuels our existence and how fast we are
depleting reserves compared to the rate at which it is being replenished. When we say that oil
and petroleum are nonrenewable resources, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t replenished, it
just means that the renewal process occurs over time scales of thousands to millions of years.
Although the prospect of diminishing quantities of crude oil is a serious revelation, in reality,
the rapid depletion of our petroleum reserves is just half of the issue at hand. The vast
majority (84%) of our crude production is utilized as petroleum fuel products. Going back to
our equation for combustion (question 2) we know that combustion of petroleum-based
compounds results in energy being produced along with by-products of carbon dioxide and
This fact, taken along with the rate of consumption (burning), means that we are taking a
product of the slow carbon cycle, combusting it, and releasing huge quantities of carbon
dioxide and water vapor into the fast carbon cycle. Because the process of hydrocarbon
generation is so time-intensive, we are actually overloading the atmospheric sink and
according to the narrative, unleashing a “climate demon.” which puts us on the path to
producing a world which, ironically, is similar to the world in the Jurassic and Cretaceous
time periods when much of the world’s prolific hydrocarbon source rocks were deposited.
What evidence do we have that this was a global event?
25. Although we are not approaching this degree of anoxia, there is growing evidence that anoxic
dead zones like the ones in the GOM are proliferating. Using the internet, do a little research
on the topic of increasing dead zones and what is causing their accelerated occurrence.
Once again, list your source(s)
26. Stomatal openings found on fossil ginkgo leaves and other proxy indicators suggest that CO2
contents associated with climates in the Jurassic and Cretaceous time periods were 4 to 5
times (1000 to 1300 ppm) current day levels. Evidence suggests that these elevated CO2
levels were linked to volcanic eruptions. More recently, ice core data show
pre-industrial levels in the range of 280 to
300 ppm. Although CO2 emissions
associated with volcanism is not anywhere
near the levels seen in the geologic past,
anthropogenic emissions are clearly on the rise.
We are currently emitting around 15 billion
tons of CO2 per year into the atmosphere and
records show that atmospheric CO2 levels are
now at their highest point in 15 million years.
Since 1957, atmospheric CO2 levels have been
continually measured at Mauna Loa in Hawaii.
Initial concentrations at the time were measured
at 318 ppm. In 2009 the global average
concentrations as measured at Mauna Loa had
risen to around 387 parts per million and most
recently on May 2022, had reached a
concentration of 420 ppm, a level not seen for
millions of years.
27. Using this data, calculate the per year increases for the years 1800 to 1957, 1957 to 2009, and
2009 to 2022. This is a slope problem (rise/run).Your answers should be in ppm/yr. What trend
do you see? Can you argue with the data? Show all work for credit.
For example, the calculation for the time period from 1800 to 1957 would be:
(318 ppm – 280 ppm) / 157yr = 38 ppm increase / 157 yr = 0.242 ppm per year increase
1957 to 2009:
2009 to 2022:
b.) Is the rate constant? What does this tell us about our emissions of CO2 since 1957?
c.) At the current rate how long would it take for our atmospheric CO2 content to double?
d.) Based on your current numbers (without any increases) when could we possibly achieve
1000 ppm CO2?
28. Although this rate of change may seem low, projections indicate that we could double or
even come close to tripling current CO2 levels. What do you think has to be taken into
account in addition to population growth?
29. The events in which the very organic-rich source rocks were laid down in these time periods
were linked to what has been described as “super greenhouse periods”. Discuss how climate
conditions then were similar / dissimilar to conditions today.
30. A super greenhouse world sounds like a day at the beach for some people. Such conditions,
however, are evidence of a world dangerously out-of-balance. How would conditions associated
with such climate extremes prime the world for a major anoxic event?
31. Based on evidence such as that found at Green Lake State Park in New York, what would
oceanic anoxic conditions be like and how could continuation of such an event possibly lead
to a cooling of the planet?
b) How would this fit into our carbon cycle depicted previously?
32. We are obviously not in a “super greenhouse” world at the moment. No one knows when or what
the CO2 threshold for such an event is or if there are tie in’s with other conditions. If you venture
into particular internet sources you will realize that certain unusual events are being documented
in the global environment that we are all a part of. Do you see any evidence which suggests that
we may be approaching / moving toward this point and how does it tie in with other factors we
have discussed? Feel free to speak. (This will require a little research on your part. Include your
sources please.)
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