– Amazon Case Write Up


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– Amazon Case Write Up
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IBS212 – Amazon Case Write Up Rubric
Analyze the Amazon Case and consider the following questions:
1- Why did Amazon follow a different business model and strategy in India compared
to its experience in China and Brazil? Consider entry mode and timing.
Students need to explain why Amazon entered India, China, and Brazil and analyze their
decisions about entering these three markets. Students should also explain how Amazon’s
strategy differs in the three markets.

# whyGlobal: Explain and evaluate the motivations for why a business exists in the
global marketplace.
2- What led to the differing approaches, and which, if any, of Amazon’s emerging
markets’ strategies and investments would succeed?
Students need to explain why Amazon’s approaches were different when entering the three
markets: Brazil, China and India.

#howGlobal: Analyze the utility, costs, and implementation of global value chains.
3- Should Amazon enter other markets immediately? If so, why and where? If not,
where should its focus be?
Students need to discuss the takeaways about brand management that should be applied as they
try to grow the brand.

#intCompetitiveness: Analyze the factors influencing a firm’s international
Amazon Annual Report 2014 and Amazon Annual Report 2015
The Amazon Case was the focus of class session three (3), but since then, we have
learned several frameworks for analyzing why a company may succeed or fail in
emerging markets. Therefore, when re-analyzing the Amazon Case, consider the
following questions:
● Why did Amazon follow a different business model and strategy in India
compared to its experience in China and Brazil? Consider entry mode and timing.
● What led to the differing approaches, and which, if any, of Amazon’s emerging
markets’ strategies and investments would succeed?
● Should Amazon enter other markets immediately? If so, why and where? If not,
where should its focus be?
You’ll need to set the stage by explaining why Amazon entered India, China, and Brazil
and analyze their decisions about globalization. Next, explain whether Amazon’s
strategy was successful and discuss the takeaways about brand management that
should be applied as they try to grow the brand. Finally, you may want to review class
session three (3) but do not simply rehash what was covered in class, reframe those
insights in light of the concepts we’ve learned in the last several weeks of the course.

Choose one idea as your thesis and build your paper around that topic. Remember,
everything in your paper must be in the service of your main argument. If something is
irrelevant to your thesis but interesting, revise it to include your exciting idea, or
consider dropping the point from your paper. Focus and clarity are the hallmarks of
good writing.

As business majors, your communication skills are crucial — we want you to write well
and expect that your work is clear, concise, and not only proofread but iterated with
multiple drafts. o that end, review the IBS: Business Communication Writing Tips
(Upper-Level) Guide for additional support with writing a solid paper.

In upper-level classes, please focus on the LOs because they are the core components
of the course. Building your paper around the LOs is much better than writing a paper
and then shoving in LO footnotes. You may tag LOs with a footnote to make it clear to
you and the Professor where you are trying to highlight specific concepts, but do not
explain your application in a footnote. Everything you need to make your case that this
is a good use of the LO should be in the main text.
Assignment Information
750 – 1000
Learning Outcomes Added

whyGlobal: Explain and evaluate the motivations for why a business exists in the
global marketplace.
howGlobal: Analyze the utility, costs, and implementation of global value chains.
intCompetitiveness: Analyze the factors influencing a firm’s international

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