Digital Marketing Strategy And Analytics


Assessment Brief

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Digital Marketing Strategy And Analytics
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The assessment entails a portfolio of three specific tasks and resulting outputs:

Task 1 – a blog discussing digital innovation and their impact on marketing

Task 2 – a report detailing the marketing strategy based on segmentation, targeting and

positioning for a chosen brand

Task 3 – a presentation* of a digital marketing plan and corresponding metrics/dashboard for a

chosen product or service

*Please note, you are required to put together a presentation slide deck and speaker notes, but you

will not be asked to present the slides.

Outputs for all three tasks need to be collated into one Word document to be submitted via Turnitin.

If you have any questions about formats, please speak to your tutor or module leader.

In this assessment you need to demonstrate you meet the following module Learning Outcomes:

1. Critically evaluate the impact of digital innovations on marketing practice.

2. Critically evaluate the principles of segmentation, targeting and positioning to build a digital

marketing strategy.

3. Critically assess the impact of digital technology on the marketing mix.

4. Analyse and critically evaluate the role of analytics for supporting marketing decisions.

Task 1: Blog (25 marks, LO1)

You are required to write a 1,250-word blog about digital innovations and their impact on marketing

practice. The blog should be written for marketing professionals. In order to write the blog you

should research the topic using both academic and professional journals.

In your blog you should:

• Discuss recent digital innovations which are relevant to marketing.

• Critically assess the impact these innovations have on marketing practice.

• Use real-life examples throughout the blog to illustrate your points.

The blog should be included in the assessment document and submitted through Turnitin.

Task 2: Report (25 marks, LO2)

For a brand of your choice, you should write a 1,250-word report detailing a proposal for their digital

marketing strategy based on the principles of segmentation, targeting and positioning. The report


should be written for the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of the company which owns the brand you

have selected. You should research the brand using online public sources and professional journals.

In the report you should:

• Provide brief background information to the brand you have chosen.

• Using relevant theory/models propose and justify how the company should segment the market

the brand operates in.

• Using relevant theory/models propose and justify which segment(s) the company should target.

• Using relevant theory/models propose and justify how the brand should be positioned against

the main competitors in the market.

• In your conclusion, critically evaluate the principles of segmentation, targeting and positioning in

relation to digital marketing strategy.

Task 3: Presentation (40 marks, LO3 and LO4)

For your chosen company you should develop a marketing plan which will be presented to the

Management Board of the company. The company has asked you to help them develop a plan to

increase demand for the product or service they sell. You should research the company and its

product or service using online public sources and professional journals. You should also use

appropriate theories and frameworks to underpin your work.

In the presentation you should:

• Provide a brief summary of the chosen company and its product or service.

• Specify marketing objectives for the company relevant to their overall aim of increasing demand.

• Outline the recommended marketing mix and discuss the impact of digital technology on the

marketing mix.

• Provide justified recommendations for two specific metrics which can be used to monitor and

measure the implementation of the plan.

• Create a comprehensive strategic dashboard which can monitor whether the company is

achieving its aim of increasing demand. Provide a rationale for the selected marketing metrics

and KPIs.

The PowerPoint presentation should be a maximum of 15 slides (excluding slides containing the list

of references) and include speaker notes for each slide with a maximum 2,000 words in total. The

slides and speaker notes should be included in the assessment document. Please speak to your tutor

or module leader if you need further guidance on the format of the submission.

Task 4: Presentation and structure (10 marks)

Your portfolio of the three tasks should have:

• A clear structure and layout in line with the requested formats.

• Professional and concise writing style.

• Appropriate Harvard referencing throughout the portfolio with a range of credible sources.


• Dashboard with clear layout and easy to follow graphics.

The total word count of the portfolio should not exceed 5,000 words. This includes headings and

sub-headings, text-based tables, and in-text citations. It does not include the cover sheet,

appendices, numerical tables, reference list, contents page or list of figures.

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BPP Business School
Coursework Cover Sheet
Please use this document as the cover sheet of for the 1st page of your assessment.
Please complete the below table – the grey columns
Module Name
Student Reference Number
Assessment Title
Digital Marketing Strategy & Analytics
Please complete the yellow sections in the below declaration :
Declaration of Original Work:
I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this is my
original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements
of BPP School of Business and Technology.
The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is ______ words.
Student Reference Number: __________
Date: ______
By submitting this coursework you agree to all rules and regulations of BPP regarding assessments
and awards for programmes.
Please note that by submitting this assessment you are declaring that you are fit to sit this
BPP University reserves the right to use all submitted work for educational purposes and may
request that work be published for a wider audience.
MSc Management with
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Strategy and Analyics
Coursework Assessment Brief
1. General Assessment Guidance

Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this one submission which accounts
for 100% of the marks.

Please note late submissions will not be marked.

You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only
submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital
form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.

For coursework, the submission word limit is 5,000 words. You must comply with the word count
guidelines. You may submit LESS than 5,000 words but not more. Word Count guidelines can be
found on your programme home page and the coursework submission page.

Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put
your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the
marking process.

A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve
minimum 50% to pass this module.

You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which
is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can
use the following link to access this information:

BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven instances of
plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to
read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GARs and MOPP which
are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.

You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without
this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.
2. Assessment Brief
The assessment entails a portfolio of three specific tasks and resulting outputs:
Task 1 – a blog discussing digital innovation and their impact on marketing
Task 2 – a report detailing the marketing strategy based on segmentation, targeting and
positioning for a chosen brand
Task 3 – a presentation* of a digital marketing plan and corresponding metrics/dashboard for a
chosen product or service
*Please note, you are required to put together a presentation slide deck and speaker notes, but you
will not be asked to present the slides.
Outputs for all three tasks need to be collated into one Word document to be submitted via Turnitin.
If you have any questions about formats, please speak to your tutor or module leader.
In this assessment you need to demonstrate you meet the following module Learning Outcomes:
1. Critically evaluate the impact of digital innovations on marketing practice.
2. Critically evaluate the principles of segmentation, targeting and positioning to build a digital
marketing strategy.
3. Critically assess the impact of digital technology on the marketing mix.
4. Analyse and critically evaluate the role of analytics for supporting marketing decisions.
Task 1: Blog (25 marks, LO1)
You are required to write a 1,250-word blog about digital innovations and their impact on marketing
practice. The blog should be written for marketing professionals. In order to write the blog you
should research the topic using both academic and professional journals.
In your blog you should:

Discuss recent digital innovations which are relevant to marketing.
Critically assess the impact these innovations have on marketing practice.
Use real-life examples throughout the blog to illustrate your points.
The blog should be included in the assessment document and submitted through Turnitin.
Task 2: Report (25 marks, LO2)
For a brand of your choice, you should write a 1,250-word report detailing a proposal for their digital
marketing strategy based on the principles of segmentation, targeting and positioning. The report
should be written for the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of the company which owns the brand you
have selected. You should research the brand using online public sources and professional journals.
In the report you should:

Provide brief background information to the brand you have chosen.
Using relevant theory/models propose and justify how the company should segment the market
the brand operates in.
Using relevant theory/models propose and justify which segment(s) the company should target.
Using relevant theory/models propose and justify how the brand should be positioned against
the main competitors in the market.
In your conclusion, critically evaluate the principles of segmentation, targeting and positioning in
relation to digital marketing strategy.
Task 3: Presentation (40 marks, LO3 and LO4)
For your chosen company you should develop a marketing plan which will be presented to the
Management Board of the company. The company has asked you to help them develop a plan to
increase demand for the product or service they sell. You should research the company and its
product or service using online public sources and professional journals. You should also use
appropriate theories and frameworks to underpin your work.
In the presentation you should:

Provide a brief summary of the chosen company and its product or service.
Specify marketing objectives for the company relevant to their overall aim of increasing demand.
Outline the recommended marketing mix and discuss the impact of digital technology on the
marketing mix.
Provide justified recommendations for two specific metrics which can be used to monitor and
measure the implementation of the plan.
Create a comprehensive strategic dashboard which can monitor whether the company is
achieving its aim of increasing demand. Provide a rationale for the selected marketing metrics
and KPIs.
The PowerPoint presentation should be a maximum of 15 slides (excluding slides containing the list
of references) and include speaker notes for each slide with a maximum 2,000 words in total. The
slides and speaker notes should be included in the assessment document. Please speak to your tutor
or module leader if you need further guidance on the format of the submission.
Task 4: Presentation and structure (10 marks)
Your portfolio of the three tasks should have:

A clear structure and layout in line with the requested formats.
Professional and concise writing style.
Appropriate Harvard referencing throughout the portfolio with a range of credible sources.

Dashboard with clear layout and easy to follow graphics.
The total word count of the portfolio should not exceed 5,000 words. This includes headings and
sub-headings, text-based tables, and in-text citations. It does not include the cover sheet,
appendices, numerical tables, reference list, contents page or list of figures.
Some further guidance and tips
It is important that you spend adequate time researching your chosen organisation. You need to be
sufficiently familiar with the organisation and its product or service to complete the tasks
Please ensure you set aside sufficient time to research, analyse and prepare (and re-draft where
needed) this assignment. This portfolio assessment will be a challenging undertaking therefore, you
will be given sufficient opportunities to practise key elements/aspects of the tasks as part of
coursework activities and your tutor will provide regular feedback.
The assessment should be written in a professional tone and should only contain relevant material
that directly contributes towards answering the tasks.
The tasks will indicate any specific format requirements and recommended word limits, and it is
expected the assessment will be presented accordingly.
The assessment has been developed so that it can be applied to organisations of all sizes and
sectors. Where you feel that applying the assessment to the chosen organisation requires a creative
approach to the concepts and theoretical principles explored, this is acceptable following discussion
with and approval by your tutor. Where this occurs, the approach taken and the reasons for that
should be outlined within the organisation summary in task 3.
3. Marking Guide
The assignment is marked out of 100 and counts towards 100% of your module mark. The following table shows the guidelines, marks and marking rubric:
Assignment task
1. Task 1: Blog (25%
weighting, LO1)
2. Task 2: Report
(25% weighting,
Fail (0-39%)
Low Fail (40-49%)
Pass (50-59%)
Merit (60-69%)
Distinction (70-100%)
• Discuss recent digital innovations which are relevant to marketing.
• Critically assess the impact these innovations have on marketing practice.
Weak and often implicit Limited knowledge of
Satisfactory knowledge
Good knowledge of
Excellent knowledge of
knowledge of digital
digital innovations with
of digital innovations
digital innovations with
digital innovations with
innovations with
some appreciation of the with emerging
application of current
excellent and detailed
inadequate appreciation wider marketing
application of the
and emerging thoughts
usage of recent emerging
of the wider marketing
thoughts and practices at and practices at the
thought at the forefront
Limited critical
the forefront of the
forefront of the
of the marketing
Weak critical evaluation evaluation of the impact marketing discipline.
marketing discipline.
of the impact of digital
of digital innovation on
Satisfactory critical
Good critical evaluation
Excellent critical
innovation on marketing marketing practice.
evaluation of the impact of the impact of digital
evaluation of the impact
of digital innovation on
innovation on marketing of digital innovation on
marketing practice.
marketing practice.
• Provide brief background information on the selected brand.
• Using relevant theory/models propose and justify how the company should segment the market the brand operates in.
• Using relevant theory/models propose and justify which segment(s) the company should target.
• Using relevant theory/models propose and justify how the brand should be positioned against the main competitors in the market.
• Critically evaluate the principles of segmentation, targeting and positioning in relation to digital marketing strategy.
Weak and often implicit Limited knowledge of
Satisfactory knowledge
Good knowledge of STP, Excellent knowledge of
knowledge of STP with
STP, begins to explore
of STP, exploring and
exploring and explicitly
STP, exploring and
some omissions and/or
and analyse the
explicitly analysing the
analysing the marketing
explicitly analysing the
lack of theory of the
marketing discipline and marketing discipline and discipline and its theory
marketing discipline and
marketing discipline.
its theory.
its theory with some
with considerable
its theory with clear
Weak critical evaluation,
largely descriptive and
lack of reasoned
3. Task 3:
Presentation (40%
weighting, LO3
and LO4)
Presentation (10%)
Limited critical
evaluation with some
reasoned judgements.
originality, detail and
Satisfactory critical
evaluation with solid and
reasoned judgements.
originality, detail and
Good critical evaluation
with strong, wellreasoned judgements.
originality, detail and
Excellent critical
evaluation with
outstanding, wellreasoned judgements.
• Provide a brief summary of the chosen company and its product or service.
• Specify marketing objectives for the company relevant to their overall aim of increasing demand.
• Outline the recommended marketing mix and discuss the impact of digital technology on the marketing mix.
• Provide justified recommendations for two specific metrics.
• Create a comprehensive strategic dashboard.
Weak evidence of
Limited evidence of
Satisfactory and
Good and extensive
Excellent evidence of an
research and use of
considerable research
substantial research and research and evidence of innovative or original use
appropriate sources.
and limited use of a
evidence of a range of
a wide range of
of extensive research
Weak knowledge of the
range of appropriate
appropriate sources.
appropriate sources.
which has been
digital marketing mix
Satisfactory knowledge
Good knowledge of the
thoroughly critically
and analytics.
Limited knowledge of
of the digital marketing
digital marketing mix and evaluated.
Weak critical evaluation, the digital marketing mix mix and analytics.
Excellent knowledge of
largely descriptive and
and analytics.
Satisfactory critical
Good critical evaluation
the digital marketing mix
lack of reasoned
Limited critical
evaluation with solid and with strong, welland analytics.
evaluation with some
reasoned judgements.
reasoned judgements.
Excellent critical
reasoned judgements.
evaluation with
outstanding, wellreasoned judgements.
• Clear structure and layout
• Writing style: professional and concise
• Appropriate Harvard referencing: range and credibility of the sources use and correct application of Harvard referencing style
throughout report and appendices
• Dashboard with clear layout and easy to follow graphics
Weak references with
errors or
Inadequate structure
and expression.
Weak communication
skills adapted to some
degree to different
situations and
audiences, lack of
Limited appropriate
references with minor
Limited structure and
Limited communication
skills adapted a range of
situations and audiences
with some degree of
Satisfactory with full and
appropriate references.
Satisfactory structured
layout and mainly
accurate expression.
communication skills
adapted to a wide range
of situations and
audiences to an
adequate professional
Good with precise, full
and appropriate
Well-structured layout
and professional and
accurate expression.
Good communication
skills adapted to suit all
situations and audiences
to a near-professional
Excellent with precise,
full and appropriate
Outstanding structured
layout and professional
and accurate expression.
Excellent communication
skills adapted to suit all
situations and audiences
to a professional

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