about Leadership and Management (Understanding Leadership).


Examples are provided in the paper so please follow them.Please follow the instructions carefully.I work for “ Qatar National Bank “ in Retail Department as ( Senior Assoisate Customer Service ) Alshafi Street Branch. please consider that when writing. I want you to solve it all please. it is easy but needs writing.

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ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management
Workshop 1
Understanding Leadership
Assignment Handbook
This assignment handbook contains guidance and some examples of how to complete your
assignment. The evidence you provide within this handbook must be in your own words and
completed during the workshop. Your Trainer will support and advise on the completion of the
assignment and time will be provided during the workshop for you to answer the assignment
AC 1.1
For this section, your answer should be approximately 275 words
Describe at least 2 factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in
workplace situations:
Think about your own workplace and choose 2 different situations and environments that can
make you choose different leadership styles or different behaviours. Include the factors that
make you choose your leadership style or behaviour and say why you have chosen them.
In approximately 275 words, write 2 paragraphs using the example below as a guide to the
level of detail and content required.
I am a Manager in a popular Coffee shop, on weekdays between 6.30am and 7.30am it is very
busy as people pick up a coffee on their way to work. During this busy period, time pressure is
a factor which influences my choice of leadership style. I don’t have time to train or support
my staff at this busy time and tend to be more directive as a leader and be more controlling in
order to satisfy the high volume of customers in a limited timeframe.
Once the morning rush is over, the environment is different and I have time to consider the
development needs of new inexperienced staff. The skill level of new staff is a factor which
influences my choice of leadership style and I can now adopt a coaching style of leadership and
provide some teaching to develop their skill level.
In the example given above the words in red represent the following:
time pressure + skill level of new staff = Factors
directive + coaching = Leadership styles
controlling + teaching = Behaviour
AC 1.2
For this section, your answer should be approximately 300 words
Explain why leadership styles or behaviours (identified in AC 1.1 above) are likely to have a
positive or negative effect on individual and group behaviour.
Remember to consider both positive and negative aspects and to consider the style, or
behaviours, on both the individual and the team
In approximately 300 words, write 2 paragraphs using the example above as a guide to the
level of detail and content required.
When I am more directive with my staff at busy times, the more inexperienced staff respond
well to being directed because it gives them the instruction that they need. They want to do
the right thing but perhaps lack experience to be able to do that alone. Clear direction helps
them to perform tasks without having to decide the best way or the best order of events.
However, the experienced staff sometimes can feel I am being too controlling because they
know what to do and when to do it.
When I am training new staff and I use a coaching style of leadership, I get a positive response
because they want me to tell them how to perform tasks but also enjoy the high level of
support I give them at the same time. The entire team are happy with this situation because
they know that at busy times, new staff will contribute more with newly taught skills.
AC 2.1
For this section, your answer should be approximately 325 words
Assess own leadership behaviours and potential in the context of a particular leadership
model and own organisation’s working practices and culture, using feedback from others
In approximately 325 words, using the results of your Hersey & Blanchard leadership style
questionnaire completed by at least 2 colleagues, comment on how these results relate to
your organisation’s working practices and culture.
The feedback my colleague’s have given me via the Hersey & Blanchard leadership styles
questionnaire show that I am seen as a directing style of leader:
Hersey & Blanchard leadership styles questionnaire – Feedback results
Colleague A
Colleague B
The feedback shows that I am able to meet my company policy of keeping customers happy
through efficient and speedy service and meet my monthly profit targets. My company also
has an employee development policy which would need me to be less directing to satisfy this
policy. My lowest score is delegating which may mean that more experienced staff may not be
feeling as trusted or empowered as they could, this could have a negative impact on their job
satisfaction which is against the desire of the company to retain staff and reduce staff
AC 2.2
For this section, your answer should be approximately 300 words
Describe appropriate actions to enhance own leadership behaviour in the context of the
particular leadership model:
Think about the comments you have made in the previous question and describe at least 2
appropriate actions for you to enhance your own leadership behaviour. In your description,
make sure you relate your comments to the Hersey & Blanchard Situational Approach to
Leadership model.
In approximately 300 words, identify 2 actions you can take to enhance your own leadership
style and describe them in a way that relates to the Hersey & Blanchard Situational
Approach to Leadership model.
The feedback I received from colleagues using the Hersey & Blanchard Situational Approach to
Leadership model has made me realise that I can be more directing than I thought. As a result,
I plan to carry out the following actions:
Action 1. – I will look to identify my most experienced staff and encourage them to offer ‘on
the job’ training to less experienced team members. This will show the experienced staff that I
trust them more and will also help the team to bond. By doing this I would be using a more
delegating style of leadership.
Action 2 – When times are very busy and I need to control the situation and tend to be more
directing, I will try to use more positive language. When giving instructions to the team I will
make sure they know ‘why’ particular things ‘need’ to be done quickly and give them
encouragement and praise. By doing this I would be using a more coaching style of leadership.
Understanding Leadership – Assignment
AC 1.1
Describe at least 2 factors that will influence the choice of leadership
styles or behaviours in workplace situations:
AC 1.2
Explain why these leadership styles or behaviours are likely to have a
positive or negative effect on individual and group behaviour:
AC 2.1
Assess own leadership behaviours and potential in the context of a
particular leadership model and own organisation’s working practices and
culture, using feedback from others:
Hersey & Blanchard leadership styles questionnaire – Feedback results
Colleague A
Colleague B
AC 2.2
Describe appropriate actions to enhance own leadership behaviour in the
context of the particular leadership model:

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