

What I Want You to Write:It is likely that most of you will be doing statistical analyses/correlational approaches that are quantitative for your projects. For the discussion, I want you to think about your research question and how it relates to quasi-experimental concepts. Do you think your project may or may not be a quasi-experimental approach? Explain why or why not in your original post. This should include stating your research question and what analyses you think may be used (it’s okay if you are not 100% certain, but you should try and think on it). Maybe think about if this project will work as a quasi-experiment and why or why not.

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Effects of Video Games and Changes over the Years.
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Effects of Video Games and Changes over the Years
Video gaming has been identified as a major leisure activities among human beings.
However, video games have been known to contribute to multiple negative effects, such as video
game addiction and health implications among users. Parents and educators have identified video
games as a major cause of poor academic performance among students (Farchakh et al., 2020).
Video games, such as action video games are effective tools for behavioral and cognitive
enhancement. Video games have beneficial effects among children and adolescents with cognitive
disorders due to their ability to reduce anxiety (Ramírez-Granizo et al., 2020). Video games are
characterized by specific features that promote behavioral enhancement among children and
adults, including high degree of perceptual, cognitive enhancement and sensory motor. Video
games have evolved over the years due to technological advancements and artificial intelligence,
making them more realistic and engaging (Ruberg, 2019). More advancements are likely to occur
in the video games industry, leading to more fun and positive impacts on players.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of video games, the benefits, and
how they have changed overtime. The research will add upon the topic of video games by
exploring health benefits and implications of video games on video game players. The research
will investigate the negative effects of video games on children, adolescents, and adults. The
research paper will discuss the benefits of video games to help the reader understand the behavioral
and cognitive benefits of video games to children and adults. It will also include benefits of video
games in the healthcare industry, mostly to patients suffering from various diseases. Lastly, the
research will discuss how video games have changed overtime by assessing how the video games
were several years ago and identifying any improvement that has occurred over the year. The
research questions are: What are the effects of video games? What are the benefits of video games?
How have the video games changed overtime?
Literature Review
Effects of Video Games
Farchakh et al. (2020) have explored the effects of video games on children and adolescents
in their article ‘‘Video gaming addiction and its association with memory, attention, and learning
skills in Lebanese Children.’’ The authors argue that video games have serious implications on
children and adolescents. The risks include adverse consequences in psychological development
and addiction that occur as a result of genetic predisposition and repeated exposure. According to
the authors, manifestation of video game addiction among video game players include increased
priority over a person’s daily activities and impaired control (Farchakh et al., 2020). High addiction
to video games also can cause problem solving issues, episodic memory in children, and worse
attention in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Educators and parents have
established video games addiction as a cause of decreased learning, leading to poor academic
Additionally, Farchakh et al. claim that video games are also associated with adverse
psychosocial effects and other negative medical implications (2020). For instance, video games
increases the risk of epileptic seizures among photosensitive children with epilepsy. Video games
with features, causing flickering and intense repetition are likely to result in seizures (Farchakh et
al., 2020). Auditory hallucinations, wrist pains, elbow pain, neck pain, hand-arm vibrations,
obesity, peripheral neuropathy have been established as major effects of playing video games.
However, some of the effects are rare and temporary and resolve after a short period of not playing
the video games.
Reduces Anxiety
Ramírez-Granizo et al. explores the benefits of video games in treatment of psychiatric
disorders among children and adolescents with psychiatric disorder (2020). The authors claim that
commercially available and serious video games are suitable in the treatment of psychiatric
disorders among children and adolescents for many reasons, including reducing anxiety and
frustration (Ramírez-Granizo et al., 2020). The video games incorporate mechanisms that help to
reduce anxiety and improve emotional development among children and adolescents with
psychiatric disorders.
The authors argue that video games are developed for trial-and-error learning, causing the
children to lose and repeat different levels multiple times. The tendency to lose and repeat levels
multiple times causes children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders to sharpen in-game skills
and overcome frustrations, anxiety, and anger for them to win in particular levels (RamírezGranizo et al., 2020). For example, video games, such as Mindlight in 2016 incorporates CBT
strategies within its design and storyline, including exposure therapies and attention bias
modification. The CBT strategies encourages children with psychiatric disorders to try several
relaxation methods, such as self-talk and deep breathing, leading to improved anxiety among the
Arellano (2022), explores the benefits of video games in an article titled ‘‘Benefits of Video
Games in Healthcare.’’ Arellano argues that video games are widely applied in healthcare in
managing pain among patients and in occupational and physiotherapy. According to the author,
video games are effective in managing pain due to the degree of attention patients, especially
children, need to play, which distract them from sensation of pain (Arellano (2022). The author
claims that video games can be used in sickle cell disease treatment and chemotherapy for cancer
among children due to their ability to cause cognitive distraction.
Video games have also been beneficial in healthcare due to their use in occupational and
physiotherapy. Such games provide therapeutic activities that distract patients from potential
discomforts (Arellano, 2022). Video games have also shown therapeutic benefits for people with
severe burns, wheel chair users with spinal cord injuries, and people with muscular dystrophy.
Behavioral and Cognitive Enhancement
In an article by Franceschini et al., the authors argue that video games enhance behavioral
and cognitive development among children and adults. The authors claim that video games results
in positive behavioral enhancement among children and adults by facilitating anxiety management.
Video games, such as Action Video games enhances cognition by improving cognitive skills
among children and adults. The action video games (AVG) are characterized by unique features
that facilitates cognitive enhancement among the players (Franceschini et al.2022). The different
features of the AVG include high degree of perceptual, cognitive enhancement and sensory motor
as a result of positive emotions induced by funny and puzzle video games. Other features of action
video games include extraordinary speed, multiple action plans, unpredictability, emphasis on
peripheral processing, and cognitive and motor load. Also, action video games, such as shooting
games have beneficial cognitive effects on working memory, attention control, and reading.
How Video Games have Changed Overtime
In an article about evolution of video games, Ruberg argues that video games have
undergone major transformations over the years from simple tools of technology to complex media
of entertainment (2019). The author claim that video games in the early 1970s did not provide
multiplayer mode. As a result, video game players had poor gaming experience and would not play
for long. However, in the early 1997, some advancements in video games, such as WAP tools
allowed multiplayers in the video games. The author claims that ore drastic changes were
witnessed in the video games industry between 2004 and 2014 (Ruberg, 2019). Video games with
more high quality and with features that allowed real time interaction emerged. Examples of such
games included Angry Birds, Temple run, and Candy Crush. More developments have been
observed in the video games due to technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence,
which mimics human intelligence, causing the video games to appear more fun and realistic.
Video games are associated with negative and positive effects on children and adults.
Video games are associated with addiction and various health implications among video game
players. Parents and educators have established that video games contribute to poor learning and
poor academic performances due to video game addiction. Video games are also associated with
multiple health implications that are rare and temporary and could resolve within a short time of
not playing the game. Video games have been established to provide multiple benefits to the
players. Common benefits include benefits in the healthcare industry where video games are in
physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and pain management among children. Video games are
also associated with major benefits, such as behavioral and cognitive enhancement among children
and adults due to their various features, such as high degree of perceptual, extraordinary speed,
multiple action plans, and unpredictability. The research also shows that video games have evolved
over the years from simple tools of technology to complex media of entertainment due to
technological advancement. The research will add knowledge on to the effects of video games and
changes over the years by demonstrating the impact of video games among patients with cancer
and sickle cell disease. The research will also add on to changes of video games over the years by
showing how artificial intelligence makes video games more interactive, fun, and realistic.
Arellano, Y. (2022). Level up. The use of video games in healthcare.
Farchakh, Y., Haddad, C., Sacre, H., Obeid, S., Salameh, P., & Hallit, S. (2020). Video gaming
addiction and its association with memory, attention, and learning skills in Lebanese
Children. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 14(1): 1-11.
Franceschini, S., Bertoni, S., Lulli, M., Pievani, T., & Facoetti, A. (2022). Short-term effects of
video-games on cognitive enhancement: The role of positive emotions. Journal of
Cognitive Enhancement, 1-18.
Ramírez-Granizo, I. A., Ubago-Jiménez, J. L., González-Valero, G., Puertas-Molero, P., & San
Román-Mata, S. (2020). The effect of physical activity and the use of active video
games: exergames in children and adolescents: a systematic review. International journal
of environmental research and public health, 17(12), 4243.
Ruberg, B. (2019). Video games have always been queer. NYU Press.

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