Case Study: Encouraging Appropriate Behavior



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Case Study: Encouraging Appropriate Behavior
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The IRIS Center (Open Access) is a national center dedicated to improving education outcomes
for all children, especially those with disabilities from birth through age twenty-one, through the
use of effective evidence-based practices and interventions. You will complete two separate Case
Study Assignments in this course


Using the resources provided within each IRIS Center case study (e.g., STAR Sheets) and the
corresponding case study template provided with each assignment, answer each item in the case
study in the unit in full. Case studies will be evaluated based on your ability to demonstrate a
comprehensive understanding of the concepts and information presented in the STAR Sheets, as
well as on grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Case Study: Defining Behavior Assignment

 This case study addresses how to clearly define a student’s behavior so it can be
consistently identified, observed, and measured, or counted.
 Access the IRIS Center case study by clicking on the IRIS Center: Defining Behavior
Case Study Unit link provided with this assignment.
 After reviewing the IRIS Center case study, complete the Case Study: Defining
Behavior Template provided with this assignment.
Case Study: Encouraging Appropriate Behavior Assignment
 This case study addresses strategies for encouraging appropriate behavior in the
 Access the IRIS Center case study by clicking on the IRIS Center: Encouraging
Appropriate Behavior Case Study Unit link provided with this assignment.
 After reviewing the IRIS Center case study, complete the Case Study: Encouraging
Appropriate Behavior Template provided with this assignment

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EDLC 623
The IRIS Center (Open Access) is a national center dedicated to improving education outcomes
for all children, especially those with disabilities from birth through age twenty-one, through the
use of effective evidence-based practices and interventions. You will complete two separate Case
Study Assignments in this course.
Using the resources provided within each IRIS Center case study (e.g., STAR Sheets) and the
corresponding case study template provided with each assignment, answer each item in the case
study in the unit in full. Case studies will be evaluated based on your ability to demonstrate a
comprehensive understanding of the concepts and information presented in the STAR Sheets, as
well as on grammar, spelling, and formatting.
Case Study: Defining Behavior Assignment

This case study addresses how to clearly define a student’s behavior so it can be
consistently identified, observed, and measured, or counted.

Access the IRIS Center case study by clicking on the IRIS Center: Defining Behavior
Case Study Unit link provided with this assignment.

After reviewing the IRIS Center case study, complete the Case Study: Defining
Behavior Template provided with this assignment.
Case Study: Encouraging Appropriate Behavior Assignment

This case study addresses strategies for encouraging appropriate behavior in the

Access the IRIS Center case study by clicking on the IRIS Center: Encouraging
Appropriate Behavior Case Study Unit link provided with this assignment.

After reviewing the IRIS Center case study, complete the Case Study: Encouraging
Appropriate Behavior Template provided with this assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
EDLC 623
Using the STAR sheets included with the IRIS Center case study unit, answer each case study
question in the unit in the template below. Keep the questions in bold. Format your answers in
Level A: Case 1
1. Summarize each strategy and describe why each strategy might be used to help Kunj
meet one or more of his goals.
Level A: Case 2
2. Summarize each strategy and describe why each strategy might be used to help Heather
meet one or more of her goals.
Level B: Case 1
3. Select one strategy you feel would best address Garrison’s goals. State why you selected
this strategy to address the goals.
4. Describe how you would implement this strategy in your classroom and any cautions for
its use.
Level B: Case 2
5. Select one strategy you feel would best address Ellie’s goals. State why you selected this
strategy to address the goals.
6. Describe how you would implement this strategy in your classroom and any cautions for
its use.
Level C: Case 1
7. Create a priority list of two critical goals each for Patrick and Zach.
8. Identify two or three strategies you could use to address the goals you listed.
9. Provide a rationale for why you selected these strategies.
10. Choose one strategy to implement immediately and justify your selection and discuss
what information you used to support this.
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EDLC 623
11. Describe how you would implement this strategy if you were the classroom teacher and
any possible cautions or considerations of which you should be aware.
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