Physics lab of vector


I will upload the document and the supplemental course video. Also, for page 3, just use the dinosaur image provided. Thank You.

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Physics lab of vector
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Lab partners:
Physics For Life Scientists
Week 4 Lab: The (highly morbid) Skeleton Vector Lab.
Overview: Most people don’t realize that
the human body is just one huge collection
of vectors. Some of these are position
vectors, some are force vectors, and some
are torque vectors. The relationship between
these vectors determines things like whether
or not you can lift a piece of furniture
without throwing your back out. People who
study physical therapy and medicine are
especially in tune with how the balancing of
these vectors determines physical health and
good functioning of the body. In this lab, we
will begin the process of seeing the parts that
make human (and animal) bodies can
actually be described as vectors.
Part 1: The human body
In this lab, you will find a picture of
skeletons posing. For this picture, find the Humerus, Radius, Femur, Tibia (both left and right
sides). Treat each bone as a vector beginning at one joint and ending at the other (you can choose
but be careful about negative signs). Make sure you draw all vectors and their components on
the figure. Then find the length of each of these bone vectors in centimeters using a ruler. Also
find the angle (direction) that these vectors make with the x-axis. From these two measurements
you can calculate the components of each bone vector. Once you have the components, express
each vector in (i,j) notation. Lastly for the arms only, use your knowledge of vector addition to add
the humerus and radius bone vectors to find the vector, magnitude, and direction of the vector from
shoulder to the wrist. You will have a total of ten vectors (including the shoulder to wrist vectors)
that you will submit, along with your notes and calculations.
Part 2: The Animal Body
Now you will go online and find the skeleton of your favorite animal. Could be a horse, dog, cat,
dinosaur, etc. Then print out a picture of its skeleton and repeat the process from Part 1 (eight total
vectors) for that animal skeleton finding the position vectors for any four bones. If you don’t have
a favorite animal, you may use the dinosaur skeleton given here.

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