Film Question


PROMPT: Write a short paper (300 words min-500 words max) where you discuss the way mise en scene, cinematography and editing work together for one scene in the Spike Lee joint DO THE RIGHT THING (DTRT). Start with the narrative being communicated using your knowledge of narrative form (Chapter 3) then tie in the ways Lee (and the DTRT cast and crew) use elements in mise en scene (Chapter 4), cinematography (Chapter 5) and editing (chapter 6) to tell a specific story.

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Film Question
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Follow the folder in canvas links to Paper Prompts/Mini Paper #2/DTRT essay scenes

It would be advised for you to only take a very small sequence within one of the provided scenes.

Also be sure to mention the Clip # (e.g. 1/10) and the time signature (e.g. :42-1:38)

IMPORTANT: The scene mentioned above (Clip 2/10 :42-1:38) is off limits for use in a paper, because this is what I used for the sample. This does not mean that Clip 2/10 is off limits though. The scene in the Korean bodega (:00-:41) is still available for use.


Narrative form being used: 2 pts. (1 plot summary, 1: terminology)

Mise en Scene: 2 pts. (1: specific example, 1: terminology)

Cinematography 2 pts. (1: specific example, 1: terminology)

Editing 2 pts. (1: specific example, 1: terminology)

Tying all three together at conclusion: 2 pts


See example provided in the Mini Paper #2 folder in “FILES”. Be sure to look at the “Mini Paper_2_example” and the “Mini Paper_2_example w/explanations” for details about how the grading would be used in this paper.

NOTE: Please note in this example how, even though each paragraph is dedicated to an aspect detailed in the “GRADE BREAKDOWN,” this did not stop me from using terminology from other chapters. For example: during the discussion about mise en scene there was a reference to camera movement and during the discussion on cinematography there were editing terms like “shot/reverse shot.” Film analysis would be extremely difficult to do without talking about how each of these styles work together to tell a story. So have fun with bringing in other styles but make sure each paragraph has its central focus which is explicitly stated.


This paper will need to be turned in electronically on this assignment page by Feb. 23 at 11:59 PM. No late papers will be accepted as you have a whole week to turn it in at any time.

Please be sure to follow the required formatting laid out in the syllabus. Double spacing and paragraphing to separate main ideas will be necessary. (up to -1 could be given for errors in formatting this time.)