Nursing Question


Conduct a windshield survey within a community zip code region
(radius of 10 miles north, south, east, and west). The community/public
health nurse utilizes the nursing process to determine the needs for
the community as the client. I will conduct a windshield
survey, identify components for the social determinants of health (SOD),
and describe the three components of the community. This assessment
will allow the student to gain insight for systematically gathering
community health resources and information.The research paper should contain a minimum of two (2) pages and a maximum of four (4) pages excluding cover and reference pages, and in APA 7th edition format. The research paper outline will contain the following: a) Introduction to the purpose and scope of the Community Assessment b) Body of Text-utilize the Community Assessment Components (People, Place, and Social Interaction or Common Characteristic, interests, or goals) include the SOD c) Identify Community Healthcare Needs d) Conclusion

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Community Assessment Paper
Paper Format
Health issues/issues are
stated or addressed but
lack detail.
The community is
primarily described.
Health issues are
addressed, but a clear
picture of the
community still needs
to be accomplished.
Health issues
addressed are vague
and non-descriptive.
Population is described.
Census data is identified.
Some SOD are listed
Population is identified.
Census data given.
Two SOD identified
characteristic is vague.
No Statistical data
Physical environment
factors described such as
housing, work, or home
Some Physical
environment factors
Two SOD identified
Physical environment
is vague.
No Statistical data
A brief description of
social characteristics of a
community. At least 7
sections are described.
At least 5 sections are
Less than 5 sections or
Problem is clearly identified
with the etiology and proof of
concern among community
members. Intervention is
based on research and
understanding of community.
Ended with strong and
compelling components of the
central components of the
community assessment. Did
not introduce any new
Problem identified, but
not in detail, intervention
is too general.
Problem is slightly
identified, intervention
not clearly articulated.
Vague problem
identification, no
intervention plan
Ended with concluding
statement with central
components of the
community assessment
Absence conclusion of
Very descriptive and wellwritten and all directions were
No spelling or Grammar error
All census data is provided for
each category with references.
APA 7th ed. Format
References within 3 years
2-4 pages
Writing conveys
message and directions
are followed.
One spelling or
Grammar error.
Ended with a
conclusion but did not
highlight contents of
the community
Introduced new
Writing quality displays
ideas, but directions
Several spelling and
grammar errors
Two or more APA
References more than 3
years old
APA format not
Clearly define and explain the
assessment process. The
observation is thorough, and
all issues are addressed.
Effectively defines and
describes community using
windshield assessment
Effectively defines and
describes the population.
Identified Statistics (age, race,
gender, ethnicity, density)
Integrate SOD
Effectively defines and
describes the Demographics.
Identified Public Services,
Parks, Hospitals
Integrate SOD
Delineate the social character
of the community. Providing
examples for religious
gatherings, entertainment, and
restaurants. Family dynamics.
Writing with no clear
message, directions
not followed.
Spelling and grammar
Community Assessment for Zip Code
Student Name
Miami Regional University School of Nursing
NUR 4200: Community and Public Health Nursing
Instructor’s Name
Sample Student Work.
Introduction to Zip Code
The purpose of this research paper is to assess and address the needs of zip code 33161,
also known as Miami Shores. Based on the observation for these residents, the needs in this
community were cancer care and prevention, healthier food options, and access to health care for
individuals age 65 and older. The residents of zip code 33161 currently are not achieving the of
objectives Healthy People 2030 which is to reduce the new cases of cancer and cancer-related
illnesses as part of disparities that affects the community which includes educational levels,
economic status, an access to healthcare.
Community Assessment
According to the U.S Census Bureau (2019), residents from Miami Shores are
pronominally white non-Hispanic (70.2 %) and second highest population residing are Hispanic/
Latino (39.8%). During the windshield survey, the people visiting the plazas where
predominantly white; however, it was hard to distinguish if they were white Hispanic or white
non-Hispanic. Throughout the weekdays, the public roads are congested during peak hours of
7:00am, again between the hours of 11 am-1 pm considered as the lunch hours for the working
class, ending the day by the rush hour traffic which commences at 3pm -7pm. During the
weekend, zip code 33161 becomes very lively with locals visiting restaurants, shopping centers,
and grocery stores, and enjoying the scenery down the busy street of Biscayne Blvd.
Environmental data was collected for zip code 33161. New construction is taking place
within the Biscayne Blvd area such as high-rise apartments and condominiums while houses and
Sample Student Work.
multifamily homes are placed for rent and for sale by owners. Presently, there are no road
constructions on Biscayne Blvd ranging from 82nd avenue towards Northeast 135th and
Biscayne. On northeast 13th Avenue and 110th street, there are homes that are boarded up,
abandoned, and vacant. The areas of Northeast 13th Avenue to northeast 119th has empty lots
with unkept lawns deemed as city properties that are being used as dumping sites for broken
furniture and shopping carts by residents. The Biscayne strip, however, has an array of
establishments catered to all diversities in the food division which includes Caribbean,
Colombian, Mexican cuisines and fast-food restaurants, which are crowed during the weekdays
and weekends.
Social Characteristics
In Miami Shores are certain medical facilities within reach for residents to meet their
medical needs. Mount Sinai Primary Care Office is located on 109th and Biscayne Blvd, which
covers services for the geriatric population, cardiovascular and nephrology care. Miami Beach
Community Health Center found on Biscayne and 116th, serves as an affordable way for
residence to seek primary or chronic care, covering a range of specialties for example pediatric,
internal medicine, OBGYN, dental, endocrinology and more. Neighboring emergency hospital in
the zip code 33161 are North Shore Medical Center located on 110th Northwest 95th and
Jackson North Medical Center 160th Northwest and 170th street. Two police stations are
dispatched in the vicinity for 33161. Biscayne Park Police Department and North Miami Police
Department. Fire Station 30 was noticed on 95th Northeast 2nd Avenue is the single fire station
covers over the zip code 33161.
Sample Student Work.
The background of the community was predominantly Caucasians and Hispanic being the
subgroup of the community. According to The Health Council of South Florida 2021, it appears
Miami Shores has evidence of cancer and cancer-related illnesses. Cancer noted in this area are
colorectal and breast cancer. “Cancer prevention falls in three levels being primary, secondary,
and tertiary prevention” (Hoffman & Sullivan, 2020, p. 237). Primary prevention consists of
modifying risk factors which includes exposures to cancerous material (can be found in
processed foods) and using immunization of means to prevent the progression of certain cancer,
for example HPV vaccine. Secondary prevention, however, involves early detection by screening
individuals who meet the criteria for the development of cancer either by environmental,
hormonal, and or lifestyles. Lifestyle which consists of sedentary and poor diet are the most
common triggers for the development of cancer and cancer related illnesses Tertiary prevention
reduces the morbidity and mortality of an individual diagnosed with cancer which includes
treatment and management.
In performing this research, I was able to see the occupants in zip code 33161 need
medical intervention in reference to medical facilities that provides cancer screening and
preventative care. I intend to share my knowledge with citizens when performing outreach for
my volunteer position at Pride Lines Youth Services, to enhance the community’s knowledge
while forming an agenda for community improvements for those who reside in Miami Shores.
Using the data that has been collected during this research as evidence, I intend to partake with
other residents, in city councils meeting to bring forth awareness of the needs and importance for
medical establishments that serve to primary care in relations to cancer for accessible and
affordable screening to decrease the progress of cancer in this community.
Sample Student Work.
One suggestion to prevent the developing cancer is to limit fast foods and other process
foods high in sugar, starches, or fats, while maintaining a healthy weight. There are correlation
between the consumption of process foods high in sugar and fats alongside having a sedentary
lifestyle, that’s contributes to an increase in cancers and cancer-related illnesses. Healthy People
2030 identifies the importance of medical screening while creating prevention strategies for
individuals at risk for the development of cancer and cancer related illnesses. The organization
has created a “goal to promote cancer screenings for lung, breast, and colorectal in the attempt to
reduce cancer death” in the United States (The office of Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion, 2021). Healthy People 2030 is responding to unhealthy eating habits and lack of
physical activity by personalizing medical care and using effective target therapies for
individuals at risk or currently living with cancer.
Residents of Miami Shores need to address to the mayor and city council members their
community grievances and necessities for ways to increase primary, secondary and tertiary
prevention. By educating the community, residents are able to interact with council members to
construct a communal model of positive behavior and public resources within the community for
individuals to thrive though enhancing the collective framework of requirements. Mount Sinai
Primary Care Office has a referral service in place for members who are at high risk for the
development of cancer, connecting individuals to their Miami Beach location for further
Sample Student Work.
The public information between diverse group members that resided in zip code 33161 is
imperative in the development of policy and procedures to improve the well-being of these
individuals. In order to accomplish the Healthy People 2030 objective of the reduction of cancer
and cancer-related illnesses, nurses should implement teaching techniques for improving health
for example should assess the groups’ education level, the access to resource, and possible
language barriers which can contribute to certain practices that must be tailored to the residents
of Miami Shores.
Sample Student Work.
Cancer. Cancer – Healthy People 2030. (0AD).
Healthy People 2030 Progress Tracker. Miami. (0AD).
Hoffman, J. J., & Sullivan, N. J. (2020). PREVENTION. Retrieved from!/4/2/2/114/2@0:7
U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Miami Shores village, Florida; United States. Census Bureau
QuickFacts. (0AD).,US/PST045219.
Sample Student Work.

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