Business Question


Below are the assignment instructions and at the bottom are notes.Please reflect on the following ideas and then structure them nicely in an APA-formatted paper. What have been some of the most meaningful things you learned or experiences you had during your entire MBA coursework. Which courses, people, projects, and new materials were meaningful for you? Consider how you may apply new perspectives, how they will benefit your workplace, how your character has grown, and how you might have impact across the larger community. How you might pay your new “self” forward to others someday? Include qualities gained or ways in which you developed as a person in addition to skills as an employee.Please follow APA 7, using a cover page, no abstract needed, headings bolded, Times New Roman 12-point font double spaced, and list any appendices at the rear (if any), following any references (cite any if credits are due). It could be you will have no citations, but if you do cite works, please include them alphabetically in the reference section with an in-text citation to author and year, rather than as footnotes on respective pages. An MBA student should be able to clearly articulate meaningful contributions of original thought. We will use the Academy of Management’s short paper format, targeting 12 pages double-spaced, not counting the title, reference or appendices pages. Organize yourself by making an outline first. The paper should have an introduction section that captures attention, and a conclusion that pulls together coherently the chief ideas put forth in the paper. A well-structured paper has 3-5 sentence paragraphs, uses a topic sentence to begin each paragraph, and ends each paragraph with a transition sentence to tie it into the next paragraph.Things I learned about in this class: Strategic Alignment Across Diverse Industries, International expansion for businesses, CAGE framework, scandal cases like ENRON Scandal, Competitive strategies, strategic management in general. The things I found meaningful are the competitive strategies, and the project i had about chick-fa-la and learning how it came about. If you have any questions let me know.

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