Eng 101 discussion


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Eng 101 discussion
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Please analyze “How Americans Avoid Taxes.” In this post, you will choose 1-2 moments [TWO quotes] from the short story using
the following parts of your ONE body paragraph. Remember, this discussion is not credited unless you give constructive feedback to
two classmates by the deadline. You then point out TWO critiques [further thought, major formatting issue(s), or your
Academic expository paragraph format [developed sections of any great academic paragraph]
A. Subtopic [one sentence] explain how your two chosen moments below will show a
fundamental issue
• Do not forget to include the author and/or “formatted title.”
• First find a theme that ties both moments together
• Second include a synonym within the to represent the idea/theme OR
• You can include a comparative that represents the theme/idea
• Do not repeat your own language
B. Main Lead-in [two sentences- one facts [what is being discussed or talked about
right before the quote or where the quote resides (the moment); one opinion on the
factual sentence]
C. Main quote [no more than 49 words]. BLOCKING is forbidden in prose for this
TV station is: (Station Full name ONLY) EX. (CNBC).
D. Analyze, using AT LEAST 3+ sentences of opinion proving ONE fundamental
Secondary quote integration can only logically occur AFTER any subtopic/sub-thesis or
AFTER any response within the body paragraph. Secondary quote integration has the
same rules as the main quote, except:
E. 1 sentence secondary lead [one factual sentence [what is being discussed or
talked about right before the quote or where the quote resides (the moment)
F. Secondary quote [no more than 49 words]. BLOCKING is forbidden in prose
for this class.
TV station Abbreviated title EX. (“Americans Avoid Taxes”).
Analyze, using ONLY ONE sentence of opinion by proving a fundamental issue
Referential Statement: Leave your opinion on the quoted person and/or
the situation within the paragraph quote/moment(s). Find a common denominator
between the two persons/situation(s). DO NOT ANNOUNCE.
There are 4 standard ways to quote prose. It is determined where you put the signal phrase:
Signal BEFORE: Goldberg contends, “… whereas righteous behavior has shaped every
society since the beginning of the world, at the same time, few societies have been peaceful.
Fear, hatred, and cruelty have pervaded the corridors of most societies” (270).
NO signal: “… whereas righteous behavior has shaped every society since the beginning of the
world, at the same time, few societies have been peaceful. Fear, hatred, and cruelty have
pervaded the corridors of most societies” (270).
Signal splitting quote: “… whereas righteous behavior has shaped every society since the
beginning of the world, at the same time, few societies have been peaceful,” Goldberg
contends, “Fear, hatred, and cruelty have pervaded the corridors of most societies” (270).
Signal AFTER:“… whereas righteous behavior has shaped every society since the beginning
of the world, at the same time, few societies have been peaceful. Fear, hatred, and cruelty have
pervaded the corridors of most societies,” Goldberg contends (270).
1. Please choose TWO quotes. Remember, there are three parts to a quote.
2. Back to back documentation: when you are quoting from the same text more than once, and the quotes follow immediately after each other, you only give
truncated information. PLEASE FOLLOW EXAMPLES ABOVE!
3. Please focus on the quoted person.
4. Please choose 1-2 moments (s) in time (scene) to focus on.
5. A strong, tight academic paragraph should not be more than 20 sentences
6. Secondary quote integration can only logically occur AFTER any subtopic/sub-thesis or AFTER any response within the body paragraph.
7. Think outside of the box! However, “nothing exists outside of the text.”–Jacques Derrida

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