Humanities Question


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Cognitive Observation Chart

Cognitive Observation Chart


Theorist/Theory with terminology of the theory

Time stamp and Example


Xu Xiaofei and all school children

Bronfenbrenner (Macosystem) and Vygotsky (Principle of theory)

0:33 – child saying, “To aspire patriotically, to strive constantly. To delve into practice, to develop life…” – the Ethics of Confucius. All students repeat.

Why? This is an ideological framework (macrosystem) and a “Principle in Vygotsky’s theory” Every culture passes along physical and cognitive tools; Adults convey cultural interpretations through informal interactions & formal schooling.


Luo Lei

Piaget (Equilibration)


Cheng Cheng

5:46 – Mother helps child to sing



Luo Lei

Vygotsky (ZPD)


Cheng Cheng

6:44 – Child singing and becomes frustrated while learning



Xu Xiaofei

Gardner’s Intelligences – (name intelligence)


Cheng Cheng

Gardner’s Intelligences – (name intelligence)

8:24 – Convincing another child to make noise as the other child performs



Luo Lei

Sternberg Triarchic Theory – (name sub-theory)


Xu Xiaofei

Piaget (Equilibration)


Xu Xiaofei

9:30 – teacher tells Xu Xiafei to take a break and then mother helps her to deal with her confusion while Mrs. Zhang reminds the children how to behave



Girl in pink dress

Sternberg Triarchic Theory – (name sub-theory)

25:23 – child stands up to critique Cheng Cheng


Luo Lei

Erikson Psychosocial Theory – (name stage, not age)


Xu Xiaofei

Erikson Psychosocial Theory – (name stage, not age)


Cheng Cheng

Erikson Psychosocial Theory – (name stage, not age)


All children

35:12 Children reciting from a book



Cheng Cheng

36:15 Mother and Step Father helping Cheng Cheng with his speech


Please Vote For Me Rubric

Please Vote For Me Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVygotsky

10 pts

2 examples completely described

5 pts

1 example completely described correctly or 2 partial descriptions

0 pts

No examples or insufficient work

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePiaget

10 pts

2 examples completely described

5 pts

1 example completely described correctly or 2 partial descriptions

0 pts

No examples or insufficient work

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSternberg

10 pts

2 examples completely described

5 pts

1 example completely described correctly or 2 partial descriptions

0 pts

No examples or insufficient work

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGardner

10 pts

2 examples completely described

5 pts

1 example completely described correctly or 2 partial descriptions

0 pts

No examples or insufficient work

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeErikson

10 pts

2 stages completely described

5 pts

1 example completely described correctly or 2 partial descriptions

0 pts

No examples or insufficient wor

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChildren’s names

10 pts

All names correct

5 pts

2 names correct

0 pts

1 or no names correct

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMinutes noted

5 pts

Minutes noted (time stamp)

0 pts

No Marks

5 pts

Total Points: 65
