CECH 344



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The final written paper will be composed of two sections: (1) event overview, and (2) the

outcomes. I will have a rubric inside Brightspace that will cover the following to address

the maximum of 20 points available:

Section 1: Event Overview

The first section of the report will provide a concise overview of the event, including its

date and time, location, magnitude, social, physical, and economic impacts, etc. The

brief should not exceed approximately 200 words.

Section 2: Outcomes

The second section is intended for students to provide a thorough review of the outcomes

that occurred as a result of your chosen disaster. These can include, but are not limited

to, changes in policies, procedures, and legislation; lessons learned; and changes in

practice. The second section should not exceed approximately 800 words.

An example format for the paper could include (other organization will be considered):

• Outline of the disaster event

• Introduction to the evaluation section

• Lessons Learned

o What worked well?

o What did not work well?

• Changes to Policy, legislation, or practice/procedures that resulted

• Conclusions/recommendations


References: It is strongly recommended that students provide a minimum of 3 references

for their paper. The more you support your paper with peer-reviewed references, the

better. A good start will be to use the class readings, but you should also refer to peer-

reviewed journal articles and reputable websites. (Note- Newspaper articles, Wikipedia,

Blogs, and other ‘gray literature’ will be accepted but peer-reviewed references are


In-text citations: In-text citations should include (Author, year) for general information,3

and (Author, year: page number) for specific quotes and figures. Note that direct

quotations should be used very sparingly!

Plagiarism: As with all university coursework, this assignment adheres to the uAlbany

standards for academic integrity. Accordingly, all information that is not common

knowledge must be accompanied by an in-text citation. This is true even if the citation is

provided in the preceding or the following sentence.

It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the standards of academic integrity at

the University at Albany. Claims of ignorance, unintentional error, of personal pressures

are not sufficient reasons for the violation of academic integrity. More information on

academic integrity is available at the following website:


Evaluation: Your grade will be based on the strength of the observations that you have

presented, the evidence that you have provided in their support, and your writing
