American Studies Question


For this essay, you will be given one (1) prompt to answer. In a separate Word document, write your response to the prompt you chose using what you have learned from the class.

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American Studies Question
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Papers should be:

800-1000 words total
written 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.

This essay will be turned in below and will be due on the below listed due date. To understand how this writing assignment will be graded, review the Grading Rubric below.

For guidance on submitting the assignment, visit the Canvas Help Guide on How do I Submit an Online Assignment?


Since this is an open-book essay, you may use your notes, the textbook, and any other material from the class. You can complete this essay by using only class material and without using outside sources. However, if you do use outside sources, you must provide a citation in order to avoid plagiarism. Citations from class materials are only necessary if you directly quote something. You can use what style of citation you prefer, but if you have no preference, use either Chicago style or APA format. For help with APA Format, visit Citing Your Sources: APA Formatting. Citations do not count against the word limit.

Additionally, when you turn in your essay, it will be going through the Turnitin plagiarism detection software to ensure that you have not lifted directly from another source. It is preferred that you use the class material, but you can use outside sources. If you reference outside sources, use a citation.


Good essays have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement (which tells what your argument is), 2-3 main body points, and a conclusion. Make an argument in your essay.

Writing Prompt

Answer the following writing prompt:

The Constitution establishes three branches of the federal government, with each have its own individual responsibilities and powers. Originally, Congress was intended to be the most powerful branch, but over time, some would argue that the president and/or the judicial branch have taken more extraconstitutional power for themselves, making them more powerful than originally intended. In your opinion, is Congress still the most powerful branch of the federal government, or has one of the other two branches become more powerful than Congress? If so, which branch is the most powerful? Be sure to explain why you think the way that you do with examples.