Public Health Question


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Public Health Question
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1) All citations and references properly completed in APA style

2) One inch margins with name as header and page number as the footer

3) 12 point font, Calibri or Times New Roman

4) At least 3 pages long, double spaced

Information Required:

• Describe your innovative idea – use words, pictures, or whatever media will best demonstrate the idea.

Define how your innovative idea will address the results of your SWOT analysis of the community.
Describe how your innovative idea is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations.
Describe how your innovative idea will contribute to the economy of the community and address social/environmental challenges.
Describe any new technologies that will be developed by your innovation.
Describe if any governmental regulations or policies will need to be addressed or consulted while developing your innovative idea.
Describe why a financing group/investor would be interested in working with you.
Describe the health outcome measures you will use to determine if your innovation works

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Deliverable Idea Paper
When deciding what we as a group wanted to make an innovation about, we took into
account several fields of health that we felt needed for awareness and help. With the fields we
were discussing, we finally decided on the overall topic of Mental Health. The idea arose as a
group member had previous experience of mental health struggles specifically having an eating
disorder which led to having more mental health struggles with anxiety and depression and she
did not feel as if there was adequate help/ awareness for her during this time at her previous
university away from home. When a person’s mental health is diminished it can feel very lonely
and individuals can feel as if they have no one to relate or talk to.
From that background, our innovative idea is to create a club throughout Georgia
Universities to support Women dealing with Mental Health Issues.This club is going to be
named Mentally Women. We want to create this to help normalize mental health struggles and to
help bring more awareness to help women across Georgia Universities to come together and be
open. There will also be an app generated with sections including eating disorders, anxiety,
depression, etc. The reason we chose to do this app directed specifically to women is because
according to statistics, “Women between the ages of 16 and 24 are almost three times as likely
(26%) to experience a common mental health issue as males of the same age (9%).” (Mental
Health Foundation, 2023).
Many college students experience symptoms of serious mental health conditions/
Depression and anxiety are common in mental health conditions among students. But there are
several other problems in mental health that need help because it’s hard to open up to people you
don’t know. In the club we named Mentally Women will have all types of Mental Health
Disorder. Some examples of disorders will include Bipolar disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder,
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 1
Borderline personality disorder, Loneliness, Panic attacks, and etc. We want to encourage the
students that they are not alone on this campus. This is a cold world we live in but we want to
create a safe place for the students to open up their hearts and trust us because this club is a no
judgment zone.
The idea is that through this club, college females can meet with individuals who are in a
similar mindset as them and can communicate openly about their struggles. Often when one is
struggling with their mental health, they feel ashamed and embarrassed and do not want to tell
those close to them. It can often be easier to talk to individuals who are going to fully
understand. This will be a club that meets weekly and allows women to come and tell their
struggles and get advice and comfort for others. It will be a way to make friends and find a
community that individuals can find comfort in.
Along with the club, as if it spreads across Georgia Universities, we want to create an
app. This app will be separated into specific mental health sections including anxiety, depression,
eating disorders, etc. This will allow individuals to go to their specific section of where they are
struggling and be able to chat with people throughout Georgia who they can relate to. The app
will also often suggest to individuals to help with their struggles. For example, an individual who
has suffered with anxiety and goes to therapy can share their experience and recommend a
certain therapist for someone who deals with similar things.
From original background thoughts, a SWOT analysis was made specially on eating
disorders. This SWOT analysis was as follows. “Strengths are that there are a few specific
therapists and specialists for these individuals suffering an eating disorder. This is a strength
because it allows individuals to feel better about talking to someone because they know these
providers will understand. Weaknesses would include that there are not any known support
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 2
groups within the community. As someone who is recovering from an eating disorder, I wanted
people to talk to, but I heavily had to rely on my family and friends which sometimes I felt bad
about and wished there were other people. Opportunities would entail providing more
normalcy/people of expertise in our community who can help this population. According to the
journal A primary care modification of family-based treatment for adolescent restrictive eating
disorders, “To improve access to care for restrictive eating disorders, we developed a modified
version of Family-Based Treatment to be delivered by primary care providers (PCPs) and
conducted a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility and preliminary outcomes of this intervention.”
This provides the helpful information that primary care providers in other populations are
already beginning to train on how to properly help eating disorder patients. And for threats, a lot
of people who experience eating disorders are ashamed, unaware, scared, etc to talk to people
leaving their disease unknown to others and being detrimental to those struggling. From a report
on seeking help, “… young women with higher eating pathology perceived more barriers to
seeking help, which were associated with less positive attitudes towards seeking help for
psychological issues” (Eating Disorders, 2022).”
From this we are able to see how our innovation will address this SWOT analysis. As far
as strengths, it will bring about greater numbers of health professionals to the individuals that are
struggling with not only eating disorders but other mental health fields as well. The providing of
information on specialists from individuals in the clubs will also help individuals see that it is not
something to be embarrassed about and that it is okay to get the needed help. With the weakness
of their not being support groups, this innovation completely rids of that by providing this group.
Through this innovation, the opportunity for more normalcy/awareness of mental health will be
achieved. As mentioned previously, individuals often hide the way they are feeling as they feel
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 3
ashamed or embarrassed and do not want to open up to others, but this club helps that threat by
providing a confidential safe place to open up and find help.
Mentally Women is a new organization being developed beginning at Augusta
University and hopefully will spread to more Georgia universities. From talking to individuals
we know from other universities, we discovered that not only is this not a club at Augusta
University, but it is not at other universities either. This innovation will help contribute to the
social communities by providing college students a firm community to make friends and not
have to feel alone/scared anymore.
As we mentioned, we also want to create an app to connect universities and make our
club seen throughout universities. To be able to accomplish this, we want to reach out to
individuals at other colleges and tell them about our club and our app and how we want them to
be a part of our universities. To help our club/app come to life, we plan to meet with presidents
of colleges to tell them our idea and get their approval/support to create this club on campuses.
We believe that university presidents should want to support this because mental health is
something that is extremely prevalent around the world especially in college students, so
University deans should want to invest to ensure that their students have the support and help
they need.
If our innovation comes to life, to determine if the innovation has been helpful, we will
create a survey in the app. This survey will be created a few months after Mentally Women is
established. The survey will allow for members of Mentally Women to be able to give us
feedback on whether or not they have benefitted.
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 4
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 5
Final Project: Deliverable #1- Innovative Idea
Information Required:
• Describe your innovative idea – use words, pictures, or whatever media will best
demonstrate the idea. To create a club throughout Georgia Universities to support Women
dealing with Mental Health Issues. As a college student who has had experience with struggling
with an eating disorder that led me to struggle in all fields of mental health, we wanted to create
a club/app to help normalize these things and to help bring more awareness to help women
across Georgia Universities to come together and be open. There will also be an app generated
with sections including eating disorders, anxiety, depression, etc.
• Define how your innovative idea will address the results of your SWOT analysis of the
Strengths: There are specialists who can be listed on our app for individuals to be able to
reach out to when ready to move outside of the group.
Weaknesses: The club will create a group for women in the community to go to. The club
is made exclusively for women, which can make men feel excluded in concern to their mental
Opportunities: Creating of this club/app will create more normalcy allowing women to
keep more comfortable speaking on and helping others get stronger together. Can help with
lowering suicide rates among college students.
Threats: Mentally Women will provide a confidential space for women to go and be able
to freely speak without shame. If women are not comfortable to join the in person club yet, they
can use the app for complete confidentiality. Students may prefer a more discreet way of dealing
with their mental health
• Describe how your innovative idea is the implementation of a new or significantly
improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new
organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations.
Our innovative idea is a new organization as there is not a mental health club in our university.
• Describe how your innovative idea will contribute to the economy of the community and
address social/environmental challenges. It will improve the social challenges of college
students feeling scared/alone.
• Describe any new technologies that will be developed by your innovation. An app
• Describe if any governmental regulations or policies will need to be addressed or
consulted while developing your innovative idea. If the club meetings take place on the
university, we need to get permission for this club on campus.
• Describe why a financing group/investor would be interested in working with you. Mental
Health is something that is extremely prevalent around the world especially in college students
so University deans should want to invest to ensure that their students have the support and help
the need.
• Describe the health outcome measures you will use to determine if your innovation works.
Take surveys from the club members in the first several months on whether or not they
benefitted since being in the club.
Final Project: Deliverable #1- Innovative Idea
Information Required:
• Describe your innovative idea – use words, pictures, or whatever media will best
demonstrate the idea. To create a club throughout Georgia Universities to support Women
dealing with Mental Health Issues. As a college student who has had experience with struggling
with an eating disorder that led me to struggle in all fields of mental health, we wanted to create
a club/app to help normalize these things and to help bring more awareness to help women
across Georgia Universities to come together and be open. There will also be an app generated
with sections including eating disorders, anxiety, depression, etc.
• Define how your innovative idea will address the results of your SWOT analysis of the
Strengths: There are specialists who can be listed on our app for individuals to be able to
reach out to when ready to move outside of the group.
Weaknesses: The club will create a group for women in the community to go to. The club
is made exclusively for women, which can make men feel excluded in concern to their mental
Opportunities: Creating of this club/app will create more normalcy allowing women to
keep more comfortable speaking on and helping others get stronger together. Can help with
lowering suicide rates among college students.
Threats: Mentally Women will provide a confidential space for women to go and be able
to freely speak without shame. If women are not comfortable to join the in person club yet, they
can use the app for complete confidentiality. Students may prefer a more discreet way of dealing
with their mental health
• Describe how your innovative idea is the implementation of a new or significantly
improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new
organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations.
Our innovative idea is a new organization as there is not a mental health club in our university.
• Describe how your innovative idea will contribute to the economy of the community and
address social/environmental challenges. It will improve the social challenges of college
students feeling scared/alone.
• Describe any new technologies that will be developed by your innovation. An app
• Describe if any governmental regulations or policies will need to be addressed or
consulted while developing your innovative idea. If the club meetings take place on the
university, we need to get permission for this club on campus.
• Describe why a financing group/investor would be interested in working with you. Mental
Health is something that is extremely prevalent around the world especially in college students
so University deans should want to invest to ensure that their students have the support and help
the need.
• Describe the health outcome measures you will use to determine if your innovation works.
Take surveys from the club members in the first several months on whether or not they
benefitted since being in the club.
Deliverable Idea Paper
When deciding what we as a group wanted to make an innovation about, we took into
account several fields of health that we felt needed for awareness and help. With the fields we
were discussing, we finally decided on the overall topic of Mental Health. The idea arose as a
group member had previous experience of mental health struggles specifically having an eating
disorder which led to having more mental health struggles with anxiety and depression and she
did not feel as if there was adequate help/ awareness for her during this time at her previous
university away from home. When a person’s mental health is diminished it can feel very lonely
and individuals can feel as if they have no one to relate or talk to.
From that background, our innovative idea is to create a club throughout Georgia
Universities to support Women dealing with Mental Health Issues.This club is going to be
named Mentally Women. We want to create this to help normalize mental health struggles and to
help bring more awareness to help women across Georgia Universities to come together and be
open. There will also be an app generated with sections including eating disorders, anxiety,
depression, etc. The reason we chose to do this app directed specifically to women is because
according to statistics, “Women between the ages of 16 and 24 are almost three times as likely
(26%) to experience a common mental health issue as males of the same age (9%).” (Mental
Health Foundation, 2023).
Many college students experience symptoms of serious mental health conditions/
Depression and anxiety are common in mental health conditions among students. But there are
several other problems in mental health that need help because it’s hard to open up to people you
don’t know. In the club we named Mentally Women will have all types of Mental Health
Disorder. Some examples of disorders will include Bipolar disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder,
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 1
Borderline personality disorder, Loneliness, Panic attacks, and etc. We want to encourage the
students that they are not alone on this campus. This is a cold world we live in but we want to
create a safe place for the students to open up their hearts and trust us because this club is a no
judgment zone.
The idea is that through this club, college females can meet with individuals who are in a
similar mindset as them and can communicate openly about their struggles. Often when one is
struggling with their mental health, they feel ashamed and embarrassed and do not want to tell
those close to them. It can often be easier to talk to individuals who are going to fully
understand. This will be a club that meets weekly and allows women to come and tell their
struggles and get advice and comfort for others. It will be a way to make friends and find a
community that individuals can find comfort in.
Along with the club, as if it spreads across Georgia Universities, we want to create an
app. This app will be separated into specific mental health sections including anxiety, depression,
eating disorders, etc. This will allow individuals to go to their specific section of where they are
struggling and be able to chat with people throughout Georgia who they can relate to. The app
will also often suggest to individuals to help with their struggles. For example, an individual who
has suffered with anxiety and goes to therapy can share their experience and recommend a
certain therapist for someone who deals with similar things.
From original background thoughts, a SWOT analysis was made specially on eating
disorders. This SWOT analysis was as follows. “Strengths are that there are a few specific
therapists and specialists for these individuals suffering an eating disorder. This is a strength
because it allows individuals to feel better about talking to someone because they know these
providers will understand. Weaknesses would include that there are not any known support
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 2
groups within the community. As someone who is recovering from an eating disorder, I wanted
people to talk to, but I heavily had to rely on my family and friends which sometimes I felt bad
about and wished there were other people. Opportunities would entail providing more
normalcy/people of expertise in our community who can help this population. According to the
journal A primary care modification of family-based treatment for adolescent restrictive eating
disorders, “To improve access to care for restrictive eating disorders, we developed a modified
version of Family-Based Treatment to be delivered by primary care providers (PCPs) and
conducted a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility and preliminary outcomes of this intervention.”
This provides the helpful information that primary care providers in other populations are
already beginning to train on how to properly help eating disorder patients. And for threats, a lot
of people who experience eating disorders are ashamed, unaware, scared, etc to talk to people
leaving their disease unknown to others and being detrimental to those struggling. From a report
on seeking help, “… young women with higher eating pathology perceived more barriers to
seeking help, which were associated with less positive attitudes towards seeking help for
psychological issues” (Eating Disorders, 2022).”
From this we are able to see how our innovation will address this SWOT analysis. As far
as strengths, it will bring about greater numbers of health professionals to the individuals that are
struggling with not only eating disorders but other mental health fields as well. The providing of
information on specialists from individuals in the clubs will also help individuals see that it is not
something to be embarrassed about and that it is okay to get the needed help. With the weakness
of their not being support groups, this innovation completely rids of that by providing this group.
Through this innovation, the opportunity for more normalcy/awareness of mental health will be
achieved. As mentioned previously, individuals often hide the way they are feeling as they feel
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 3
ashamed or embarrassed and do not want to open up to others, but this club helps that threat by
providing a confidential safe place to open up and find help.
Mentally Women is a new organization being developed beginning at Augusta
University and hopefully will spread to more Georgia universities. From talking to individuals
we know from other universities, we discovered that not only is this not a club at Augusta
University, but it is not at other universities either. This innovation will help contribute to the
social communities by providing college students a firm community to make friends and not
have to feel alone/scared anymore.
As we mentioned, we also want to create an app to connect universities and make our
club seen throughout universities. To be able to accomplish this, we want to reach out to
individuals at other colleges and tell them about our club and our app and how we want them to
be a part of our universities. To help our club/app come to life, we plan to meet with presidents
of colleges to tell them our idea and get their approval/support to create this club on campuses.
We believe that university presidents should want to support this because mental health is
something that is extremely prevalent around the world especially in college students, so
University deans should want to invest to ensure that their students have the support and help
they need.
If our innovation comes to life, to determine if the innovation has been helpful, we will
create a survey in the app. This survey will be created a few months after Mentally Women is
established. The survey will allow for members of Mentally Women to be able to give us
feedback on whether or not they have benefitted.
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 4
Peyton, La’Myia, Moesha, Marlene 5
Who we are
We are interested in eradicating the problem of tobacco use in the society.
We aim to educate society on the adverse outcomes of using tobacco in
terms of public health and personal health. Our organization aims at
addressing this rampant issue by providing support to people who want out.
As an organization, we target the entire community. We target all tobacco
users in the community regardless of their age.
• Most people are addicted to tobacco use
• We target tobacco addicts from any age bracket.
• We aim at increasing awareness on tobacco use.
Contact Us
Our Products & Services
We are interested in educating the community
members on the dangers of tobacco use. We have
held numerous seminars and workshops to educate
our attendees on the dangers of using tobacco.
As a part of our core values, we aim to support
members of the society who want out. We provide
them with different methods to help them with
their cleansing journey.
Follow Up
We follow up with our clients to assess their
progress and provide more directions and support.
Process of Care
Overview of Programs
We aim at providing personalized care to suit the different expectations of our
Free sessions
Let us provide care that is tailored to your needs
By offering basic free programs, we make it easier
for people who want to quit but have access to our
By following up with our clients, we can keep track of the
effectiveness of our services.
Getting Started
Our services are free of charge. What we need from the clients is determination
and sound decisions. We also need consistency from the clients.
Touching and transforming the society by eradicating the use of
“Together, let us join hands and address the
issue of tobacco once and for all.”
Our integral principle is to ensure that we give back to the community by
providing information and creating awareness about tobacco use in society.
Many people want out, but they do not have the necessary support. Our
organization aims to transform society by educating, following up, and
supporting people who want to come clean
We assure our clients of:
• Full support
• Relevant information
• Smooth recovery journey
Tobacco use is
dangerous to health
Final Project: Deliverable #1- Innovative Idea
Information Required:
• Describe your innovative idea – use words, pictures, or whatever media will best
demonstrate the idea. To create a club throughout Georgia Universities to support Women
dealing with Mental Health Issues. As a college student who has had experience with struggling
with an eating disorder that led me to struggle in all fields of mental health, we wanted to create
a club/app to help normalize these things and to help bring more awareness to help women
across Georgia Universities to come together and be open. There will also be an app generated
with sections including eating disorders, anxiety, depression, etc.
• Define how your innovative idea will address the results of your SWOT analysis of the
Strengths: There are specialists who can be listed on our app for individuals to be able to
reach out to when ready to move outside of the group.
Weaknesses: The club will create a group for women in the community to go to. The club
is made exclusively for women, which can make men feel excluded in concern to their mental
Opportunities: Creating of this club/app will create more normalcy allowing women to
keep more comfortable speaking on and helping others get stronger together. Can help with
lowering suicide rates among college students.
Threats: Mentally Women will provide a confidential space for women to go and be able
to freely speak without shame. If women are not comfortable to join the in person club yet, they
can use the app for complete confidentiality. Students may prefer a more discreet way of dealing
with their mental health
• Describe how your innovative idea is the implementation of a new or significantly
improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new
organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations.
Our innovative idea is a new organization as there is not a mental health club in our university.
• Describe how your innovative idea will contribute to the economy of the community and
address social/environmental challenges. It will improve the social challenges of college
students feeling scared/alone.
• Describe any new technologies that will be developed by your innovation. An app
• Describe if any governmental regulations or policies will need to be addressed or
consulted while developing your innovative idea. If the club meetings take place on the
university, we need to get permission for this club on campus.
• Describe why a financing group/investor would be interested in working with you. Mental
Health is something that is extremely prevalent around the world especially in college students
so University deans should want to invest to ensure that their students have the support and help
the need.
• Describe the health outcome measures you will use to determine if your innovation works.
Take surveys from the club members in the first several months on whether or not they
benefitted since being in the club.
Final Project: Deliverable #1- Innovative Idea
Information Required:
• Describe your innovative idea – use words, pictures, or whatever media will best
demonstrate the idea. To create a club throughout Georgia Universities to support Women
dealing with Mental Health Issues. As a college student who has had experience with struggling
with an eating disorder that led me to struggle in all fields of mental health, we wanted to create
a club/app to help normalize these things and to help bring more awareness to help women
across Georgia Universities to come together and be open. There will also be an app generated
with sections including eating disorders, anxiety, depression, etc.
• Define how your innovative idea will address the results of your SWOT analysis of the
Strengths: There are specialists who can be listed on our app for individuals to be able to
reach out to when ready to move outside of the group.
Weaknesses: The club will create a group for women in the community to go to. The club
is made exclusively for women, which can make men feel excluded in concern to their mental
Opportunities: Creating of this club/app will create more normalcy allowing women to
keep more comfortable speaking on and helping others get stronger together. Can help with
lowering suicide rates among college students.
Threats: Mentally Women will provide a confidential space for women to go and be able
to freely speak without shame. If women are not comfortable to join the in person club yet, they
can use the app for complete confidentiality. Students may prefer a more discreet way of dealing
with their mental health
• Describe how your innovative idea is the implementation of a new or significantly
improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new
organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations.
Our innovative idea is a new organization as there is not a mental health club in our university.
• Describe how your innovative idea will contribute to the economy of the community and
address social/environmental challenges. It will improve the social challenges of college
students feeling scared/alone.
• Describe any new technologies that will be developed by your innovation. An app
• Describe if any governmental regulations or policies will need to be addressed or
consulted while developing your innovative idea. If the club meetings take place on the
university, we need to get permission for this club on campus.
• Describe why a financing group/investor would be interested in working with you. Mental
Health is something that is extremely prevalent around the world especially in college students
so University deans should want to invest to ensure that their students have the support and help
the need.
• Describe the health outcome measures you will use to determine if your innovation works.
Take surveys from the club members in the first several months on whether or not they
benefitted since being in the club.
Deliverable Idea Paper
When deciding what we as a group wanted to make an innovation about, we took into
account several fields of health that we felt needed for awareness and help. With the fields we
were discussing, we finally decided on the overall topic of Mental Health. The idea arose as a
group member had previous experience of mental health struggles specifically having an eating
disorder which led to having mor