Other Question


Assignment #2 Instructions: This assignment (below) is to test your knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. Answer it in 4-6 page essay. Grading will be based on the rubric. Make sure you follow AMU’s writing policies and the Chicago writing style guide (cover page, page numbering, double space, headings/subheadings, etc). YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES AND INCLUDE A BIBLIOGRAPHY. You must also have a strong introduction, thesis statement and conclusion. Essay Question: Discuss the future of cyber warfare. Include the following as part of your discussion: a. How future wars will be fought. b. How ethical is cyber warfare? c. How the United States is preparing defensively to counter cyber-attacks? d. What is next? General Requirements 1. Document Format. a. MS Word document b. One-inch (1”) margins c. Times New Roman font d. Twelve (12) pitch e. Not including your title page, this assignment should be 4-6 pages. f. You must use 5 scholarly sources in supporting this assignment. 2. Citation Format: The Chicago Manual of Style. As stated in the Academic Integrity Briefings, information taken directly from another source must be placed in quotations and cited following the Chicago format contained in the week one “lessons” folder. You must cite all other information from your sources, even if you do not quote directly. DIRECT QUOTING SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM. 4. You must use a minimum of 5 scholarly sources in support of your assignment.

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