Listening Project


Read the attached instructions carefully for this project.Log your notes for each episode of the podcast based on the seven “consider the following” questions on a separate document. THEN, write your reaction paper based on the ten “discuss” questions. Utilize APA format.The link to the podcast is here: listen to Season One!One document should contain the notes, while a separate document should contain the reaction paper.

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Listening Project
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Listening Project:
“Serial” Analysis
Due: Thursday, November 9
The purpose of this assignment is to practice your ability to focus and listen for information. The series is an in-depth
investigation of a real murder in 1999. You will be listening to the real characters and the investigating journalist. The series
is approximately 7 hours long. The first episode is the longest one, about 1hour. The others are approximately 30 minutes
each. I suggest you listen to them over time and keep a detailed journal of each episode as you listen to each one. Do not
leave this assignment to the last minute!

Listen to the podcast series, Serial —
Make sure that you are listening to Season 1 – about Adnan and Hae!
Do not research the characters or crime until you’ve listened to the entire series!!
Your classmates will be at different episodes, do not discuss with them the program. We will debrief as a class on
November 9 . (Feel free to listen with friends/family.)
To encourage you to take notes (which will be crucial for your paper) and to demonstrate that you’ve listened to the
entire program, there will be a “note-check” for this assignment. Notes may be handwritten, bullet form,
audio-recorded, typed, it does not matter. What matters is that you demonstrate that you contemplated what you
heard after each episode. You will use your notes to make your final analysis for submission

For each episode, consider the following:
How does host, Sarah Koenig, seem to feel about the characters and the situation in this episode? What gives you
that impression?
Based on what you’ve heard so far, who do you think killed Hae Min?
What evidence is revealed in this episode to support your theory?
How does your perception of Sarah’s feelings influence your perception of who is guilty?
How do you feel about the characters in this episode? What influences your perception? Has your perception of
these characters changed? Explain.
What techniques are used to keep the listener interested in this episode?
What techniques would make it more engaging?
When you’ve completed the series, write a reaction paper that analyzes your experience. This should be typed with your
episodic notes included as an attachment.
Your impression, overall, of how Sarah Koenig feels about the characters and what gives you that impression.
Who killed Hae? Why or why don’t you agree with the verdict?
Give a detailed explanation, with evidence from the program, as to what supports your theory.
How does your perception of Sarah’s feelings influence your perception of who is guilty?
What techniques are used to keep the listener interested in this podcast? What techniques would make it more
6. Describe your feelings about this exercise. What were the challenges to the exercise?
7. Did you find that listening became easier as the series progressed? Why/why not?
8. What environmental circumstances enabled you to listen better.
9. What is it about this series that makes it so popular?
10. How can you apply skills developed/practiced in this exercise to other areas of your life?
Note: Writing should be clear, concise, and grammatically correct. Proofread!
I am more concerned with your thoughtful consideration of the questions and application of concepts than length. However,
you should be thorough. Grades will reflect quality and depth of your observations.

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