health and enviroment


i need help with watching the following video and then answering 20 questions.

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PBS Documentary: In Defense Of Food Worksheet

2015 PBS Documentary: Journalist Michael Pollan examines the industrially driven Western diet to show how it has impacted health, then offers solutions for the future. Answer the following 20 questions as you watch the movie.

1. What has happened to the rate of child obesity in America over the last 30 years?

2. Since 1975, the percentage of Americans who have type-2 diabetes has increased by how much?

3. What aspect of health is linked to the chronic diseases that are in the top top 10 causes of death?

4. What are the three things the movies notes that we have an inborn craving to consume?

5. What percentage of our diet is made up of processed foods?

6. What substance do we consume 1000% more of per day than we did 200 years ago?

7. What is the single most important factor related to obesity and diabetes?

Eat Food

8. When did fat get a reputation as an evil nutrient?

9. After looking around the world, Ancel Key’s came to a theory that the more animal fat, red meat, and dairy products within a population would result in what outcome?

10. The message to eat less fat was translated into, “It’s okay to eat more” of what nutrient?

11. Hydrogenation is a process that changes some of the polyunsaturated fats into what kind of fats?

12. People who have more trans fat in their diet have higher rates of which two chronic health issues?

13. Nutritionally, what is the impact of fat intake on low-income neighborhoods?

Mostly Plants

14. Every additional daily serving of vegetables and fruit reduces your risk of which health conditions?

15. According to studies done at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, what does replacement of red meat with other protein sources do?

16. Do we call the substances in plant-based foods that our bodies can’t digest?

17. What happened when O’Keefe switched the diets of Africans and African-Americans?

Not Too Much

18. Brian Wansink, an expert on eating behavior, discovered we’re often not aware why we eat as much as we do. What is his explanation for why we eat as much as we do?

19. The movie recommends several rules to follow. Finish this food rule: Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t, what?

20. The last rule suggested is that you should do what, once in a while?