Application of Theory to Research – Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory


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Application of Theory to Research – Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory
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Module 3: Assignment
This is a scholarly paper in which headings, full sentences, paragraphs, correct grammar and
punctuation, and correct citation of sources are required.
(For this assignment you will continue to use the same theory used in Module 2 Assignment.)
The Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory
Application of Theory to Research:
Find two published, original sources in which researchers used the theory as a framework, and/or the
concept of interest to support their research. These articles must have been published within the past 10
years. Discuss how those researchers utilized the theory (and/or the concept of interest) to support their
research. Include in the discussion of each study the purpose of the study, how the researchers used the
theory in their study, how the researchers used the concept of interest in their study, and how the
researchers theoretically and operationally defined the concept of interest.
Style & Format:
The paper will be written using APA standards. The paper will include a title page (using a specified
format), 2-3 pages of text, and a reference list. It will be double-spaced, written in 12-point Times New
Roman font, and have 1-inch margins. Scholarly and orderly presentation of ideas (precision, clarity,
format, headings, grammar, spelling, & punctuation) with appropriate citation of sources in text and
reference list is required. Up to 0.5 points will be deducted for each type of grammar, spelling,
punctuation, or format error.
Submission Instructions:
Only primary sources and empirical research articles are to be used for this assignment. Secondary
sources such as textbooks, literature reviews, systematic reviews, dissertations, and concept analyses are
NOT to be used. All articles in the application of theory to the research section of the paper must be
written within the past 10 years.
Submit the paper as a Word document.
You must also submit/upload copies of the 2 Research articles you used for the assignment.
As such, you will submit 3 documents for this assignment. Your paper, as a Word document, and
research articles #1 and #2. The research articles only can be uploaded in PDF format.
Failure to upload/submit copies of the 2 research articles (prior to the due date/time) will result in a 10point deduction.
Module 3 Assignment: Application of Theory to Research
QUALITATIVE) Brief discussion of the purpose of the study.
Research Study #1 Brief discussion of how the concept of interest was used in their study.
Research Study #1 QUANTITATIVE research study Brief discussion of how researchers operationally
defined the concept of interest. OR QUALITATIVE research study Identify the type of guide used for the
study (interview, observation, etc.) A brief discussion of the themes derived from the study. MIXED
METHOD STUDY: graded for either the quantitative or qualitative portion of the study.
QUALITATIVE) Brief discussion of the purpose of the study.
Research Study #2 Brief discussion of how the concept of interest was used in their study.
Research Study #2 QUANTITATIVE research study Brief discussion of how researchers operationally
defined the concept of interest. OR QUALITATIVE research study Identify the type of guide used for the
study (interview, observation, etc.) A brief discussion of the themes derived from the study. MIXED
METHOD STUDY: graded for either the quantitative or qualitative portion of the study.
APA Style & Format. Style includes Professional and orderly presentation of ideas (precision and clarity).
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Minimal use of direct quotes (1-2 max.) The format includes Proper
use of the title page (using a specified format), spacing, font, margins, and headings. Appropriate citation
of sources in text and reference list. A minimum of 2 references are required. Up to 0.5 points will be
deducted for each type of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or format error. Up to two points will be
deducted for poor headings /insufficient headings/formatting.

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