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Racism in the United States
Introduction/Racism Description
Racism is a widely discussed issue in the United States over historical times,
which continues to affect society even today with less effort from the federal
government, worsening the impacts. Racial inequality in different areas continues to be
witnessed in American society, where individuals from different races embrace different
treatments in fields such as housing, employment, etc. The racism has led to further
discrimination even in the core society life and prevented the affected individuals from
accessing basic needs. In the current era, it is hard to identify discrimination linked to
racism, unlike in the old days when it was widespread (Pager & Shepherd, 2008). Its
manifestation prevents people to form an informed approach of social scientific
measurement and conceptualization in solving the vice. The continued adverse effects
of racism lead to hatred among the races and increase chances for more racism and
discrimination (Williams, Lawrence & Davis, 2019). The lack of proper government
involvement in solving the pertinent issues has contributed to continued racism, which
should have been eliminated long ago. Therefore, racism is one of society’s social vices
emanating from historical times, leading to adverse effects: despite the efforts to end it,
it still affects society, necessitating further efforts and research to terminate it lest it
destroys all humanity.
Main Points
History of Racism in America
The American people have witnessed racial discrimination since the colonial era
when black people and other minority American groups could not have the same say
and rights as their white counterparts. Despite the fight for liberation, the whites and
their movements denied the minority groups equal rights even after the slavery period.
Police brutality, health disparities, and other issues linked to racism have existed since
then (Bundles, 2015). Laws formed were against equality, such as the 1957 Dred Scott
court decision, which denied Black people any right to stand before the court and to be
called American citizens. In different events, minority groups such as Indians and Black
Americans have faced tough times ranging from killings to evacuations. Thus, racism
began during the slavery era and took root in historical times, affecting more people in
varying ways.
Causes of racism
Different factors, including media, power, hierarchy, passivism, and identity,
cause racism. Regarding political power, the race with the more representative in the
political world seems to have more power. Such a race may further racial discrimination
against other minority groups. Similarly, the struggle for power hierarchy and other
positions may lead to hatred between people of different races. These factors evolve
around racial identity for such persons, contributing to increased racism (Williams et al.,
2019). Lastly, media and passivism are also prime causes of racism as they work to
further the spread of racism and discrimination agenda.
Impact of Racism in the Society
In the health arena, racial inequalities have prevented some American races,
such as black people, from getting the necessary attention. The issue, in turn,
contributes to further deterioration of their health conditions. Similarly, as
discrimination continues, one may become mentally disturbed and view themselves as
less human. Ethnic hatred also seriously affects racism (Williams et al., 2019).
Consequently, depression and related disorders are the likely results of one’s continued
exposure to racial discrimination.
Possible Solutions to Racism Issue
Racism can be terminated or minimized through policing, awareness creation
and speaking up, unity building, and assisting the victims. Governments and
organizations that work to limit racism are expected to form policies that combat the
vice. Individuals should speak up against racism and enhance awareness creation
through advocacy to terminate racism (Williams et al., 2019). Similarly, building unity
among the races through community activities would also work to limit racial
discrimination. All in all, combined efforts from the government and the races affected
will likely bear fruits and terminate racism for good.
Abraham, P., Williams, E., Bishay, A. E., Farah, I., Tamayo-Murillo, D., & Newton, I.
G. (2021). The Roots of Structural Racism in the United States and their
Manifestations During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Academic radiology, 28(7),
893–902. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acra.2021.03.025
Bundles, A. (2015). Know your history: Understanding racism in the US
Pager, D., & Shepherd, H. (2008). The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial
Discrimination in Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets.
Annual review of sociology, 34, 181–209.
Williams, D. R., Lawrence, J. A., & Davis, B. A. (2019). Racism and Health: Evidence
and Needed Research. Annual review of public health, 40, 105–125.

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