Social Work Question


1. Watch the following video and discuss how the aging population and increased life expectancy are impacting the sustainability of Social Security.

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Social Work Question
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How an aging population poses challenges for U.S. economy, workforce and social programs

2. Read the following scenario and discuss the related questions.

2-1) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of Maria Aging in Place in her current home.

2-2) Identify the potential benefits for Maria if she were to transition to a Senior Living Community, with regards to safety, accessibility, and social engagement.

2-3) Evaluate how Maria’s personal preferences, values, and lifestyle choices might weigh in on the decision between Aging in Place and moving to a Senior Living Community.

2-4) Discuss the pivotal role that Maria’s adult children should play in assisting her with this decision. What steps can they take to ensure that Maria’s wishes and needs are given primary consideration?

Maria is a 75-year-old woman who lives alone in her suburban home. She has been independent and active throughout her life, but recently, she has started experiencing some mobility issues. Her adult children, who live in different states, are concerned about her well-being and want to ensure she receives the best care and support.

Maria’s eldest daughter, Sarah, believes that Maria should continue to live in her own home with some modifications to improve accessibility. She thinks that Maria is attached to her community and would feel more comfortable in familiar surroundings. Sarah is considering arranging for in-home care services to assist with daily activities.

On the other hand, Maria’s son, David, thinks it might be better for Maria to move to a senior living community. He believes that the community’s amenities and services, including 24/7 medical assistance, social activities, and on-site amenities, would provide a safer and more supportive environment for Maria. David is concerned about the potential isolation Maria might face if she continues living alone.

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