Resiliency developement


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Resiliency developement
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Darcy has been a gymnast since she was 5 years old. She is now 12 years old and is competing at the highest level possible. Throughout her career, she has struggled with long hours of training, missing routines due to injuries, parents separating, a family member who is an alcoholic, and body image issues. She has several friends who support her as she struggles including her mom, her two best friends on the team, her grandmother, and her coach. She is a perfectionist and feels that everything she does needs to be done well. Both her mom and her grandmother suffer from anxiety about social gatherings, and she struggles with this as well. The family culture and norms are to “suck it up” when things get tough. “Complaining is for losers”. She is reluctant to see the team sports medicine staff when she gets injured. A new counselor has joined the coaching staff and she was wondering if the counselor may help her learn new skills.

Please review this case study in resiliency and determine the following:

What factors contributed to the individual’s resiliency?
What factors eroded her resilience?
What theory is best applied to her case?
How can resiliency training be applied to her life given her current struggles?

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500-750 words,
conform to APA format,
12-point, times new roman font
Include references and citations.

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Estimated Time to Complete: 2 hours