Sociology Question


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Alexis Benkly
HUS4321, Case Management
Advanced Service Plan
9 November 2020
Georgie’s Place
Our Mission
Guided by our founder’s belief of education being the great equalizer, we seek to help low-income parents
and families achieve a better and brighter future for themselves and their children by offering vocational
counseling and case management services and by utilizing community resources to help them pursue postsecondary education and training. It is our belief that higher education should be available to all who want
it, regardless of background and income, and our goal is to help our clients break the cycle of poverty
through education and increased career opportunity.
Population Served
We serve low-income parents who wish to return to school for a vocational, certification, or traditional
degree in order to secure well-paying employment and increase their economic opportunities now and in
the future.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to qualify for services, applicants must:
– Be 18 years of age or older;
– Have children/dependents as legally defined for tax purposes (including siblings over whom the applicant
has legal guardianship);
– Have an established financial need, demonstrated by: an income no more than 1.5x the federally
established poverty guidelines, shown through an applicant’s most recent federal tax return or 3 months
of their most recent pay stubs; OR participation in and utilization of social services programs (including but
not limited to: WIC, TANF, Food Stamps programs, Medicaid) shall constitute a demonstrated financial
need for our purposes.
Client Information
Name: Heidi Boyd
Age: 29
Address: 1427 Hope Springs Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33412
Phone Number: (561) 888-5959
Referral Source: Adult Education Center; Applicant received her GED through the AEC and they referred
her to us when she expressed interest in continuing her education.
Informed Consent and Confidentiality Procedure:
Applicant was given information on the application process, the requirements in order be accepted as a
client, her responsibilities if accepted as a client (attending scheduled sessions, classes, providing proof of
good academic standing after each semester, etc.), the agency’s responsibilities to her (case management,
financial assistance with classes, ensuring of adequate and appropriate services), applicant’s right to
decline to participate in services and the possible consequences of declining to participate, applicant’s
right to confidentiality, exceptions to confidentiality and instances of mandated reporting, as well as being
informed of when applicant may manually waive confidentiality, such as when the agency must
communicate with other service providers to coordinate services for the applicant. We also reviewed
HIPAA regulations and its implications for how our agency handles her records electronically.
Applicant was given verbal explanation and indicated that she understood, as well as signed various
informed consent documents. Applicant was also given a copy of all documents for her own records and so
she could refer to them at any time.
Accompanying signed informed consent documentation included in applicant’s file:
– Informed Consent for Outpatient Counseling Services
– Notice of Agency Privacy Policies
– Notice of HIPAA Regulations, Requirements, and Privacy Practices
– Informed Consent for Email and Electronic Communication Policy
– Limits and Exceptions to Confidentiality
Strengths Assessment
Personal Strengths:
Applicant is hardworking and determined to “make a better life for her daughter.” She is also resourceful,
says even in times of economic hardship she always made sure she and her daughter had food and a place
to sleep. Applicant describes herself as patient, kind, warm, and friendly. She loves children and has a
passion for helping them. She says her current job (cafeteria worker for the school district) has helped her
realize she wants to work with children as a school counselor. Applicant is taking active steps toward
reaching this goal and demonstrates her resolve in achieving it.
Environmental Strengths:
Applicant has a large support network of family and friends on whom she can rely. Her husband works fulltime and is happy to support her educational goals. Her parents often provide childcare for her daughter
and play a significant role in both of their lives. She has a life-long best friend whom she reports would
“drop anything” to be there for her. Applicant is involved in a large online gaming community which gives
her a sense of belonging. She also reports being heavily involved in her church and says that her
relationship to God is one of the main things that gives her meaning in her life.
Intake Summary
Worker’s Name: Alexis Benkly
Date of Contact: 10/18/2020
Date of Summary: 10/19/2020
Sources of Information: Applicant; Supporting documentation (GED, pay stubs).
Presenting Problem: Applicant wishes to return to school to pursue a degree in early childhood education
but has limited financial means and little knowledge of how to access related services.
Background and Social History Related to Problem: Applicant got pregnant at 16 and had her daughter at
17. As a result, she dropped out of high school in her junior year. From ages 18-26, applicant worked a
series of part-time minimum wage jobs including Subway and Toys’R’Us. At 27, applicant was informed by
her father-in-law that he could help her get a job as a cafeteria worker for the Palm Beach County School
District but told her that she needed to graduate high school in order to be eligible for employment.
Applicant promptly enrolled in the GED course at the local Adult Education Center, where she completed
her GED. Applicant is the first in her immediate family to have graduated high school. After receiving her
GED, she applied for and got hired to be a part-time cafeteria worker at a district school, where she has
worked for the past 2 years. She states that she has always loved children and that working at the school
helped her realize that she wanted to make a career of helping them. However, due to the pandemic,
applicant has lost her job with the school and is currently unemployed. She decided that this might be the
right time to pursue going back to school. Once she decided this, she contacted a counselor at the Adult
Education Center whom she had sought advice and guidance from when she was enrolled, and that
counselor gave her the information for our agency.
Diagnostic Summary Statement
Applicant needs assistance in finding an appropriate college program and in securing funding (both public
and private) in order to off-set the cost of returning to school.
Treatment Recommendations
Applicant would benefit from the following services which we offer:
– College Aptitude and Readiness Testing;
– Career Advising and Case Management Services, including identification of and placement in an
appropriate program;
– Financial Aid & Loan Option Advising;
– Agency Scholarship Programs;
– Referral to outside resources as need, including affordable childcare, transportation, and tutoring
– Resume Writing and Interviewing Skills workshops
Goal 1: Client will enroll in college for the Spring Semester 2021.
Objective 1: Client will schedule an appointment with the in-house testing center by October 30 to
undergo career aptitude and interest evaluations. Counselor will follow up with Heidi with the results of
the assessment within one week of the evaluation.
Objective 2: Client will make an appointment with our career advisor in order to find an appropriate
program by November 9 or upon receiving the results of her aptitude evaluation. Counselor will follow up
with client within 2 days of the appointment to discuss program placement and client concerns.
Objective 3: Client will make an appointment with an admissions and registration advisor at Palm Beach
State College by November 23. Client will bring a pen and paper and take notes about the application
process, what paperwork she will need, tuition, scholarship opportunities, and the registration process.
Client will notify counselor about the date of the appointment, and the counselor will follow up with client
within 2 days following the appointment.
Goal 2: Client will utilize both public and private resources in order to help off-set the cost of
Objective 1: Client will fill out an application for the agency scholarship program. Counselor will bring an
application to our meeting on November 16 to review the form and how to fill it out, and client will bring
the completed form with her to the office for her next appointment on November 23.
Objective 2: Client will complete her FAFSA form by November 23, 2020.
Objective 3: Client will apply for SNAP benefits either online or through the food bank by December 1,
Goal 3: Client will maintain satisfactory academic standing in all of her classes.
Objective 1: Client will purchase all required textbooks, notebooks, and other materials before January 11,
2021 (the first day of classes).
Objective 2: Client will dedicate 2 hours/day to reading, studying, and completing homework assignments.
Client will write down any questions so that she can bring them to class and discuss any challenges or
problems with the material with her professors.
Objective 3: Counselor will provide the client with the contact information, hours, and location of the
tutoring service at Palm Beach State College before January 11, 2021. Client will review the information
and utilize tutoring services as needed and/or in preparation of tests.
Community Resources
Feeding South Florida
Services: Food Banks/Food Distribution Warehouses, Food Stamps/SNAP Applications, Medicaid
Applications, TANF Applications for drive-thru pick-up sites and the dates and hours
of operation.
Phone: (561) 659-5070, for assistance with SNAP and Medicaid applications and general questions.
Department of Children and Families
Services: Food stamps/SNAP program, TANF program, Medicaid applications for applications and eligibility requirements for benefits.
Palm Beach State College
Services: Admissions and registration assistance, career counseling, tutoring services, resume writing,
financial aid assistance, counseling services, testing and certification center. for general information for admissions information and application
Online chat available Mon-Thurs 9 AM – 5 PM, Fri 9 AM – 4 PM
Call (561) 967-7222 or (561) 868-3350 to make an appointment with an admission advisor
Faulk Center for Counseling
Services: Free and affordable counseling services, including individual and group counseling starting from
$25/month, as well as numerous support groups which are only $5 per group and include mental health
related support groups, women’s issues, men’s issues, divorce and separation support groups,
widow/widower support groups, LGBT support groups. for more information
Call (561) 483-5300 for questions and to schedule an intake interview for specific counseling services.
Credit Card Management Services
Services: Credit card debt and consolidation services, housing counseling, budget analysis and budgeting
help, consumer credit counseling, personal finance education, and student loan guidance. for more information
Call (561) 472-8000 for questions and to schedule an appointment
Progress Notes
Date: 26 October 2020
Counselor: ABD
Client states she is willing to do “whatever it takes” to make sure her family has a stable future. She
states that working in the cafeteria and around the children and teachers helped her realize that
she wanted to help people for a living. She has expressed that she may want to pursue early
childhood education or guidance counseling, but also states that she has always thought about a
career in cosmetology or dental assisting as well.
Client was attentive and very responsive to all questions. She arrived on time and with all of the
paperwork that the intake coordinator had asked her to bring. Client got slightly emotional when
speaking about being unemployed and expressed that having to depend solely on her husband’s
income has been stressful for the whole family. Client also expressed that her parents often help
with childcare responsibilities for her 11-year-old daughter. Client expressed that having enough
free time to focus on school worries her.
Client appears highly motivated and ready to begin the process. She has a history of overcoming
challenges, like when she returned to school to get her GED so she could work for the school
district. Her family seems to be very important to her and is a main motivating factor in why she
wants to go back to college. She wants to be able to help people but is unsure about what she
would be good at. Client also seems to be struggling emotionally with her unemployment. I
wonder if she may be experiencing a mild depressive episode.
Client will schedule an appointment with the in-house testing center by October 30 to have a
career aptitude and interest evaluation conducted. Client will schedule an appointment with a
career advisor by November 9 in order to choose a school and program that is most appropriate
based on her strengths and interests. Counselor will follow-up by phone following each
appointment. Next meeting is scheduled for November 9.
Date: 9 November 2020
Counselor: ABD
Client said she is “nervous” following the career aptitude test. Client said she “felt so stupid”
answering some of the questions. Client expressed increasing levels of anxiety associated with
going back to school and says she “doesn’t know if she can do it anymore.” She said she has been
“more stressed” than ever before due to having to help her daughter with online school. She
stated “maybe this isn’t the right time to focus on school.”
Client appeared visibly distressed. We discussed the results of her aptitude evaluation. She scored
in the ‘average’ range for science and mathematics but ‘below average’ for reading comprehension
and verbal skills. She scored in the ‘above average’ range for interpersonal communication and
emotional intelligence. Client expressed uncertainty about being able to be successful in school
because of her ‘below average’ scores. We discussed her specific concerns, including not having
enough time to dedicate to school along with not being able to work while going to school fulltime. She states that between the financial strain and time requirement, going back to school
might make life harder for her family, not easier.
Client is clearly overwhelmed by the many changes that have taken place in her life in the course of
the last couple months. She is acting as full-time teacher to her 11-year-old daughter as well as
being primary caretaker to her grandmother who lives with her. Her career aptitude evaluation
was not a “bad” result by any means, but being ‘below average’ seemed to reinforce to her that
she isn’t “cut out” for college. Client may need some type of mental health support in order to be
successful managing her competing obligations. She may also benefit from her extended family
taking on more childcare responsibilities if they are able to.
Client has an appointment with the career advisor on November 12 to find a school and program
that best fits her goals and interests. Counselor will follow up with client on November 13 to
discuss the appointment and her impressions of the program of choice. Counselor gave client the
information for the Faulk Center for Counseling. Client will call and schedule an intake assessment
so she can begin receiving mental health support services. Next appointment is November 16 at
which time we will discuss in-house scholarship opportunities and FAFSA application process.
Date: 16 November 2020
Date: 23 November 2020
Counselor: ABD
Client expressed feeling much more hopeful after her meeting with the career advisor and after
speaking to her husband and family. She says she is “kind of bummed” that she didn’t decide on
the early childhood education track, but says based on her previous school experiences and her
strengths in math and science that dental assisting was probably the “best choice” for her and her
family. Client says that the thing that’s really worrying her now is the money, or, more specifically,
the “lack of it.” She expresses that she still “feels guilty” about enrolling in school instead of trying
to find another job, but says her husband “has her back all the way.”
We reviewed client’s meeting with the career advisor and how after discussing program lengths,
requirements, and her personal strengths, client decided that the dental assisting program would
be the best choice for her. Client expressed optimism and increased confidence in her ability to
succeed as a college student. We discussed the process of filling out the FAFSA and applying for
agency scholarship opportunities. Counselor followed up regarding the referral to the Faulk
Center. Client stated she plans on going to a support group there next week to address her stress.
Client has lingering apprehension regarding the financial aspect of returning to school.
Client certainly seems to be feeling better about her future following the career advising
appointment and talking to her husband. Her family relationships are certainly one of her greatest
resources in coping with changes and challenges. I am hopeful that she will benefit from the
support group sessions and learn how to better manage her levels of stress and anxiety. A good
next step is to address the financial implications of attending school. Client may benefit from food
banks and public assistance programs as well as a financial education program.
Client will complete her FAFSA and will bring in the completed forms required to apply for our
agency scholarship awards by our next appointment on November 23. Counselor will provide
client with information regarding how to access and apply for public assistance programs such as
SNAP and TANF as well as local food banks to help client reduce out-of-pocket expenses.
Counselor will provide client with a referral for a credit management and financial literacy
program that will help her develop a budget and evaluate student loan options if necessary. Client
will schedule an appointment with an admissions and registration advisor at Palm Beach State
College by November 23 and notify counselor of the day and time of the appointment.
Counselor: ABD
Date: 7 December 2020
Client reported her support group experience at the Faulk Center as a “breath of fresh air.”
Reported she felt much better having people to talk to about her isolation and anxiety during the
pandemic and stress associated with daughter’s schooling. Reports she wants to continue to attend
the adult issues support group with some regularity. Client continues to raise concerns over
finances. Expressed interest in the information provided to her regarding SNAP/TANF benefits and
Feeding South Florida food bank services.
Information regarding where to apply for SNAP/TANF benefits as well as a locations map and
resource information regarding Feeding South Florida food distribution locations were given to
client. Client successfully completed her FAFSA and in-house scholarship applications on time. Client
reports her appointment with the PBSC admissions advisor is scheduled for November 30 at which
time she will enroll in classes. Client appeared very hopeful about enrollment as well as continued
support group attendance.
Attending her first support group at the Faulk Center seems to have reduced client’s sense of
isolation that has plagued her since the beginning of quarantine. Client expressed less guilt
associated with her returning to school and seems overall very optimistic about her meeting with
the admissions advisor. Client used to be very apprehensive about attending appointments but now
seems more comfortable in doing so, possibly indicating increased self-confidence and self-efficacy.
With the addition of SNAP benefits, hopefully client will feel more reassured and confident about
her ability to balance the multiple financial demands.
Client’s appointment with PBSC admission/registration advisor is November 30. Counselor will
follow-up with client by phone within 2 days of appointment. Client will apply for SNAP benefits by
November 30. Client will contact Feeding South Florida by November 30 to verify pick-up locations
and times. Counselor will follow-up with client at next meeting to assess success in both applying for
benefits as well as utilizing the food bank service. Our next meeting is scheduled for December 7.
Counselor: ABD
Client said it was a “major blow” to not receive a federal grant for school, but that she’s dealt with
hardships before and she’ll “deal with this one too.” Client did express gratitude for qualifying for
and receiving a $1,000 award from the agency to be used towards Spring 2021 semester and
needed supplies. Client also reports her appointment with the PBSC registration advisor went well
and she successfully enrolled in 3 classes that begin January 11, 2021. Client says she feels “nervous”
but has been getting excited to buy school supplies and meet her professors and classmates. Client
also reported success in applying for SNAP and is waiting to hear back regarding eligibility.
Client was approved for a federal Pell Grant beginning Fall 2021, but was approved for an in-house
scholarship award that can be used for the upcoming Spring semester. Client reports between
books, tuition, and supplies, she will have to pay about $400 out of pocket. We discussed the
possibility of loans, however because of previous debt client expressed discomfort in taking out
additional loans for school. Counselor provided client with information for Credit Card Management
Services which helps clients develop budgets, reduce credit card debt, and learn financial
management skills. We also discussed the possibility of client’s parents helping more with childcare,
after school pick-up, etc., in order to allow client more time to dedicate to school once the semester
starts. Client agreed to talk to her parents regarding their availability to do so.
Compared to 2 months ago, client is showing greater resilience and ability to cope with setbacks and
challenges. Financial planning and management may help client set a budget and be able to afford
college without loans, which would help significantly with her financial worries. Overall, client seems
to be making great progress both towards her goals and in terms of global well-being.
Client will contact Credit Card Management Services and schedule an appointment by December 13
and will inform counselor of the date and time of the appointment. Counselor will follow up within 2
days of appointment. Client will have a discussion with her parents regarding their ability to watch
her daughter 2 days a week during the spring semester. Next appointment is scheduled for January
12, 2021.
Date: 12 January 2021
Counselor: ABD
Client reported her first day of classes was “interesting.” Reports she felt self-conscious initially
because she was older than most of the other students but that she “got over it quickly.” Client
spoke about her “new budget” and feeling empowered after meeting with the credit management
service. She states she didn’t have to take out loans, to which she was very relieved. Client was also
approved for SNAP benefits. She has not used the food bank, but says she’s happy she has the
information in case it “ever comes to that.”
Client appeared hesitant when discussing her first day of class. She described reading the syllabi and
lesson schedule and being nervous about the amount of work. Client met with Credit Card
Management Services and developed a budget to pay back the money she ‘borrowed’ from family
savings. She and husband are saving $30/week in order to off-set the cost of tuition and supplies.
Client reported relief at being approved for SNAP, she says it’s the main reason she’s able to save
money every week. Client reports her family wasn’t able to watch her daughter 2 days a week
because of scheduling conflicts. She is worried about having enough time to focus on school.
Client seems to have mixed feelings regarding her first day of school. She has been able to work out
her financial plan which has reduced some stress, but upon seeing the coursework requirements
and her parents not being able to help with childcare, client seems nervous about her ability to
make time for her homework and reading. Client may benefit from tutoring and childcare referrals
to meet those needs and to boost confidence that she will be able to handle the coursework
Client will begin to implement Goal 3, Obj. 2 (dedicating 2 hr/day to studying). Counselor will
provide client with referrals to Boys & Girls Club and the information for PBSC’s on-campus tutoring
center by phone on or before January 15. Next meeting is scheduled for February 2.
Discharge Summary
Reason for Discharge: Client successfully completed her dental assisting certificate program with a 3.2
Date of Discharge: 15 December 2021
Counselor: ABD
Status of Stated Goals & Objectives
Goal 1: Client will enroll in classes for Spring 2021 Semester.
Status: Completed
Notes: Client attended all meetings and appointments with testing center and PBSC advising. Client
successfully enrolled in the dental assisting certificate program for Spring 2021.
Goal 2: Client will utilize both public and private resources to help off-set the cost of attending school.
Status: Completed
Notes: Client applied for FAFSA and in-house scholarships. Received an initial scholarship from agency for
Spring semester and was approved for a Pell Grant for the Fall 2021 semester. Client applied for and is
receiving SNAP benefits. Client met with a financial planner and developed a budget that she is still
currently using in order to save money every week.
Goal 3: Client will maintain satisfactory academic standing in all of her classes.
Status: Completed
Notes: Client completed all 3 semesters (spring, summer, fall) with a GPA of at least 3.0. Client utilized the
PBSC tutoring lab periodically. Client began a study group with some classmates to prepare for exams.
Client utilized Boys & Girls Club services for daughter’s after school care so client could dedicate time to
studying each day. Client received her certificate in dental assisting on 8 December 2021.
Recommendations for Future:
Client may utilize agency resume-writing and interviewing skills workshops held once monthly in
order to begin preparing to interview for jobs.
Client should continue to attend support groups at Faulk Counseling Center once per month to
maintain her mental health.
Client should begin researching job listings in her area in the dental assisting field.
Client may want to create a professional profile on LinkedIn so that employers can access her
information and qualifications.
Client may want to research job fairs at Palm Beach State College in order to make contact with
potential employers.
Plans for the Future:
Client reports she wants to begin writing her resume and interviewing for jobs as soon as possible. Client is
optimistic that she will be able to find employment with the next 3 months. Client has set her own goal of
applying for 5 jobs every week until she finds employment. Client agrees she will continue to utilize
support group services as she has seen significant benefit in her mental health. Client has counselor’s
contact information and has agreed that she will contact counselor in case any challenges arise in the
Plans for Follow-up:
Counselor will follow-up with client once per month until client finds employment in the dental assisting
field, after which time client will reach out to counselor if further assistance is required.
HUS4321 Advanced Service Plan Assignment
For this assignment, you will create a Human Services organization (just for fun) and take a
made-up client through the process of case management in your organization from intake to
discharge. The Service Plan for your “client” is broken into three parts that build on each other.
Each part will be submitted one at a time. Part 1 is due first, then you will add part 2, then you
add part 3, then create a Service Plan presentation at the end of the semester that presents the
whole plan.
Part 1 (100 points): Create an organized document with the following information:
Agency Name (Have fun with this and be creative.)
Mission Statement of your Agency
Population Served
Eligibility Requirements
Demographic information for your made-up client (name, age, address, phone number)
Referral source and reason for referral
Document how you conducted informed consent procedures including confidentiality
Strengths Assessment
Intake Summary
o Workers name, date of contact, date of summary
o Sources of information during the intake interview
o Presenting problem
o Summary of background and social history related to the problem
o Diagnostic summary statement (pinpoint the issue that needs to be addressed)
o Treatment recommendations (what services can your agency offer to help this
___/90 Thorough, Correctly Implemented, Clear and Organized
___/10 Spelling, Grammar and Visual Appeal of the Document
___/100 Grade for Part 1
Part 2 (100 points): Using the same document from part 1, add the following:
At least 3 goals, each with at least 3 objectives (must be specific, measurable and timephased)
o See page 251 for an example
Name at least 5 community resources applicable to the client.
Create 3 staff notes documenting interactions you’ve had with your client.
o Br creative and have fun with this. What would interactions with a client at your
agency be like?
o See pages 199-200 for information on staff notes
o Each staff note needs at least 250 words (who, what, where, when, why, how,
client observations)
___/90 Thorough, Correctly Implemented, Clear and Organized
___/10 Spelling, Grammar and Visual Appeal of the Document
___/100 Grade for Part 2
Part 3 (100 points): Building on the same document with parts 1 and 2, add the following:
Create 3 more staff notes specifically addressing how you are coordinating services for
the client
o Each staff note needs at least 250 words (who, what, where, when, why, how,
client observations)
Discharge your client from services and create a summary including the following
o Reason for discharge (successful, referral, not engaged, etc.) and information
supporting the recommendation
o Progress on goals and objectives
o Plan for the future and follow-ups
o Date
___/90 Thorough, Correctly Implemented, Clear and Organized
___/10 Spelling, Grammar and Visual Appeal of the Document
___/100 Grade for Part 3
Service Plan Presentation
Create a slide presentation informing your professor and classmates about your Advanced
Service Plan Assignment. In addition, please reflect on professional, legal and ethical
responsibilities as well as barriers, struggles and changes to make for the future.
___/20 Clearly, thoroughly and succinctly presented information from Part 1
___/20 Clearly, thoroughly and succinctly presented information from Part 2
___/20 Clearly, thoroughly and succinctly presented information from Part 3
___/20 Clearly, thoroughly and succinctly presented reflected on professional, legal and ethical
responsibilities as well as barriers and struggles
___/20 Discussed what you learned from the assignment and changes to make for the future
___/100 Grade for Service Plan Presentation

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